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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter
Taddy, Edward 36 3:45
Tadman, Charles 38 5:51
Taft, President Howard 35 6:51
Tailoring 18 2 P
Tait, Archbishop Archibald 22 32-9
Tait, Archbishop Archibald 42 3:25
Tait, Archibald Campbell 43 2:5
Talbot, Catharine 10 521, 523
Tale of One City, A (book) 39 2:8-9 P R
Tally Ho horse bus 30 5:14-21 P
Tamworth 15 18-19
Tanga, steam tug 20 234 P
Tank Corps 17 105
Tankerton 21 644 P
Tankerton, castle 13 233-4 P, 237
Tankerton, castle 21 504 R
Tankerton, castle 22 497
Tankerton, Hasland School of Dancing 28 227-231 P
Tankerton, riding school 16 159
Tankerton, sand services 24 264 P, 270
Tankerton, Troc cinema 18 49
Tankerton, Troc cinema 27 134 P
Tanks 41 1:4-13 P
Tanks, presentation 09 620-7 P
Tanne, Rita 26 246-7 P
Tanner, Richard 31 4:38
Tanning 40 4:16-20 P
Tapp, Alfred 14 226
Tappenden, Graham 18 198 P
Tappington Hall 09 547-53 P
Tapply, Richard (brewer) 03 677
Tapsell family 25 17-20 P
Tapsell, Edward 26 265
Tarleton, Dr John Edward 39 1:29
Tarmac 37 4:17-18
Tartar Frigate, Broadstairs (pub) 45 4:13
Tasker tractors 16 608, 610-12 P
Tassell, Roy 17 467
Tatchell, George 38 3:17
Tate Gallery 37 6:27-29 P
Tatsfield 30 6:40-44 P
Taubman, Alfred 39 5:8
Taussig, Michael 41 6:14
Tavel, Lawrence 26 691-94
Tavenor, Captain Samuel 03 245-9
Taverns 15 665
Taylor and Neate (engineering works) 25 77-81 P
Taylor, Alma 40 4:46-47 P
Taylor, Captain Henry 19 217
Taylor, Charles 06 374 L
Taylor, Charles 34 4:9
Taylor, Dr Brook 26 653-54
Taylor, G. S. 38 1:30
Taylor, George Ledway 37 4:9 P
Taylor, James 16 455-9
Taylor, John (poet) 10 237-43 P
Taylor, Osborn (councillor) 19 355-6 P
Taylor, Pauline 38 2:39
Taylor, Sir Herbert 26 654
Taylor, Walter and Rosa (evangelists) 05 303 P, 304-5
Tea caddy 26 171-4 P
Tea gardens 19 507-11 P
Teaching 13 250-8 P
Tebbe family 26 564
Tedham, Philip 24 212 P, 213
Teeswood 19 556 P
Telecommunications 37 2:52-55
Telegraph cabling 38 1:41-43
Telegraphs 11 590
Telford, Thomas 17 60
Telford, Thomas 19 235-6, 337
Telford, Thomas 25 515-7
Telford, Thomas 36 6:6
Temeraire, HMS 36 4:24-25
Temeraire, HMS 38 1:32-37 P
Temeraire, HMS 39 4:37
Temperance movement 14 89
Temperance movement 16 292 P, 516, 519 P, 659
Temperance movement 17 50, 53
Temperance movement 2 217
Templars 16 172-7 P, 375 L
Templars 24 684
Temple Ewell, Dover 18 35, 41
Temple Ewell, Dover 24 605-11 P, 680-7 P
Temple Ewell, Dover 34 1:5
Temple Ewell, Knights Hospitaller 2 486
Temple Ewell, Mill House 07 29
Temple Manor, Strood 45 6:4-7
Temple, Archbishop William 25 35 P
Temple, Beatrice (ATS) 44 6:21-23 P
Templer, Captain James 35 6:48-49 P
Templer, Colonel J. L. B., RE 01 376-80
Ten Brave Men and True (book on VC winners) 34 1:10 R
Tennant, Jack (MP) 37 5:32
Tennant, Neil 40 6:37
Tennyson, Alfred 34 2:27 P
Tennyson, Lord (poet) 43 4:6
Tenterden 06 442-7 P
Tenterden 10 723-5 P
Tenterden 12 567 R
Tenterden 17 246 R
Tenterden 21 312 R
Tenterden 22 653 P
Tenterden and East Sussex Light Railway 06 442, 445, 447
Tenterden theatre 36 1:35-41 P
Tenterden, ‘Turkey man’ murder 13 758-60 P
Tenterden, 1952 23 494-8 P
Tenterden, Baptist chapel 24 543-4 P
Tenterden, Black Horse pub 03 678 P
Tenterden, brewery 03 677, 679
Tenterden, brewery 07 534
Tenterden, church 01 215-8
Tenterden, church 03 736
Tenterden, church 06 444 P, 445
Tenterden, church 18 228
Tenterden, church 32 2:46-47 P
Tenterden, church, steeple legend 20 745-8 P
Tenterden, cricket club 07 704-6 P
Tenterden, defence volunteers 07 207-8
Tenterden, Embassy cinema 30 6:36
Tenterden, follies 22 472 P, 476
Tenterden, football club 23 494 P, 498
Tenterden, High Street (1914) 35 3:12 P
Tenterden, Horatia Ward 37 4:28-35 P
Tenterden, Jonas and Penley Company 34 2:34-39 P
Tenterden, Leigh Green airfield 07 417-8
Tenterden, Lewis & Hyland 43 1:8-11 P
Tenterden, library 23 229
Tenterden, Maidstone and District bus company depot 07 169 P
Tenterden, Morghew Park 07 705-6 P
Tenterden, museum 35 3:12
Tenterden, New Theatre 31 2:10
Tenterden, parochial charities 17 529, 531, 589, 593
Tenterden, peace celebrations (1814) 17 78
Tenterden, phantom hound 31 6:44
Tenterden, railway 03 554-7 P
Tenterden, Smallhythe Place 27 193 P
Tenterden, St Mildred’s church 21 45
Tenterden, Stapole 21 41-43
Tenterden, station 06 442, 445, 447
Tenterden, sundial 01 665, 666 P
Tenterden, Tentainers concert party 07 9-10
Tenterden, Theatre Cottage 34 2:38 P
Tenterden, town band 19 142 P
Tenterden, William Cobbett 32 2:46
Termagant, leader of Dover Patrol flotilla 20 124 P
Ternan, Ellen 36 6:38-43 P
Ternan, Ellen 41 3:6-13 P
Ternan, Ellen 43 2:4-13 P
Ternan, Ellen 45 1:14-15
Territorial Army 06 220-8 P
Territorial Army, Swale bridge, 1910 26 No 4 FCP, 190-191 P
Terror Raids of 1942, The (book) 42 3:32-35 P
Terror, HMS 35 6:4-5 P
Terry, Dame Ellen 14 571
Terry, Dame Ellen 18 621-624
Terry, Dame Ellen 32 3:8
Terry, Dame Ellen 35 2:51 P
Terry, Dame Ellen 35 4:4 P
Terry, Dame Ellen 45 5:22
Terry, George (miner) 44 3:19
Tester, Dr Arthur 36 2:42-43
Tester, Dr Arthur Albert 10 157-60
Tester, Dr Arthur Albert 28 209-213 P
Tester, John 16 254-5
Teston bridge 41 3:33-37 P
Teston Halt 21 579
Teston, Barham Court 38 5:33-34
Teston, cricket ball manufacture 06 453-6 P
Texaco Caribbean 17 2-4 P
Texaco Caribbean 24 156-8 P
Textus Roffensis, Rochester 28 247
Textus Roffensis, Rochester 32 6:6 P
Teynham Football Club 40 2:24-29 P
Teynham, Barrow Green 25 599-607
Teynham, Brooke’s charity 17 527
Teynham, cherries 08 232-4 P, 343-8 P
Teynham, church 25 606 P
Teynham, Honeyball family 42 2:26-30 P
Teynham, library 23 235
Teynham, Lord (18th baron) 39 6:37
Teynham, Osier Farm 08 230 P
Teynham, school 25 605 P
Teynham, school log 24 297-303 P, 325-30 P, 504 L
Teynham, station 25 601 P
Thackeray, William Makepeace 36 4:24
Thackeray, William Makepeace 41 5:13
Thames 01 3-6
Thames 11 223, 281, 298, 347, 685, 715
Thames 13 12-15 P, 83, 127-9 P, 301
Thames 23 368-70 P, No 8 IBC L
Thames 34 1:15 P
Thames and Medway Canal 03 618-9 P
Thames and Medway Canal 07 564-8 P
Thames and Medway Canal 09 711
Thames and Medway Canal 17 363-8 P
Thames and Medway Canal 22 654-65 P
Thames and Medway Canal 23 140-3 P
Thames and Medway Canal 36 5:43-45 P
Thames Church Mission 17 739
Thames estuary forts 26 437-38 R
Thames foot tunnels 37 5:18-25 P
Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company 37 5:34-39 P
Thames pleasure steamers 22 694 R
Thames sailing barges 40 5:13-15 P
Thames sailing barges 41 6:47-51 P
Thames Steam Ferry Company 23 175
Thames wagon 18 592
Thames, barrier 20 102
Thames, below Teddington 18 568 R
Thames, estuary defences 11 59, 63-5, 114, 235
Thames, estuary defences 18 631 R
Thames, estuary pilots 15 351-9 P
Thames, ironworks 18 171-172, 592
Thames, lightermen 14 180 R
Thames, piracy (1816) 16 239-42
Thames, river ballast 18 244-246
Thames, river police 14 5, 17 146-7 P
Thames, river water authority 18 532
Thames, shipping 01 67-8 L, 13
Thames, shipping 03 5, 531-2, 594
Thames, sludge vessel 18 533 P
Thames, South Bank 18 117 R
Thames, steamboat 19 519-20
Thames, steamboat 35 2:22
Thames, Tower Bridge to Thamesmead 18 56 R
Thames, tunnel 10 244-6
Thames, whitebait fishing 03 243-4
Thamesmead 17 339 P
Thamesmead 21 409-10 P
Thamesmead 43 4:22-25
Thamesmead, policing 22 178
Thamesport container terminal 31 2:35
Thames-Side Kent through Time (book) 34 1:15 R
Thanet – The Unknown Island (book) 34 2:14 R
Thanet 02 190 R
Thanet 27 224-225 R
Thanet Amateur Cine Association 35 3:6-7
Thanet corn trade 35 5:38-39
Thanet District Council 40 6:48
Thanet Earth 29 1:3
Thanet Gas, Light and Coal Company 10 55
Thanet gates 10 491-5 P
Thanet Queen 15 63-4
Thanet Queen 16 469-71
Thanet Times 43 3:12
Thanet, archaeology 01 153-6 P
Thanet, Baptists 03 473-6 P
Thanet, churches 24 55-6 L, P
Thanet, coast 16 696 R
Thanet, coastline, 5th century 20 546 P
Thanet, entertainment in 11 670-6 P
Thanet, evacuation of civilians 23 408
Thanet, farming community 05 683-9
Thanet, farming community 18 694 R
Thanet, farming community 23 440 R, 681-7 P, 699-704 P
Thanet, gliding club 02 261
Thanet, hoys 03 672-9 P
Thanet, maritime history 03 383-4 R
Thanet, maritime history 19 179 R
Thanet, medieval times 18 693 R
Thanet, newspapers 23 264-73 P
Thanet, patron saint 11 67
Thanet, poisoning tragedy 16 75-8 P
Thanet, railways 02 541-8 P
Thanet, royal visit 11 10-14 P
Thanet, Second World War 40 4:8-10
Thanet, Second World War 40 5:49-50
Thanet, technical college 22 404 P
Thanet, trams 05 58-65 P
Thanet, trams 14 308 R
Thanet, Walpole Bay 20 324 P
Thanet, windmills 02 343-8 P
Thanet, workhouses 11 265-73 P, 328-36 P
Thanet, workhouses 15 43
Thanet, workhouses, assisted emigration 16 93-5
Thanington, airfield 05 85-7 P
Thanington, Limekiln Cottages 34 2:10 P
Thanington, St Nicholas’s Church 22 520 P
Thanington, Thomas Gray link 44 5:16-25 P
Thatcher, Denis and Margaret 35 4:10
Thatcher, Margaret 38 3:5
Thatcher, Margaret 45 4:11-15
Thatching 01 324-31 P
Thatching 25 524 P
Thawte, Mary 34 1:50
The Coal Black Sea (book) 45 5:34-41
The Course of My Life (book) 45 4:15
The Defence of Rorke’s Drift (painting) 45 1:42
The Emigrants (painting) 45 6:24-33
The History of Faversham in 50 Objects (book) 34 5:11 R
The Lord Southborough 25 283-5 P
The Marquis of Huntley 30 3:39-40
The Mount, Faversham 45 4:18
The Nore Mutiny 34 1:32-33
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom (book) 45 2:46
Theaston, Lamberhust parish clerk 1137 26 242
Theatre Cottage, Tenterden 34 2:38 P
Theatre Royal, Canterbury 32 5:22-24
Theatre Royal, Margate 32 4:30-36 P
Theatre Royal, Margate 45 5:18-25
Theatre, Folkestone 44 5:14-15 P
Theatres 10 500 R
Theatres 11 245, 529, 673-6 P
Theatres 28 100 P
Theatres, Buttermarket Theatre, Canterbury 32 1:14 P
Theatres, Buttermarket Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:18-20 P
Theatres, Canterbury 24 412-7 P
Theatres, Canterbury 32 5:18-27 R
Theatres, Canterbury Roman theatre, Castle Street 32 3:7
Theatres, Canterbury Roman theatre, Castle Street 32 5:19 P
Theatres, circuit company 02 199-203 P
Theatres, Cliftonville 24 691-6 P
Theatres, Cliftonville, Tom Thumb 31 1:7 P
Theatres, Deal 01 683-8 P
Theatres, Deal 05 148 P
Theatres, Eltham, ABC 09 115-7 P
Theatres, Erith Playhouse 34 4:14-18 P
Theatres, Erith Theatre Guild 34 4:18
Theatres, Georgian 36 1:34-41 P
Theatres, Jonas and Penley Company 34 2:34-39 P
Theatres, Maidstone 07 378-84 P
Theatres, Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:24-27 P
Theatres, Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:7
Theatres, Medway towns 39 6:27-29 P
Theatres, Memorial Theatre, Broadstairs 32 4:30-31
Theatres, New Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:20-24 P
Theatres, New Theatre, Tenterden 31 2:10
Theatres, Oxford Playhouse, Erith 34 4:14-18 P
Theatres, Tenterden 34 2:34-39 P
Theatres, Theatre Royal, Margate 01 245-7 P
Theatres, Theatre Royal, Margate 05 9-13 P
Theatres, Theatre Royal, Margate 07 743-6
Theatres, Theatre Royal, Margate 11 387
Theatres, Theatre Royal, Margate 32 4:30-36 P
Thelma 02 603, 606 P
Then and Now Grants Programme (2014) 34 4:6
Theobald, Annie (née Brunger) 39 3:36-44
Theobald, Thomas (Titanic) 39 3:38-42
Theodosius, Emperor 19 365
Thessaloniki 45 4:18
Thirsk, Dr Joan 37 1:6
Thirsk, Joan 36 2:12-13 P
Thirty-Nine Steps, The (book) 40 3:37
Thistle 21 384 P
Thistle 23 648 P, 651
Thom / Tom John (‘Sir William Courtenay’) 22 243-5
Thom, John (‘Sir William Courtenay’) 38 4:38-42 P
Thomas Clark Quire 19 409
Thomas Watson (Shipping) 23 567 R
Thomas, Amanda 41 6:31
Thomas, Dylan 45 4:51
Thomas, Edward (writer) 13 713-8 P
Thomas, Edward (writer) 21 668 P, 671-2
Thomas, John Henry (draper) 43 1:46
Thomas, John, sculptor 05 669-70
Thomas, Louisa (Hollingbourne) 36 1:13 L
Thomas, Rev Fortescue 20 97
Thompson and Son, Brewers 24 614-20 P, 634-41 P
Thompson, Hannah 45 4:24
Thompson, Len 17 467-8
Thompson, Lewis (Dover) 41 4:47-51
Thompson, Nathan 19 277-80
Thompson, Nathan 23 19 P
Thomson, Charles 17 254-61
Thomson, Snell & Passmore 42 5:24-25
Thornbury, William 17 269-74 P
Thorndike family 30 1:12 L
Thorndike, Dame Sybil 30 4:17
Thorndike, Dame Sybil 31 3:35
Thorndike, Dame Sybil 38 4:4-5 P
Thorndike, Dame Sybil 40 4:22
Thorndike, Russell 30 1:12
Thorndike, Russell 38 4:4
Thorndike, Russell and Sybil 02 392, 549
Thorndike, Russell and Sybil 12 515
Thorndike, Russell and Sybil 19 403-9
Thorndike, Russell and Sybil 29 6:38-40 P
Thorne family (actors) 45 5:18-25
Thorne family 26 311 L
Thorne family, Margate 32 4:30-36 P
Thorne, Edward 05 209-11
Thorne, Emily, Fred, George and Tom 26 91-4 P
Thorne, Richard 26 50-1
Thorne, Sarah (actress) 07 744
Thorne, Sarah (actress) 26 47-51 P, 89-94 P
Thorne, Sarah (actress) 32 4:30-36 P
Thorne, Sarah (actress) 45 5:18-25
Thornhill, John 41 5:4-13 P
Thornhill, Sir James 41 5:5
Thornton, Henry and Sarah 35 5:41-43
Thornton, S. G. (librarian, RE) 01 158-9 P
Thornton, William 29 2:41 P
Thorpe, Jeremy 45 4:11
Thorpe, John 38 5:4-5 P
Thorpe, Mrs, of Hook Green, Lamberhurst 24 104
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (film) 43 3:43
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines (film) 45 1:26
Thrane, Erik 26 241
Three Crutches (hamlet) 45 6:12-17
Threshing 24 164 P, 167-9, 259 P, 673-4 P
Threshing machines 13 30-1, 290, 293-4 P, No 3 IBC L
Threshing machines 17 30
Throwley 31 6:48-50
Throwley Forstal 24 13-14 P
Throwley, aerodrome 07 420
Throwley, aerodrome 19 411-4 P
Throwley, Belmont House 36 3:8-9 P
Throwley, Belmont House 36 4:9
Throwley, Belmont House 42 4:36-41 P
Throwley, church monuments 21 343-4
Throwley, priory 02 487
Thrupp & Maberley 43 5:8
Thruxted Oast, Mystole 29 3:19-22 P
Thurnham Castle 30 2:33 P
Thurnham, Mynn, Alfred 39 2:50-51 P
Thwaytes, Ann 22 237
Thwaytes, Ann 26 263
Thwaytes, Ann 29 2:7
Ticehurst, Bell pub 23 590 P
Ticehurst, militia 23 596
Tickham Hunt 11 287-91 P
Tickham Hunt 12 353-8 P
Tickham Hunt 23 94 P, 97
Tickham Hunt 24 No 12 FCP, 703 P, 706
Tickner family 29 5:17
Tickner, Peter (smuggler) 20 561, 563
Tickner, Peter (smuggler) 21 217-222, 664-5
Tide Mill, Greenwich 17 460-3 P, 662-3, 735
Tierney, Terry 37 6:22-23
Tiger Moth 29 2:39 P FC
Tilbury Fort 17 586 P
Tilemaking 21 564
Tilemaking 25 647-53 P
Tiles and tilemakers 03 72-9 P, No 4 IBC L
Tiles and tilemakers 13 599-601P
Tillesley, Rev George 15 368
Tillett, Michael (musician) 42 5:32-34
Tilley, Eliza and John 12 739-43
Tilling, Thomas 22 64-71 P, 135-6 P
Tilling, Thomas 43 2:13
Tilling, Thomas, depots, buses and stables 22 64-71 P, 135-41 P, 487
Tilling-Stevens 43 5:8
Tilling-Stevens Company 23 261
Tilling-Stevens Company 25 415
Tilling-Stevens, commercial vehicles 01 140 P
Tilling-Stevens, commercial vehicles 14 400 P
Tilling-Stevens, commercial vehicles 19 454 P
Tilling-Stevens, commercial vehicles 2 59 L, 7167-9
Tilling-Stevens, commercial vehicles 20 572-3 P
Tilling-Stevens, petrol-electric bus 22 139 P
Tilmanstone colliery 11 No 10 IBC R
Tilmanstone colliery 12 29-37 P, 473
Tilmanstone colliery 23 122-6 P, 324 P
Tilmanstone colliery 25 559 P
Tilmanstone colliery 27 291
Tilmanstone colliery 32 4:39 P
Tilmanstone colliery 35 3:22-23
Tilmanstone colliery working men’s club 35 3:22-23 P
Tilmanstone colliery, aerial ropeway 23 274-83 P
Tilmanstone colliery, Eythorne 28 PFC Issue 2, 67, 108
Tilmanstone, aviation, early 14 300 P, 306 P
Tilmanstone, prisoner of war camp 34 6:47 P
Tilmanstone, Telegraph Farm 01 281
Tilt boat 19 520 P
Timaru 37 5:44-51 P
Timber felling, Wealden 02 8-13 P
Timber felling, Wealden haulage 16 610 P, 614
Timber felling, Wealden haulage 17 395-6 P
Timber felling, Wealden seasoning 11 514-8 P
Timbs, John 01 109
Time ball tower, Deal 21 474-7 P
Time ball tower, Deal 23 103-10 P
Time ball tower, Deal 34 4:34 P
Time balls 35 4:13 P
Time capsule, Cornwallis Academy, Maidstone 32 2:8 P
Time Machine, The (book) 39 5:45-51 P
Time-keeping 13 97-9 P, 634-42 P, 682
Timm, Annie 18 32 P
Tin money 16 585
Tinne, Captain Stuart Christian 44 2:12-19 P
Tipping, Harry 12 43
Tipping, William 10 11
Tipping, William 12 39
Tisdall, A. W. St Claire 26 366-67
Titanic 31 1:36-42 P
Titanic 37 2:14-21 P
Titanic 39 3:36-45 P
Titanic 40 5:26-33 P
Titanic, Honour and Glory exhibition, Chatham Dockyard 32 4:8
Tithe barns 11 170 P, 173-9 P
Tithe rebellion 24 507-15 P, 647-51 P
Tithe riot, Wrotham 1830 23 51-54
Tithe war (1918-39) 23 305 R
Tithes 09 663, 664, 667
Tithes 10 276
Tithes 11 520
Tithes 16 205-9 P
Tithes 35 2:10
Tivoli Gardens, Gravesend 18 625-630 P
Tobin, Arthur 19 738 P, 741-2
Todd, Ann 39 3:30-31 P
Todd, Dr William G. 19 671-6
Togare (lion-tamer) 21 139, 275
Togare (lion-tamer) 25 444 P
Toke family, Godinton 36 2:20-24 P
Toke family, Great Chart 34 3:34-40 P
Toke, Captain Nicholas 34 3:35-38 P
Toke, Captain Nicholas 36 2:20-22 P
Toke, Colonel John Leslie 34 3:40 P
Toke, Colonel John Leslie 36 2:23-24
Toke, John (high sheriff, 1770) 36 2:22-23
Toke, John (MP) 36 2:22
Toke, John 34 3:36
Toke, Nicholas Roundell 34 3:38 P
Toke, Nicholas Roundell 36 2:21–23
Toke, Nicolas Eyare 37 5:15-17
Toll gates 10 19, 699, 703, 704 P
Toll gates 15 67, 68
Toll gates 20 753-6 P
Toll gates 21 197
Toll gates, Bromley 18 70
Toll gates, Smallhythe 18 623 P
Toll houses 19 97
Toll houses and gates 23 490 P, 492-3
Tollesbury 18 356 P
Tollgate Inn, Gravesend 45 6:17
Tolls 10 245, 412, 509
Tom, John 07 585-9 P
Tombs, Cecil Edward, epitaph, Wye 32 3:31
Tomlin family 03 476
Tomson & Wotton (brewer) 44 6:12-13
Tonbridge 11 376 R
Tonbridge 25 131-2, 136
Tonbridge Castle 01 355
Tonbridge Castle 03 109-14 P
Tonbridge Castle 09 622 P
Tonbridge Castle 11 474-8 P, 729
Tonbridge Castle 13 389, 391 P
Tonbridge Castle 16 700 P
Tonbridge Castle 18 447-448 P
Tonbridge Castle 24 287-91 P
Tonbridge Castle 26 306 P
Tonbridge Castle 35 1:14 R
Tonbridge Castle 41 3:35
Tonbridge Division elections 17 427-31 P
Tonbridge Free Press 01 123
Tonbridge Free Press 16 705-6
Tonbridge school 12 458
Tonbridge school 15 730 P
Tonbridge Union Workhouse 34 5:34-36
Tonbridge, Angel Corner 16 706
Tonbridge, Angel Ground 14 729-35 P
Tonbridge, Angel Ground 16 103-8 P
Tonbridge, Anna Atkins 43 4:44-51 P
Tonbridge, Audrey Hepburn 41 2:9-12
Tonbridge, Bank Street school 06 91-4 P
Tonbridge, banks 16 705
Tonbridge, Battle of 18 447-450 P
Tonbridge, Boiling Kettle café 11 309-12 P
Tonbridge, bonfire boys 17 647-9
Tonbridge, brewery 03 677, 679
Tonbridge, children’s pageant (1909) 02 690-3 P
Tonbridge, children’s pageant (1909) 17 750-6 P
Tonbridge, cholera 41 6:27-28
Tonbridge, cinemas 16 702-3
Tonbridge, civic society 25 374 R
Tonbridge, coach road and coaches 18 231-8 P
Tonbridge, Colin Cowdrey 43 4:45-47
Tonbridge, Colonel Holman Stephens 39 6:7 P
Tonbridge, Colonel Holman Stephens 41 5:44-51 P
Tonbridge, Corpus Christi church 26 516
Tonbridge, County school for girls 12 89-91 P
Tonbridge, County school for girls 9 617-9
Tonbridge, Court greengrocery 41 2:6-7 P
Tonbridge, cricket 16 103-8 P, 246
Tonbridge, cricket 16 103-8 P, 246
Tonbridge, Curtis and Harvey 28 282-284
Tonbridge, defence pillbox 40 3:36-41 P
Tonbridge, elections 08 108 P
Tonbridge, Elephant and Castle pub 03 676
Tonbridge, Fairlawne 12 455-9 P
Tonbridge, Ferox Hall 18 652 P
Tonbridge, Ferox Hall 43 4:45-47 P
Tonbridge, fire service 11 312
Tonbridge, flooding 16 705
Tonbridge, football 14 729-35 P
Tonbridge, heritage trail 28 216-221 P
Tonbridge, high street 14 744 P
Tonbridge, high street 16 698-707 P
Tonbridge, hoppers’ war memorial 26 546 P
Tonbridge, industry 27 116 R
Tonbridge, John Hooker 41 3:37
Tonbridge, Johnson’s 37 4:16
Tonbridge, Judd school 37 4:16
Tonbridge, lawyers 42 5:24-25 P
Tonbridge, Leigh powder mill 28 280-284 P
Tonbridge, library 23 71-3
Tonbridge, Lowy of Tonbridge 37 3:22-27 P
Tonbridge, market 16 699
Tonbridge, Maylam’s Wharf 16 32 P
Tonbridge, murder hunt 1842 25 621-3
Tonbridge, navigation 41 3:37-39 P
Tonbridge, November 5 celebrations 17 643-9
Tonbridge, O’Rourke murder 05 390-4 P
Tonbridge, Oast House theatre 29 3:16
Tonbridge, old pubs 28 221
Tonbridge, Old Tonbridge in Postcards 02 575 R
Tonbridge, parish church 42 5:24-25 P
Tonbridge, Penshurst Place 29 2:6
Tonbridge, policing 13 393
Tonbridge, presentation tank 09 622 P
Tonbridge, printers 14 357
Tonbridge, railwaymen 23 No 12 IBC L, P
Tonbridge, Ritz cinema 30 6:38
Tonbridge, schools 17 756
Tonbridge, spies (1914-18) 09 617-9
Tonbridge, station 19 225
Tonbridge, station 25 621 P
Tonbridge, tank 41 1:5-13 P
Tonbridge, Tonbridge school 40 3:36-41 P
Tonbridge, Tonbridge Union Workhouse 34 5:34-36
Tonbridge, town team 37 5:7
Tonbridge, Vauxhall Inn 05 390-4 P
Tonbridge, Victorian bottles 02 510-11 R
Tonbridge, Whitefriars Press fire 14 353-7 P
Tonbridge, workhouse 17 756
Tonge Castle 30 2:33
Tonge Mill 25 602
Tonge, hospital of St James 02 487
Tongswood 39 4:17-23 P
Tonite (explosive) 19 207
Tonnage Act 1773 19 95, 432
Toogo (schooner) 18 229
Toomer family 11 70
Tooth, Private James 14 617-21
Topiary 01 556-8
Topping, Annie 39 5:30
Torcs, Kent Archaeological Society 34 6:7 P
Tormore boys’ school, Deal 32 4:11 P
Tormore prep school, Deal 22 525-32 P, 577-86 P
Toronto, High Park 37 4:26-27
Torpedo boat 1879 23 175
Torpedoes 44 3:4-14 P
Torpedoes, Herne Bay 07 114-7 P
Torr, Valentine 37 5:15-16
Torrington, Lord 09 107-10
Tothall, William (tradesman) 41 5:4-13 P
Tourism toolkit 2012 32 1:8
Tourists 10 611-5 P
Tournay family 19 263
Tourtel, Herbert 42 6:14-21 P
Tourtel, Mary (Rupert the Bear artist) 12 186 P, 189-91
Tourtel, Mary (Rupert the Bear artist) 29 2:42
Tourtel, Mary (Rupert the Bear artist) 42 6:14-21 P
Tourtel, Mary (Rupert the Bear artist) 43 3:22
Tovell, ‘Cully’ 35 3:36-41
Tovil 21 580-1 P
Tovil, Alabaster Passmore and Sons (printers) 27 344-350 P
Tovil, court 27 253 P
Tovil, Diamond Fibre Works 18 47
Tovil, oil mills 28 43-44
Tovil, old music school 06 209-13 P
Tovil, printing 44 5:6-13
Tovil, Working Men’s Club 27 256-257 P
Tower Gardens Bandstand, Herne Bay 29 4:25-26 P
Towle, James de Lacy 17 600
Town archive, Crayford 32 3:8
Town crier, Deal 21 476 P
Towne, Meridith 35 3:4 P
Townsend Hook paper mill 08 389-95 P
Townsend Hook paper mill 16 597-9
Townsend, John 05 327-30 P, 20 215
Townsend, Stephen 37 5:28-31
Toxophilites of West Kent 25 291, 294-6 P
Toxophily, 18th century 25 231-8 P
Toys Hill, Sevenoaks 45 4:39
Toys Hill, Weardale Manor 07 25-7 P
Tracey, Rev Francis 12 285-6 P
Tracing Your Kent Ancestors (book) 37 5:10 R
Trackways, Medway, ancient 07 468-72 P
Tractarianism 22 519-20
Traction engines 08 565-6 R
Traction engines 09 3-5 P
Traction engines 11 237, 503
Traction engines 13 288-95 P, 374-5 R, 642-9 P
Traction engines 14 539-44 P
Traction engines 16 386 P, 608 P, 610-12 P
Traction engines 23 186-90 P, 643, 646-7
Traction engines 24 59-61, 161-9 P, 256-8 P
Traction engines 26 700 P
Traction engines 42 1:34-39 P
Traction train 21 517
Tractors 25 319-22 P
Tracy, Spencer, at Smeeth 41 6:7
Trade tokens 06 13-21 P
Trade tokens 10 278
Trade tokens 11 566 P
Trade union movement 24 539-40
Trade unions 15 747-9
Trade unions 21 260-1
Trades Union Congress 43 6:4-10
Tradescant, John 38 6:22
Tradesmen, late 19th century 17 668-75 P
Trafalgar, Battle of 01 311, 338
Trafalgar, Battle of 38 1:32-37 P
Train ferries 14 59-67
Train ferries 24 397-402 P
Train services 1887 21 19-28 P
Training ships 15 80-89 P
Training ships 19 No 9 IBC L
Training ships 23 547-8 P, 598-603 P
Training ships 25 494
Trains, Colonel Holman Stephens 41 5:44-51 P
Trains, double-deckers 41 3:40-41 P
Trains, Kent disasters of August 1927 34 4:28-32 P
Trammel netting 21 316-7
Trams 12 308 P
Trams 13 565
Trams 27 320-321 P R
Trams 37 1:10-15 P
Trams, Dartford 08 410-18 P
Trams, Dover 12 2-10 P, 108-16 P, 247 L, 376 L
Trams, Erith 08 29-36 P, 58-63 P
Trams, Hythe and Sandgate tramway 31 4:46 P
Trams, Lee Green 14 692
Trams, London Transport 23 60 P
Trams, London, closure 24 672
Trams, Maidstone 09 201-8 P
Trams, Medway towns 01 273-5 P
Trams, Medway towns 11 572 P
Trams, Ramsgate 11 207 P
Trams, Ramsgate 12 156-61 P
Trams, steam 26 125 P
Trams, Thanet 05 58-65 P
Trams, Thanet 11 No 11 IBC L, P
Tramways 13 632 R
Tramways, Bexley 09 13-16 P, 59-63 P
Tramways, development 40 4:34-37 P
Tramways, electricity 40 5:7-9
Tramways, Joyce Green hospital 12 310
Tramways, locomotives 26 122-127, FC, P
Tramways, Lower Halstow 18 333-337 P
Tramways, Sheerness 07 426-32 P
Tramways, Sheerness 40 6:20-25 P
Tramways, Thanet 22 247 R
Trans-Atlantic Telegraph 05 283-8 P
Transcendental Meditation 42 5:20-23 P
Transport 41 1:22-29 P
Transport and General Workers’ Union 24 538-40 P
Transport sculpture, Canterbury Cathedral 32 2:6 P
Transport, Cheriton 34 5:40-45 P
Transport, disasters, August 1927 34 4:28-32 P
Transport, fly proprietor 34 1:40-41
Transportation of criminals 14 736-7
Transportation of criminals 16 457
Transportation of criminals 17 632 R
Transporting buoys 17 228-9
Travelling showmen 12 299-303 P
Travers, H. G. 27 292-295 P
Travers, Major 01 44
Trawling 25 585-92 P
Treanor, Rev Thomas Stanley 03 398-403 P
Treanor, Rev Thomas Stanley 19 223
Treanor, Rev Thomas Stanley 24 201, 394-6 P
Treasure hunting with aeroplanes 17 231-5 P
Treasure Trove 14 76-8 P
Trebor, Maidstone 34 2:9
Tree Lore 19 617-21 P
Trees, folklore 19 617-21
Trench, George 19 207
Trevithick, Richard 16 489-90 P
Trevithick, Richard 17 661-2 P
Trial, first public 07 159-61
Tribal-class destroyers 20 126
Tribe, Anna Horatia 37 4:35
Tridale 22 86
Trilby 17 571
Trilleck, Bishop Thomas 43 3:47-48
Trinder, Tommy 24 693 P, 695
Tringrove, Maria 37 5:11 RP
Trinity church, Brompton 38 3:38-39 P
Trinity hospital, Greenwich 24 495-8 P
Trinity House 11 65, 520
Trinity House 12 427-8
Trinity House 13 93, 530-6 P, 592-9 P
Trinity House 17 4-9 P
Trinity House 19 306
Trinity House 20 357, 381
Trinity House 21 394, 711, 715
Trinity House 22 53
Trinity House, pilots 15 351-55
Trinity House, pilots 16 469
Trinity House, seamarks 24 487
Trinity House, the Nore light ship 34 1:30-38
Trinoda Necessitas 18 273
Tripp, Job and William 14 597
Triumph 22 85
Troc cinema, Tankerton 27 134 P
Trojan car 17 606
Trolley buses 12 109-10 P
Trolley buses, Maidstone 08 288-95 P
Trolley buses, Maidstone 14 404 P, 406
Trolley buses, Maidstone 19 178 R
Trollope, James 24 67-71 P
Trood, William Stocker 36 2:18-19 P
Troode, Charles 40 4:42-43 P
Trottiscliffe 03 551-3 P
Trottiscliffe Towers estate, Meopham 19 193
Trottiscliffe, Cecilia Carpmael 42 4:27-33
Trottiscliffe, church music 17 26-7
Trottiscliffe, Coleman Longbarrow 34 5:9
Trottiscliffe, Graham Sutherland 42 3:6-11 P
Trottiscliffe, White Horse stone 22 754 P
Troughton, Charles 12 747-50 P
Trout 17 308-10 P
Troward, William 29 4:14
Troy Town, Brook (England’s smallest town?) 23 214
Truculent, HMS, (submarine) 19 735
Truell, John and Sarah 19 7
Truffle hunting 11 92-97 P
Trussell, William 26 689-94
Tuberculosis 23 701
Tuberculosis 43 4:4-13 P
Tuberculosis, Folkestone 34 2:12 R
Tuberculosis, pneumo-thorax equipment 42 4:46-47 P
Tuberculosis, Sandgate 34 2:12 R
Tuberculosis, treatment 42 4:4-13
Tuddenhan, Richard, mineral water manufacturer 06 565-6
Tudely 26 559-65
Tudely, All Saints’ church window 34 4:37 P
Tudely, Handley Page Hannibal 30 1:13
Tudely, Handley Page Hannibal 30 2:10 P
Tudely, Handley Page Hannibal 30 3:12P
Tudely, Hannibal air crash 09 680-5 P
Tudely, hop picking 08 539-45 P
Tudor Barn, Eltham 29 5:40 P
Tudor cinema, Westerham 30 6:36
Tudor House, Margate 27 268 P
Tudor lavatories 19 32-3 P
Tudor, Mary 29 1:18-22
Tuff, Mary 36 3:23-25
Tuff, Superintendent John 40 1:33-41
Tufton / Toketon family 26 37-46 P, 583
Tufton family 25 70-1
Tufton, John 24 244-5 P, 247
Tufton, Sir Henry 06 104, 106
Tugmutton Common 25 123-5
Tugs 10 297-303 P, 473-9 P, 783-9 P
Tugs 11 15-20 P, 63
Tugs, during First World War 18 305-313 P
Tugs, during Second World War 18 82-92 P
Tugs, operation 19 729-35 P
Tugs, operation 20 154-60 P, 233-9 P
Tull, Walter 35 6:8-9 P
Tull, Walter 39 3:4-5 P
Tulley, James 21 509-514, 601-3
Tunbridge Ware 14 211
Tunbridge Ware 16 706
Tunbridge Wells (1937) 44 3:50-51 P
Tunbridge Wells 01 34-9 P
Tunbridge Wells 12 119 R, 681 P
Tunbridge Wells 13 56 R
Tunbridge Wells 14 105-13 P, 168-74 P
Tunbridge Wells 16 119 R, 502 R
Tunbridge Wells 19 20-3 P
Tunbridge Wells 20 257-68 P
Tunbridge Wells 23 2-7 P
Tunbridge Wells 25 132
Tunbridge Wells Advertiser 42 1:18-25 P
Tunbridge Wells, ‘Disgusted of’ 42 1:18-25 P
Tunbridge Wells, 400th anniversary 27 191
Tunbridge Wells, agricultural show ground 39 4:49
Tunbridge Wells, animal pound 20 664 P, 666
Tunbridge Wells, Baltic Saw Mills 35 2:28-32 P
Tunbridge Wells, bonfire boys 17 647-8
Tunbridge Wells, brewing company 31 3:8 P
Tunbridge Wells, builders 06 386-90 P
Tunbridge Wells, bus services 1920s 23 261-3
Tunbridge Wells, buses 14 142-8 P
Tunbridge Wells, butchers 13 58-64 P
Tunbridge Wells, Byng Hall 19 689-95 P
Tunbridge Wells, Castle hotel 19 73-8 P
Tunbridge Wells, cemetery and crematorium 10 2 P, 3, 7
Tunbridge Wells, chalybeate springs 18 18-22 P
Tunbridge Wells, chalybeate springs 27191
Tunbridge Wells, chalybeate springs 30 5:34 P
Tunbridge Wells, charity workers 08 326-8
Tunbridge Wells, Christ Church school 14 105, 107 P
Tunbridge Wells, church of St Augustine 26 516 P
Tunbridge Wells, coach route 18 231-239 P
Tunbridge Wells, coal merchants 13 144-50 P
Tunbridge Wells, Congregational church 15 732 P
Tunbridge Wells, Creaseys 39 5:16-19
Tunbridge Wells, cricket ground 09 269
Tunbridge Wells, drinking fountains 05 597-9 P
Tunbridge Wells, early motor transport 13 506-14 P
Tunbridge Wells, electricity 40 5:8
Tunbridge Wells, electricity supply 15 618-25 P
Tunbridge Wells, fires 16 252-4 P
Tunbridge Wells, fly proprietor 34 1:40-41
Tunbridge Wells, Harrington confectioners 32 2:40-43 P
Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks Halt 16 400 P
Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks hotel 16 396-401 P
Tunbridge Wells, High Rocks, halt 14 107, 112 P
Tunbridge Wells, High Street 14 108 P, 112 P
Tunbridge Wells, Holy Trinity church 01 36-8 P
Tunbridge Wells, Holy Trinity church 08 186 P, 190
Tunbridge Wells, Holy Trinity church 10 3
Tunbridge Wells, Holy Trinity church 23 2 P
Tunbridge Wells, horse buses 13 470-5 P
Tunbridge Wells, hospitals 15 250-2 P, 445-6, 450 P
Tunbridge Wells, housing crisis, post-1945 17 523-6 P
Tunbridge Wells, ironmongers 17 314-22 P
Tunbridge Wells, John Brown (dairyman) 08 722-6 P
Tunbridge Wells, King Charles the Martyr church 37 4:10 P
Tunbridge Wells, lacemaking 10 111
Tunbridge Wells, Langley, R. J. 03 716-8
Tunbridge Wells, laundries 14 200-6 P
Tunbridge Wells, library 23 72-3 P
Tunbridge Wells, Louis Armstrong 31 4:12-13
Tunbridge Wells, militia 12 682
Tunbridge Wells, mineral water trade 06 563-7 P
Tunbridge Wells, motor show 1895 08 402-6 P
Tunbridge Wells, Mount Sion 25 No 4 IBC R
Tunbridge Wells, museum and art gallery project 27 318
Tunbridge Wells, November 5th celebrations 17 642-9 P
Tunbridge Wells, nurseries and nurserymen 15 90-95 P
Tunbridge Wells, opera house 06 386-7 P
Tunbridge Wells, opera house 17 431 P
Tunbridge Wells, opera house 31 4:12-13 P
Tunbridge Wells, opera house 42 1:22-25 P
Tunbridge Wells, Pantiles 07 131-5 P
Tunbridge Wells, Pantiles 13 367, 370, 371 P
Tunbridge Wells, Pantiles 23 530 P
Tunbridge Wells, Pantiles 28 197 P
Tunbridge Wells, photographers 20 257-68 P
Tunbridge Wells, plane landing (1914) 16 250-1 P
Tunbridge Wells, poshest town 29 6:9
Tunbridge Wells, postal services 13 366-72 P
Tunbridge Wells, prefabs 15 137-9 P
Tunbridge Wells, printers and publishers 07 451-5 P
Tunbridge Wells, proposed railway 19 397-402 P
Tunbridge Wells, public health 15 251-5 P
Tunbridge Wells, pubs 03 717-8
Tunbridge Wells, pubs 07 135
Tunbridge Wells, races 19 658 P, 661-2
Tunbridge Wells, Ramslye estate 14 417
Tunbridge Wells, Ramslye estate 17 525
Tunbridge Wells, Rusthall Lodge 18 192-195 P
Tunbridge Wells, Salomons Estate 36 6:4-5 P
Tunbridge Wells, Salvation Army 20 58-64 P
Tunbridge Wells, Second World War 40 4:6-11 P
Tunbridge Wells, Second World War 40 5:48-51 P
Tunbridge Wells, Sherwood estate 17 524-6 P
Tunbridge Wells, shops 14 169-73 P
Tunbridge Wells, Sir David Salomons 39 4:46-49 P
Tunbridge Wells, Skinners’ School 19 692 P
Tunbridge Wells, snow 19 20-33 P
Tunbridge Wells, Spain Brothers 39 5:19
Tunbridge Wells, St Barnabas church 26 434-35 P
Tunbridge Wells, St John Ambulance 18 715-719 P
Tunbridge Wells, St John’s Church 19 689-94 P
Tunbridge Wells, St Mark’s Camp, Broadwater Down 07 225-7 P
Tunbridge Wells, taking the waters 23 3, 6-7
Tunbridge Wells, tank 41 1:5-13
Tunbridge Wells, thanksgiving celebrations 16 255-7 P
Tunbridge Wells, theatre 02 329-32 P
Tunbridge Wells, theatre 36 1:34-38 P
Tunbridge Wells, town hall 14 416 P
Tunbridge Wells, Victoria Cross holders 30 4:16
Tunbridge Wells, Victorian bottles 02 510-11 P, R
Tunbridge Wells, war medals 34 1:10 R
Tunbridge Wells, war memorial 07 241-3 P
Tunbridge Wells, war memorial 15 730 P, 735
Tunbridge Wells, William Cobbett 32 2:50
Tunbridge Wells, working horses 05 35-8 P
Tunbridge, Vermont 25 131-5 P, 393-5
Tunnel construction 42 1:4-11 P
Tunnel construction 42 2:4-10 P
Tunnels 13 696 R, 753-7 P
Tunnels 20 727-31 P
Tunnels 21 115-119 P
Tunnels 23 499-503 P
Tunnels 24 49-51 P
Tunnels, Dover Castle 31 3:10 P
Tunnels, effect on rail passengers 25 562
Tunnels, legendary 25 549
Tunnels, Minster Abbey 25 438 L
Tunnels, Ramsgate 25 325, 328 P
Tunnels, Ramsgate 29 1:44-48 P
Tunstall 24 718
Tunstall, Diamond Jubilee celebrations 12 560
Tunstall, school 13 250-1 P
Tupper, John, Ballad of 03 649-54 P
Turcopoles 16 173
Turing, Alan 43 3:42
Turke, John 23 607-9
Turley, Len 38 5:19
Turley, William 20 No 9 IBC L
Turmine, Rev Henry 16 194-5
Turner Contemporary, Margate 30 1:7
Turner Contemporary, Margate 32 2:10-11 P
Turner Contemporary, Margate 32 4:6
Turner Contemporary, Margate 32 5:10
Turner Contemporary, Margate 34 4:7 P
Turner Contemporary, Margate, One in a Million Project 34 5:8
Turner family 25 101-6 P, 110 P
Turner family, bakers 13 605-10 P
Turner, C. T. B. 31 4:19
Turner, Cynthia 29 4:25
Turner, Elizabeth 21 465
Turner, Francis G. 22 525-32 P
Turner, J. M. W. 32 2:10-11
Turner, J. M. W. 32 4:6
Turner, J. M. W. 34 3:22-23 P
Turner, J. M. W. 35 1:30
Turner, J. M. W. 35 2:22-27 P
Turner, J. M. W. 35 4:24
Turner, J. M. W. 36 4:24-29 P
Turner, J. M. W. 37 3:8-15 P
Turner, J. M. W. 38 1:32-36
Turner, J. M. W. 42 5:6
Turner, J. M. W., views of Kent 01 431-8 P
Turner, J. M. W., views of Kent 02 155
Turner, Joseph 34 5:22
Turner, Mike 26 336 P
Turner, R. Frank 31 4:33
Turner, Roger 27 249-251 P
Turner, Ted 36 4:8-9
Turnpike gates 19 573
Turnpike roads 08 662-6 P, 753-4
Turnpike roads 11 416 P
Turnpike roads 13 295-302 P, 560-3 P
Turnpike roads 14 463, 646
Turnpike roads 15 751
Turnpike roads 17 145, 151
Turnpike roads 19 398, 401
Turnpike roads 20 308 P, 635-7, 754
Turnpike trusts 23 315, 489-93 P
Turnpikes 22 109
Turoiu, Dr Liliana 40 1:9
Turpin, Dick 38 5:50-51 P
Turpin, Dick 44 5:48-51 P
Turpin, Frederick W. 43 1:14
Turton, John, Brasted 45 4:39 P
Twee Cornelissen 30 4:17
Twigg, Annie 39 4:13-14
Twisden, Sir Thomas 42 5:17-18
Twopenny family 25 71
Twopenny, William, architect 07 693 R
Twydall, gun site 06 223-5
Twyman, Stan 41 2:40-41 P
Twymer, Edmond 37 3:32-33
Twyne, John 12 661-5 P
Twyne, Thomas 24 653-6
Twynne, Dr Thomas 35 1:28-29
Twysden family 09 243-8
Twysden, Roger 42 5:18
Twysden, Sir Roger 06 593-6
Twysden, Sir Roger 42 5:17
Twysden, Sir William 42 5:17
Twysden, Sir William Jervis 42 5:18-19 P
Tyhurst, Richard 24 223-6 P
Tylden family 45 6:30-31
Tylden, John 38 5:48
Tyler Hill, poisoning, Canterbury 1909 29 2:46
Tyler Hill, tunnel 13 498-502 P, 503 R, 555-9 P, 696 R
Tyler, Wat 09 562, 564
Tyler, Wat 11 575-8
Tyler, Wat 14 630
Tyler, Wat 23 31
Tyler, Wat 25 271-2
Tyler, William 07 588 P
Tyman, Newton 44 6:9
Typhoid 05 217-8
Typhoid 12 227, 685
Typhoid 18 7
Typhoid 43 3:24-25
Typographia, Society of Medway printing students 26 292-93 P
Tyrwhitt, Sir Robert 36 4:10 R
Tyrwhitt-Drake, Garrard 05 80-84