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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter
Pacific (ironpot) 15 141-3
Packer, Alfred, and Son 16 295
Packer, John, butcher 03 765-7 L
Packet boats 16 615-9 P
Packham family, Maypole 14 No 12 FC P
Packman, James 12 389-94
Paddington Old Cemetery 36 4:23 P
Paddle Steamer Preservation Society 34 4:11 R
Paddle steamers 09 634 P, 636, 638 P, 639
Paddle steamers 10 No 1 Index 7
Paddle steamers 11 No 3 IBC R, 235
Paddle steamers 13 445 P
Paddle steamers 14 117 R, 289-97 P
Paddle steamers 15 240-8 P, No 6 IBC L
Paddle steamers 19 519, 523-4 P, 600, 607-612 P
Paddle steamers 21 92, 112, 311 R
Paddle steamers 25 17, 719 P
Paddle steamers 34 4:11 R
Paddle steamers 34 5:46-50 P
Paddle steamers, City of Rochester 01 227-8 P
Paddle steamers, City of Rochester 05 287
Paddle steamers, Flushing ferry 01 227 P
Paddle steamers, Gravesend-London 01 2-6 P
Paddle steamers, Margate 01 30-1
Paddle steamers, Medway 03 599-606 P
Paddle steamers, Sheerness 07 45, 49
Paddle steamers, Thanet 03 627-8 P
Paddlesworth, church, near Folkestone 07 209-12 P
Paddlesworth, near Folkestone, Red Lion Inn 06 274
Paddlesworth, near Snodland 01 515-7
Paddlesworth, near Snodland 43 3:48
Paddlesworth, near Snodland, St Benedict’s Church 15 696 R
Paddock Wood 19 178 R
Paddock Wood, Charles Dickbns 40 1:16-17
Paddock Wood, Dickens connections 25 635-7 P
Paddock Wood, Dorothy Dickens 40 1:10-19 P
Paddock Wood, Frederick Cosham 39 6:42-51
Paddock Wood, hop-picking 01 547 P
Paddock Wood, Mascalls Gallery 35 4:5
Paddock Wood, railway 14 632 R
Paddock Wood, Railway hotel 25 635-7 P
Paddock Wood, Railway hotel 40 1:14-17 P
Paddock Wood, speeding fine 39 4:44-51 P
Paddock Wood, St Andrew’s Church 35:4 20
Paddock Wood, station 0 11 P
Paddock Wood, station 21 577–9 P
Paddock Wood, station 25 634 P
Paddock Wood, war memorial 39 6:42-43 P
Paderewski 22 251
Pagan Kent 17 423-7 P
Page and Overton (brewers) 03 681
Page family 11 690-6
Page, Andre and Company (photographers) 20 267-8
Page, George Mclean 24 203, 347-8 P
Page, Jimmy 39 3:22
Page, Thomas 14 75-9
Page, Walter 38 3:14-15
Pageants 10 801-8 P
Pageants 29 3:30-33 P
Pageants, international beauty, Folkestone 32 4:5
Pageants, Rochester 31 3:32-39 P
Paget, General Bernard 40 3:40-41
Paine, Brenda 16 732-3 P
Paine, George 25 669, 672-5 P
Paine, Henry (Maidstone) 44 6:6-7
Paine, Tom 15 687
Painting, Medway towns 34 3:20-25 P
Painting, Samuel Palmer 34 2:18-25 P
Paintings, in Kent collections 26 52 R
Palace Theatre, Gillingham 31 4:48
Palaeolithic Age 44 4:14-21 P
Palin, Michael 35 2:42-43 P
Paling, G. R. 38 4:23
Pallo, Jackie (wrestler) 27 124
Palm Cottage, Gillingham 38 2:28-33 P
Palmer family, Hythe 21 58–65 P
Palmer family, Snodland 26 753
Palmer, Edward 18 251-252 P
Palmer, Eileen 17 547
Palmer, Frances 29 5:14-20 P
Palmer, Fred 21 609–12 P
Palmer, George Hosworthy 17 288
Palmer, Henry Robinson (engineer) 19 397-402
Palmer, Samuel (artist) 01 510 R
Palmer, Samuel (artist) 15 387
Palmer, Samuel (artist) 34 2:18-25
Palmer, Samuel (artist) 35 4:5 P
Palmer, Sir Henry 24 243
Palmer, Sir Henry 26 753-57 P
Palmer, Stephen 23 606-7 P
Palmer, William (police) 41 5:34
Palmer, William 14 270-3
Palmerston, Lord 26 613-14 P
Pan Yan Pickle 39 3:12-13 P
Panda Press 26 288-95 P
Pankhurst, Christabel 29 5:8-9 P
Pankhurst, Christabel 45 2:17
Pankhurst, Emmeline 23 466
Pankhurst, Emmeline 29 5:8-9 P
Pankhurst, Emmeline 45 2:17
Pannage 20 745
Panther (oil tanker) 20 355 P
Pantony, Edith 45 4:4
Paper mills 10 59-66 P
Paper mills, Aylesford 13 25, 72
Paper mills, Aylesford 19 453-4 P, 544-9 P
Paper mills, Buckland 13 303, 638-9 P, 641
Paper mills, Dover 21 733–41 P
Paper mills, St Mary Cray 21 516p
Paper, handmade 02 264-71 P
Paper-making 21 733–41 P
Paper-making 24 681, 707-9 P
Paper-making 35 4:12 P
Paper-making, Maidstone 03 642-8 P
Paper-making, Maidstone 14 753
Paper-making, Maidstone 16 85-7
Paper-making, Maidstone 28 44-45
Paracas 17 3-4 P
Paramoor Grange 20 406-8 P
Paramore family 26 175
Parents’ National Educational Union 12 219
Parents’ National Educational Union 23 753
Parfect, Caleb, Rev 14 591
Parham, Frank 31 4:48
Parhams builders 31 4:48-51 P
Paris, Matthew (monk) 34 1:16
Parish constable’s duties 19 175
Parish constable’s duties 22 103, 375 L
Parish records 20 559
Parish records 3 768 L
Parish relief 14 153
Parish, Ben 38 1:20-25
Parish, Frank Wilson 24 479-82 P
Paris-Madrid air race 45 1:27
Park, John Anthony (artist) 42 1:30-31 P
Parker, Archbishop Matthew 12 663-5 P
Parker, Captain Edward Thornborough 29 4:29
Parker, Edward 26 359
Parker, Elizabeth 45 4:24
Parker, James, Cement manufacturer 01 463
Parker, John Lankester 06 188, 190
Parker, Mathew 37 1:31
Parker, Richard and Mrs 14 333-7 P
Parker, Richard and Mrs 16 109-11 P
Parker, Richard and Mrs 17 264-8 P, 501-3 L, 568 L
Parker, Stephen Edward 14 237-9
Parker, Ted 25 283-5 P
Parkes, Barry 38 2:48-50 P
Parkes, Edmund Alexander 42 3:39
Parkinson, William 35 2:46-50
Parkwood housing estate, Rainham 27 86 P
Parlanti, Conrad 36 6:15
Parliamentary elections (1790) 02 121-3
Parliamentary Reform Act (1832) 35 4:21-23 P
Parliamentary representation 25 37-9
Parliamentary seats (1832 and 1885) 36 6:16-19 P
Parochial charities 17 527-31 P
Parrett, William John 01 123
Parrott, Dr Jeremy 36 5:43
Parrott, George Charles 37 6:11-15
Parry, William 45 4:49
Parry-Evans, Rev A. B. 37 2:18
Parry-Evans, Rev Adolphus Bartholomew 15 749-51
Parsonage Farm, Bredgar 30 6:8 P
Parsons, Alfred 38 6:20-24
Parsons, Professor F. G. 42 6:10-11
Particular Baptists 12 587
Partridge Lane Hostel, Faversham 45 4:18
Pasley, Captain C. W., RE 1 157
Passenger transport 18 231-236
Passenger yachts 09 296-304 P
Passmore family (printers) 27 344-350 P
Passmore, Joseph (printer) 44 5:4-6 P
Passmore, Joseph 27 345
Passmore, Michael (printer) 44 5:12-13 P
Passports 35 6:40-41 P
Pateman, Ann 31 2:27
Pateman, Emily 34 5:39
Pateman, Florence 34 5:36-39
Pateman, Henry 31 2:25
Pateman, Henry 34 5:34-36
Pateman, James 31 2:24-25
Pateman, Robert 30 3:10-11
Pateman, Robert 31 2:20-22
Pateman, Thomas 34 5:36
Pateman, Walter 24 119 R
Pateman, Walter and family 25 123-30 P
Pateman, William 34 5:39
Patent medicines 17 81-6 P
Patricia (Trinity House yacht) 24 204-5 P
Patrick, Nigel 39 3:30-31 P
Patrixbourne, alien priory 2 363
Patrixbourne, Bifrons 37 5:17
Patrixbourne, church 08 474-7 P
Patrixbourne, church, window 22 546 P
Patrixbourne, Conynham Oast House 29 3:19-22 P
Patrixbourne, St Mary’s 37 5:17
Patten, Thomas, Rev 3 615-7
Pattenden, Thomas 12 424
Pattison, Ralph 16 75-8
Paulinus 12 105
Paulinus 15 423-5
Pavilion café, Orpington 26 685-89 P
Pavillet, Henry 15 315-7
Pavlovich, Grand Duke Dmitri 37 3:45
Pawlyn, David 36 4:32-34
Pawnbrokers 12 225
Pay, Henry 14 130
Payler family, Broadstairs 15 177-9 P
Payn, Graham 41 3:20
Payn, Stapleton, and family 22 429-432
Payn, Sydenham (coroner) 37 1:10
Payn, Sydenham (coroner) 44 3:23-25
Payne, George (antiquary) 10 145, 148
Payne, George 36 3:38
Payne, William 22 749-50
Peace, Charles 23 43-8 P
Peacock, William 22 535
Peak, Peter (lawyer) 06 3 48
Pea-picking 25 599-601
Pearce, Ernest George 08 526-32 P
Pearce, Sarah 39 5:34-42
Pearce, William 39 5:34-42
Pearless, John 44 1:9-10
Pearly kings and queens 19 514 P
Pearly kings and queens 25 323, 327 P
Pearse, Evelyn 25 550-6 P
Pearson & Dorman Long, Miners’ strike (1942) 41 3:46-51
Pearson & Dorman Long, Richborough land 41 4:5 P
Pearson, Charles 20 330
Pearson, Charles 22 414, 416, 497-9, 511
Pearson, Charlotte (Cooper) 43 3:17
Pearson, Corporal Daphne, WAAF 02 72-5 P, 255 L
Pearson, Corporal Daphne, WAAF 12 582, No 12 IBC L
Pearson, Elizabeth 22 497-502, 507-12 P
Pearson, George 30 4:16
Pearson, Lester 18 253, 255 P
Peasants’ Revolt 02 125-6 R
Peasants’ Revolt 05 677-8
Peasants’ Revolt 09 561-5
Peasants’ Revolt 11 575-8 P
Peasants’ Revolt 14 630
Peasants’ Revolt 25 271-2, 696 R
Pease, Jessie 20 96
Peat fires underground 23 207
Peck, Gregory 35 5:50-51 P
Peck, Gregory 41 2:10-12 P
Peckham, early buses 22 137-41
Peckham, early buses, Thomas Tilling’s establishments 22 137-141
Ped’lers Concert Party 12 80-84 P
Pedley, M. G. F. 27 275
Peek-a-Boo boutique 18 148
Peel Castle 18 307
Peel, Ron 41 1:34-39 P
Peg tiles 03 72-9 P, No 4 IBC L
Pegwell Bay 12 482 P
Pegwell Bay 15 285, 303 P, 327-32 P, 504 L
Pegwell Bay 19 116-8 P, L
Pegwell Bay 24 590-1
Pegwell Bay 27 229 P
Pegwell Bay, coastguard station 01 20 P
Pegwell Bay, hotel 29 1:13
Pegwell Bay, hovercraft 17 610-20 P
Pegwell Bay, Hugin Viking Ship replica 26 234-41 P
Pegwell village 03 655-60 P
Pegwell, Sir William Garrow 37 6:44-51 P
Peking (training ship )18 No 1 IBC R
Peking (training ship) 15 84-8 P
Peking (training ship) 23 546-7 P
Peking / Arethusa, Chatham Dockyard 32 1:36-39 P
Peking / Arethusa, Chatham Dockyard 32 2:14-15 P
Pelham, John 22 593-7
Pelissier, Albert (Sandwich) 40 6:35-36
Pellicetti, Father Aloysius Louis 17 601 P
Pells, Alfred 18 25
Pelmarsh aerodrome, Jesson Farm 24 139-41
Pelorus (pilot launch) 15 354 P
Pelter 23 21
Pelton, Richard (printer) 07 451-3
Pemba, George (artist) 42 1:30-31 P
Pemberton Billing, Noel (MP and aviator) 37 2:6
Pemberton Billing, Noel (MP and aviator) 38 1:51
Pembroke, HMS 43 1:12-17 P
Pembury workhouse 34 5:39
Pembury, church barrel organ 17 25 P
Pembury, Kent College 30 5:46-47
Penance 14 524-5
Pender, Sir John 34 2:43
Penelope, HMS 27 13
Penelope, HMS 27 13
Penenden Heath 05 433-8 P
Penenden Heath 07 159-61 P
Penenden Heath 08 631 P
Penenden Heath 19 286
Penenden Heath 22 698 P, 705-6
Penenden Heath, cricket 09 468
Penenden Heath, election (1790) 02 121-3
Penenden Heath, hangings 09 664
Penenden Heath, hangings 13 352, 585
Penfold, Frederick 21 223-228
Penfold, Lady 41 1:12
Penfold’s funfair 31 1:44-47 P
Penfold’s funfair 31 2:10
Penge 13 560-7 P
Penge Place 01 550
Penge, church 01 332-5 P
Penge, cinemas 21 554-7 P
Penge, libraries 22 740 P, 742-3
Penge, police station 21 288 P
Penguin 17 380-3 P, 509
Peninsular War, Royal Engineers 01 157
Penley, Blanche 40 1:14
Penley, Esther 36 1:38-39
Penley, George 34 2:38
Penley, Sampson 34 2:34-39
Penley, Sampson 36 1:38-39
Penn family 11 56
Penn, John (engineer) 18 592
Pennel, Charlie (taxi driver) 19 257-9
Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth 17 111-14 P
Penny dreadfuls 35 2:28-32 P
Penny readings 17 355-62 P
Penny, Edward 03 722
Penshurst 13 78 P, 388 P
Penshurst Place 02 493-4 P
Penshurst Place 11 92 P, 93
Penshurst Place 13 756
Penshurst Place 23 733
Penshurst Place, Tonbridge 29 2:6
Penshurst, butcher’s shop 05 70 P
Penshurst, cricket ground 09 271
Penshurst, policing 13 397-8
Pepper, A. H. C. 32 6:24
Peppercorn, Gertrude (pianist) 43 2:34
Peppermint 18 51
Pepys, Elizabeth 31 6:31 P
Pepys, Samuel 05 174
Pepys, Samuel 10 293
Pepys, Samuel 11 50, 51, 198, 199
Pepys, Samuel 22 652-3
Pepys, Samuel 26 116, 423, 427-29
Pepys, Samuel 31 3:40-45 P
Pepys, Samuel 34 1:22-27 P
Pepys, Samuel 37 5:14
Pepys, Samuel 38 4:38
Pepys, Samuel 42 2:22
Pepys, Samuel, Chatham Dockyard corruption 31 6:26-32P
Percival, Dr Arthur (historian) 31 5:40
Percival, Dr Arthur (historian) 36 1:7 P
Percival, John L. 31 3:39
Perfect, Charles T. 26 251
Perfect, Foliet and Lucy 14 659-64
Perfect, George 14 664
Perfect, William 14 591-7 P, 659-64 P
Perfect, William 18 216
Perkins, Gwen 17 108-9 P
Perman Parasol (aircraft) 15 420-1 P
Perrin, Gilbert 25 369 P, 371-2
Perrin, Gwillum 23 427-9
Perronet family 16 181 R
Perronet, Charles and Edward 19 601
Perronet, Vincent, vicar of Shoreham 01 249-50 P
Perry Court Farm Oast House, Boughton Aluph 29 3:19 P
Perry Cup shooting trophy 19 686 P
Perry Wood 26 20-24 P, 249 L, 313 L
Perry Wood murder 1889 12 389-94 P, No 9 IBC L, P
Perry, Geoffrey 38 3:45
Perseverance 02 581
Perseverance 19 95
Pershing, General John 40 4:48-51 P
Persian Empire 19 181-3 L, P
Perth, William of (saint) 11 555
Perth, William of (saint) 36 3:10-11
Perugini, Carlo (artist) 45 1:6-15
Perugini, Katey (Catherine), née Dickens 45 1:4-15
Perugini, Leonard 45 1:8, 10, 15
Pesticides 44 4:32-41
Peters bridge, Snodland 37 2:10-11 P
Peters cement works 11 110
Peters cement works 15 747
Peters cement works 37 2:10
Peters, Andy 29 4:43-44
Peters, Hedley 37 2:16
Peterson, Bertha 20 723-6 P
Peterson, Bertha 36 4:36-43 P
Peterson, Rev William 36 4:36-42
Petham 10 183 R
Petham, church 06 101-2
Petham, Debden Court Farm 06 95, 97-8 P
Petham, national school 06 95-96
Petham, Slippery Sam’s 11 596 P
Petroleum warfare 13 570-5 P
Pett Bottom, Duck Inn 23 553 P
Pett, Hastings, First World War airfield 07 418-9
Pett, Peter 11 50, 51
Pett, Peter 26 113-5
Pett, Peter 38 4:37
Pettitt family, Chilham 03 175-6
Pettitt, Ernest 44 6:8-9
Pettman, Ann 43 6:36-39
Pettman, F. L. 25 443
Petts Wood 01 318 R
Petts Wood, cinemas 21 558–9 P
Petts Wood, Willett memorial 15 202 P
Petty, William 32 3:48-49
Peugeot car 25 FCP, 698 P
Pevensey Castle 20 594, 596-7 P
Pew rents 25 658
Pews, family 11 21-4 P
Peyton, Thomas 22 341-3
Phantasmagoria 18 264
Phantom hounds 31 6:42-47P
Phantoms 19 79-83
Phelps, Thomas Prankerd 11 No 1 IBC R
Philby, Harold ‘Kim’ 41 6:9-12
Philip / Phelip, Matthew 27 78-83
Philip, Alex J. 45 4:29
Philip, Christina, brass of 27 81 P
Philip, Prince 35 5:52
Philipot, John 24 659
Philipot’s Charity 18 757 R
Philippa, Queen 39 4:24-27
Phillips family 22 387-91 P
Phillips Peggy (née Baker) 36 2:39-41 P
Phillips, Canon Anthony 37 1:30
Phillips, Captain Percival 06 284-92 P
Phillips, Rev E. A. 18 315-321, No 8 IBC L
Phillips, Sir Thomas 35 2:35
Phillips, Stephen 22 455-9 P
Philp, Dr Brian 39 6:22
Philpott, Rev John 23 211
Phipps, Matthew Mark (brewer) 07 531
Phoenix (hoy) 19 197-203 P
Phoenix Gas Light and Coke Company 20 329-33 P, 409, 412, 463, 469-70
Phoenix Gas Works 17 286 P, 289P
Phoenix Gas Works 22 510-1 P
Photography 11 250-8 P, No 7 IBC L, 524-7 P
Photography 16 341, 629 R
Photography 17 13
Photography 25 443-7 P, 536-8
Photography 35 3:24-30 P
Photography 41 2:38-43 P
Photography 42 4:14-23 P
Photography, A Year in the Life project 32 4:8 P
Photography, Beckenham 17 673
Photography, early 10 171, 177
Photography, early 43 4:44-51 P
Photography, equipment and processing 21 272-9 P
Photography, Faversham 19 15-16
Photography, First World War home front 43 6:4-8 P
Photography, Lamberhurst 23 314-22 P
Photography, seaside 43 6:18-21 P
Photography, Thanet 20 293-9 P, 322-8 P
Photography, Tunbridge Wells 16 250-7 P
Photography, Tunbridge Wells 19 20-23
Photography, Tunbridge Wells 20 257-68 P
Photography, Visit Kent 32 1:6 P
Piaf, Edith 41 6:12
Pickett, Francis Norman (inventor) 03 421-4 P
Pickford, Mary 38 3:25
Picture This 2013, University of Kent and Canterbury Cathedral 34 5:9
Pie Powder / Pied Poudre 12 658
Pie Powder / Pied Poudre 24 29
Pieck, Henri Christian 36 6:15
Pier Pavilion, Herne Bay 32 1:31 P
Pier Square, Herne Bay 29 4:25 P
Pier works light ship, Dover 24 342-8 P
Pier, Hampton Oyster Fishery Company 26 179-82 P
Pierre, Peter de la 23 671
Pierrepoint, Albert 38 3:43
Pierrot troupes 13 100-5 P
Piers 06 4 28
Piers 22 367-8 P
Piers, Deal 22 318-9P
Piers, Henry 01 102-3, 248-50
Piers, Ramsgate 22 366-72 P
Pig farming 22 307
Pig-keeping 06 165-8 P
Pig-keeping 18 4 P
Pig-keeping 24 626-7 P
Pigot’s Directory 30 3:42-47
Pilatre de Rozier, Jean-Francois 35 6:48
Pilch, Fuller 05 593-5 P
Pilch, Fuller 29 5:6
Pilcher family 12 59-62
Pilcher, Percy (aviator) 03 521-4 P
Pilcher, Percy (aviator) 21 655
Pilcher, Sam 26 279-87 P
Pilgrim route 24 62
Pilgrimages 11 555-9 P, 751
Pilgrimages 12 263, 340
Pilgrims’ Way 13 717
Pilgrims’ Way 19 631
Pilkington, Gunner William 25 113-4
Pill boxes 09 718 P
Pill boxes 11 230 P
Pill boxes 12 269-75 P
Pill boxes 16 358-65 P, 393-4, 597
Pill boxes 18 758 R
Pillow, George and Charles 16 167-9
Pilot Inn, Dungeness 27 22-25 P
Pilot Stations 13 530-6 P, 592-9 P
Pilotage 15 351-9 P, 526
Pilotage 16 469-78 P
Pilotage 19 497
Pilotage Act 1987 16 475
Pimlico 17 365 P
Pimm, James 36 4:49-51 P
Pimm’s 36 4:49-51 P
Pinfolds 20 662-6 P
Pink Floyd 39 3:16-21 P
Pink Floyd pig balloon, Chilham 34 2:11
Pinks 19 37-43 P
Pins, water folklore 18 345
Pioneer 14 192 P, 195, 198 P
Pioneer 24 707
Pioneer Players, Folkestone 20 513-4
Piracy on the Thames 1816 16 239-41 P
Pirate radio 21 371 R
Pirate radio 28 155-162 P
Pirate radio, Radio City 31 4:30-33 P
Pitcairn Island 36 5:21-25
Pitcairn, Alexander 35 6:12
Pitcher, Thomas, William and Henry 17 437-8
Pitcher, Walter 25 379, 386-8
Pitman, Herbert J. 31 1:38-39 P
Pitt family, Lamberhurst 12 695 L
Pitt the Younger, William 34 2:45 P
Pitt the Younger, William 36 3:4-5 P
Pitt the Younger, William 36 4:5
Pitt the Younger, William 39 2:48-49 P
Pitt, William 12 177, 718
Pitt, William 16 407-8
Pixhill Cottage, Great Mongeham 27 296-300 P
Place names 01 373-5, 477-9, 528-30, 621-3, 725
Placentia, Tudor palace 14 563
Placentia, Tudor palace 19 613-5
Placentia, Tudor palace 24 89
Plague 03 52-4
Plague 13 75
Plague 14 17
Plague 17 710
Plague 18 275, 395-398
Plague 42 1:16-18 P
Plague, Black Death 26 591-96
Plague, Faversham 17 703-10
Plague, Greenwich (1655-66) 26 427-29
Plague, Samuel Pepys 31 6:30
Plaisance Palace 12 535
Plaistow, docks 24 350-1, 354-5
Plaistow, police station 24 351 P, 465 P
Plant, Arnold (publican) 44 4:36-37
Plantagenet burials 20 536, 538-9
Plantagenet, Richard, Eastwell 34 2:3
Plantagenet, Richard, legend of, 34 2:3
Plante, Mrs Harry 26 62-3
Plaque industry, Faversham 07 218-22 P
Platel, William 22 173
Platt, Norman 22 565 R
Plautius 23 111-16, 677
Plaxtol 14 74 P, 748
Plaxtol 24 757 R
Plaxtol, fair lawns 06 593, 595 P
Plaxtol, local history group 29 1:16-17 R
Plaxtol, Old Soar Manor, Jenny the milkmaid 30 1:44-45
Plaxtol, Old Soar Manor, Jenny the milkmaid 30 2:11
Plaxtol, post and post office 29 1:16-17 P R
Plaxtol, Victorian school life 32 3:15 R
Playbills 36 1:35-41P
Players’ Theatre, London 43 3:40-41
Playfoot, James, and Sons, farmers 01 420-1 P
Playfoot, James, and Sons, farmers 02 115-20 P
Playfoot, James, and Sons, farmers 03 435-49 P, 727-35 P
Playmates steam drifter 29 6:23
Plaza cinema, Gillingham 30 6:36-37 P
Pleasure boats 11 122-30 P
Pleasure boats 12 244-6
Pleasure boats, regulations 25 363-9
Pleasure steamer 26 229 P, 230-1
Pledge family (millers) 06 634-43 P
Plimsoll gym shoes 38 1:16
Plimsoll, Samuel 29 6:14
Plimsoll, Samuel, 38 1:10-17 P
Plomley, Dr Francis 41 6:21
Plomley, Roy 43 4:33 P
Ploquet, Robert 28 270-274
Plot, Robert 36 6:34-37 P
Plot, Robert, of Borden 03 665-9 P
Plough engines 25 314-22 P
Ploughing 01 254 R
Ploughing 14 222 P
Ploughing 25 314-22 P
Ploughing matches 23 684, 686 P, 699, 704
Plover 01 25-7 P, 766 R
Plover 18 186 P
Pluck’s Gutter 11 67
Pluck’s Gutter ferry 23 No 12 IBC L
Pluckley 03 206-10 P
Pluckley 13 586 P
Pluckley 35 6:16-23 P
Pluckley Grange murder 10 428-32 P
Pluckley, aerodrome 19 413-4
Pluckley, brickworks 09 369-74 P, 397-402 P
Pluckley, church 17 528 P
Pluckley, First World War airfield 07 419
Pluckley, ghosts 19 621
Pluckley, ghosts 28 276-279 P
Pluckley, ghosts 34 6:43-45
Pluckley, goal-running 08 271-6 P
Pluckley, Grace Hugo, epitaph 32 4:14
Pluckley, Jesse Spicer, epitaph 32 4:14
Pluckley, Sheerland Farm 29 3:21
Pluckley, St Nicholas’s Church 22 448 P
Pluckley, St Nicholas’s Church 28 276 P
Pluckley, St Nicholas’s Church 34 6:45 P
Pluckley, Surrenden 44 2:19
Pluckley, Surrenden Dering 25 26-7 P
Plum Pudding riots, Canterbury 32 6:48-50
Plum Pudding Riots, Canterbury 45 5:12-17
Plumasserie 17 743
Plume, Thomas 42 2:22-25 P
Plumer, General Herbert 42 5:13
Plumstead 21 539-40
Plumstead Common 25 345-52 P
Plumstead, Conway Road School 22 417, 420
Plumstead, Conway Street School evacuees 24 102-7 P
Plumstead, life in 1900 22 248 R
Plumstead, marshes 17 337-8, 341
Plumstead, marshes 21 409-12
Plumstead, munition workers’ housing 06 708-11 P
Plumstead, police station 22 104 P
Plumstead, policing 17 332-41 P
Plumstead, prison 17 341
Plumstead, public bath and wash houses 27 102-104 P
Plumstead, Timbercroft schools 03 739-42 P
Plüschow, Gunther 18 442-445
Plüschow, Gunther 36 2:6-7 P
Pluto (pipeline under the ocean), Greatstone 31 4:43 P
Pluto (pipelines under the ocean) 14 705-8 P
Pluto (pipelines under the ocean) 15 184 L, No 5 IBC L, 495-9 P
Plymouth Brethren 16 321-2
Poaching 05 106-8
Poaching 10 26-8
Poaching 12 182
Poaching 13 350
Poaching 30 3:38-39
Poaching 42 5:16-22 P
Pobjoy Airmotors and Aircraft 07 228-37
Pobjoy, Rochester 03 10 P
Pocahontas 20 509
Pocahontas 21 342
Pocahontas 38 3:10-17 P
Pocahontas, 44 5:32-41 P
Pocahontas, grave 30 4:7 P
Pocahontas, grave 30 5:13
Pocahontas, Gravesend 34 4:36 P
Pocahontas, Gravesend 34 5:26-27 P
Pocahontas, princess 39 5:30-32 P
Pocock, A. J. 41 2:15-16
Pocock, Jack 15 437
Podger, H. and Sons 17 741-3 P
Poetry, Gray, Thomas 44 5:16-25 P
Pointer, Thomas 05 683-9
Poitiers (figurehead) 20 No 6 BC P
Poleyn, Hake 38 2:24-25
Polhill family 01 294 P
Police and policing 13 393-8 P, 617
Police and policing 16 626-9
Police and policing, 999 system 15 757
Police and policing, ambulance 16 209 P, 376 L
Police and policing, Ashford 15 480-5, 506-11 P
Police and policing, Bexley area 19 571-80 P
Police and policing, Bromley 18 67-73 P
Police and policing, callboxes 15 74-5, 755-7 P
Police and policing, callboxes 17 338
Police and policing, callboxes 19 576-8 P, 719
Police and policing, callboxes 21 287, 292
Police and policing, callboxes 22 177
Police and policing, callboxes 24 469-70
Police and policing, Chatham Dockyard 05 174-80 P
Police and policing, Chatham Dockyard 13 11-6 P
Police and policing, Chislehurst 15 65-75 P
Police and policing, corruption 11 353-7 P
Police and policing, Deptford 19 715-20 P
Police and policing, Deptford, foreign cattle market 23 389-92 P
Police and policing, docks 24 465-6
Police and policing, dockyards 13 211-6 P
Police and policing, dockyards 24 41-7 P, 465-6
Police and policing, finance, c. 1790 21 374 L
Police and policing, fingerprint evidence first used 19 719
Police and policing, Folkestone 17 442-6 P
Police and policing, Fowle family 11 500-3 P
Police and policing, Greenwich 22 103-12 P, 173-180 P
Police and policing, Greenwich 26 695-96 P
Police and policing, history of Kent forces 24 182 R
Police and policing, horse patrols 19 573, 715
Police and policing, Hythe 13 683-8 P
Police and policing, Knockholt 20 635-43 P
Police and policing, Lewisham 21 197-204 P
Police and policing, Margate 14 240-7 P, 267-73 P
Police and policing, metropolitan Kent 09 494-8 P
Police and policing, moto cycle 17 444 P
Police and policing, murders of policemen 09 23-8 P, No 4 IBC L
Police and policing, murders of policemen 18 517-24
Police and policing, murders of policemen 22 173
Police and policing, murders of policemen, of the Thames 19 54 R
Police and policing, murders of policemen, parks police 22 179
Police and policing, murders of policemen, wireless cars 22 176-7
Police and policing, North Woolwich 24 349-58 P, 463-70 P
Police and policing, pay 15 482
Police and policing, pay 17 443-5
Police and policing, Penge 13 560
Police and policing, Ramsgate 13 576-83 P
Police and policing, special constables 14 267
Police and policing, special constables 15 752
Police and policing, special constables 17 333, 335
Police and policing, truncheons 24 45
Police and policing, uniform 15 66 P, 480 P, 507
Police and policing, uniform 20 388 P
Police and policing, West Wickham 15 751-8 P
Police and policing, wireless cars 15 755-7 P
Police, first policewomen 37 1:42-45 P
Police, Kent force and museum 37 6:6-7
Policing, women’s role in 43 6:48-51 P
Polidori, John 45 4:44- 50
Political corruption, Rochester 13 659-61
Poll tax (1381) 11 575
Pollocks Shipyard, Faversham 21 650-3 P
Polton Valley 18 35
Pomfret, William Pomfret 27 111-113
Pons, Sjoerd 28 286-290
Pontifex, Edmund and William 02 457
Pontoon bridge at Gravesend 18 444 P
Pooles family 10 378-83
Poor house, diet 14 741
Poor houses 23 541-3 P
Poor houses 26 143
Poor law 12 363-4, 369
Poor law 13 239-46 P
Poor law 14 738-42
Poor law 29 4:32
Poor law 39 1:32-33
Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 11 265
Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 23 541
Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 26 143
Poor Law Amendment Act (1834) 27 166-69
Poor Law Reform Act 24 273, 573
Poor Law Reform Act, occupations created 24 573
Poor law, Elham 03 286-91 P
Poor law, operation 26 143-52 P
Poor Priests’ House, Canterbury 45 6:19-23
Poor rate 12 183
Poor rate 15 224
Poor rate 18 280
Poor rate, to promote emigration 15 39-42
Poor relief 07 268-9, 597-600
Poor relief 13 29, 488
Poor relief, Dartford 11 393-9 P
Poor relief, Medway towns 08 442-5 P, 695 L
Poor relief, Minster, Thanet 11 265-273, 329-36 P
Poor relief, Sevenoaks 08 19-22
Poor relief, Sheerness 09 330
Pope Honorius III 45 6:19
Pope, John and Albert Whitmore 16 667
Pope, Lawrence Victor 30 4:48-51 P
Popham, Admiral Sir Home 17 450
Popham, Florence and Arthur 40 1:27-28
Poppy Day 1923 13 693-5 P
Port family, dairy farmers 01 525-7 P
Port Jackson 18 690
Port Lympne 05 156-60 P
Port of London Authority tugs 18 No 8 IBC R
Port of London boundary 17 365
Port Victoria, Grain 03 430 P
Port Victoria, Grain 10 233, 235
Port Victoria, Grain 12 445
Port Victoria, Grain 15 9
Port Victoria, Grain 18 583
Port Victoria, Grain 35 5:14 P R
Port Victoria, jetty collapse 25 17-18
Porter, Eileen, Stanley and George 22 417-24 P, 428
Porter, Heather 38 3:6-7 P
Porter, Richard 23 189
Porter, Richard 41 1:41 R
Porter’s Lock 18 326-328 P
Portland Cement 15 161-5 P
Portland Cement 21 718-9
Portman, Eric (actor) 44 3:27-35 P
Ports 31 4:14-15 R
Portsmouth Dockyard 19 431-6
Portus Lemanis 19 261-5
Postal service 01 127 R
Postal service 10 265-71 P
Postal service 11 87-92 P
Postal service 13 366-72 P, 373-4 R, 488
Postal service 16 615-20 P
Postal service 19 19
Postal service, Plaxtol 29 1:16-17 P R
Postal service, strike 1971 17 619-20
Postans, Rev John 43 2:13
Postcards 28 55 P
Postcards 32 3:13, 32 4:10 P
Postcards by ‘Jotter’ 05 70-5 P
Postcards, J. Salmon, 38 6:42-43 P
Postgate, Oliver 39 4:4-5 P
Postling, Pent Farm 21 659, 664-6 P
Postman’s work, 1970s 24 389-93 P
Postmaster’s duties 16 615-7
Potato cultivation 16 133-6 P
Pot-lids, Victorian 01 596-7 P
Potter, Tom 19 672-6
Potteries 24 592-8 P
Potteries, Trottiscliffe 36 4:45 P
Potteries, Upchurch Pottery 36 1:42-43 R
Potteries, Upchurch Pottery 36 4:45-47
Pottery 38 2:34-39 P
Pou-du-Ciel / Flying Flea (aircraft) 13 314-23 P
Poultry 28 46-48 P
Poultry farming, Bromley Green 07 11-15 P
Poultry farming, Orpington 08 97-102 P
Poultry rearing 24 699-701 P
Pound Farm, Newington 26 707-08
Pound, Daniel John 37 3:8-15
Pound, Henry 37 3:8-15
Pounds 20 662-6 P
Pout family 22 359-65, 379-83 P
Pout family 25 9-10 P
Pout family 26 601-08 P
Pout, Dudley 09 255
Pout, Edward Joseph 09 250-51
Pout, Edward Joseph 18 314-321 P, No 8 IBC L
Pout, Edward Joseph 19 129, 135 P
Pout, Edward Joseph 20 138, 140
Pout, William 14 523, 696 L
Poverty 35 1:39
Poverty and relief 24 673-5
Powell family 22 649-52
Powell, Air Commodore G. H. 15 197
Powell, John Powell 05 21-2, 26
Powell, John Withers 16 707-10, 18 No 6 IBC L
Powell, Michael (filmmaker) 28 248-250 P
Powell, Michael (filmmaker) 32 5:7
Powell, Michael (filmmaker) 44 3 26-35 P
Powell, Thomas 22 469-70
Powell, Thomas 25 280-2
Powell, Thomas 26 362
Powell, William 41 3:46-50
PoWs, German 39 1:20-21
Poynings, Robert 23 151
Poynings, Sir Adrian 40 6:18
Poynings, Sir Edward 40 6:18
Poynings, Sir Edward and Sir Thomas 03 343
Poynings, Sir Thomas 40 6:18-19
Practices Act (1919) 23 471
Praill, Edward 43 1:45
Pratchett, Terry 35 2:37
Prater, Thomas 41 5:35
Pratt, Anne (botanical artist) 44 1:4-11 P
Pratt, Robert (grocer) 44 1:4-6
Pratt’s Bottom, Dick Turpin 44 5:48-51 P
Pratts Bottom, stagecoach crash 18 236
Prefabricated houses 38 6:44-51 P
Prefabricated houses, Tunbridge Wells 15 137-9 P
Prefabricated houses, Tunbridge Wells 17 526
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 36 3:19-21 P
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 41 5:44-47
President, HMS 37 5:5 P
Press gangs 13 538 P
Press gangs 14 154 P
Press gangs 24 665
Pressburger, Emeric (filmmaker) 28 248-250
Pressburger, Emeric (filmmaker) 44 3:33-34 P
Pressley family, boatmen 25 365-71 P
Pressley, Albert (‘Ninety’) and Bert 21 544 P, 547
Preston Hall, Aylesford 05 668-9 P
Preston Hall, Aylesford 40 1:42-47 P
Preston Maltings, Faversham 23 164-8 P
Preston Mill 18 554 P
Preston, Jim (historian and editor) 40 6:27-28
Preston, Sir Robert 24 228-9
Preston-next-Faversham 22 488-96 P, 537-42 P, 570-6 P
Preston-next-Faversham 25 638 P, 642-3
Preston-next-Faversham, Macknade 26 552-58 P
Preston-next-Faversham, mill 22 488 P, 493-6 P, 540-1, 568 L
Preston-next-Faversham, St Catherine’s Church 19 677-8 P
Preston-next-Faversham, St Catherine’s Church 22 570 P, 574-5 P
Preston-next-Faversham, St Catherine’s Church 25 176 P, 428 P
Preston-next-Faversham, St Catherine’s Church 26 557 P
Preston-next-Faversham, windmill 25 642 P
Preston-next-Wingham 24 23-8 P
Preston-next-Wingham, church 24 24 P, 742 P, 745-7 P
Preston-next-Wingham, Congregational church 11 70-1 P
Preston-next-Wingham, Half Moon and Seven Stars pub 11 68-9 P
Preston-next-Wingham, school 24 742-5 P, 749
Preston-next-Wingham, St Mildred’s church 11 66-8 P
Preston-next-Wingham, windmill 24 22 P
Preussen (sailing ship) 01 721-4 P
Preussen (sailing ship) 20 151
Preussen (sailing ship) 26 61
Price, Dennis (actor) 25 283-5 P
Price, Dennis (actor) 44 3:28-35 P
Price, Dr David 37 3:10-13 P
Price, J. H. 01 370
Price, Rev Lewis 35 2:33
Price, Robert (revolutionary) 18 79-81
Price, Thomas 07 588 P
Price’s patent bathtubs 19 396
Pridden, Rev John 43 4:5-6
Pride of Kent, steam vehicle 19 128 P
Pride of Place competition 06 657-60
Primmer, Thomas (coastguard) 14 555
Prince, Mary 31 2:6
Prince, Peggy 26 403
Prince, Peggy 42 2:37-40 P
Prince’s Golf Club, Sandwich 40 6:33-39
Princess Alice (paddle steamer) 34 5:46-50 P
Princess Alice, collision 19 468 P, 470-1
Princess Alice, disaster 24 353, 357 P
Princess Charlotte 45 4:47
Princess Irene, HMS 21 521
Princess Irene, HMS 36 4:6-7 P
Pring, Jacob 21 664-5
Pringle, Colonel John 37 1:12-15
Prins Alexander 19 550 P, 552 P
Prinsep, Val (artist) 45 1:6
Printing 17 132 P, 169
Printing 38 5:16-25 P
Printing 44 5:4-13 P
Printing presses 26 288-95
Printing, Alabaster Passmore and Sons, Tovil 27 344-350 P
Prior family 12 145-6
Prior, Albert (ARP) 42 6:24
Prior, Samuel 23 589-95
Prison hulks 38 2:8-9
Prison, Canterbury 23 555-9 P
Prison, diet (1834) 17 75
Prisoner of war camps 34 6:46-50 P
Prisoner of war camps 35 2:16-21 P
Prisoner of war camps, Ashford 34 6:47
Prisoner of war camps, Herne 34 6:47
Prisoner of war camps, Tilmanstone 34 6:47 P
Prisoner, The 43 3:32
Prisoners of war 23 130, 143
Prisoners of war 36 2:50-55
Prisoners of war, 10th century 22 723-30 P
Prisons, Belmarsh 17 341
Prisons, Canterbury, Westgate 05 679
Prisons, Chatham 13 611-615
Prisons, Chatham 19 49-52
Prisons, conditions, late Georgian period 15 291-300
Prisons, crafts 09 256-64 P
Prisons, Fordwich 05 128-32 P
Prisons, hulks 22 721-30 P
Prisons, Maidstone 05 612-8 P
Prisons, Maidstone 06 457-60 P
Prisons, Maidstone 13 721
Prisons, Maidstone 31 5:47 P
Prisons, ships 20 367-8
Pritchard, Lorenzo 37 2:6
Prize fighting 09 594-8 P
Prize money 23 658
Probate records 25 503 R
Probert, Colonel William 40 3:33
Problem 23 75-6 P
Problem 24 599, 603 P
Proby, Charles 22 721-2, 726 P
Proby, Charles and Elizabeth 21 372 R
Progress estate, Eltham 29 5:38-45
Prospector (steamer) 19 554 P
Prostitution 36 1:19-20
Protector 24 707, 712 P
Provender / Provendar 03 355 P
Provender House, Norton 36 2:28-32 P
Providence (Thames barge) 39 4:8-9 P
Prudential 21 366-70
Prudential 25 607-12 P
Prudhommes 16 174
Pryor, Canon Dr George 20 379, 380 P
Psyche 25 364-8 P
Pub names 41 1:14-21 P
Pub signs 6 270-4 P
Public Baths and Wash House Act (1846) 27 96-98
Public executions 40 2:32-42 P
Public health 42 1:12-15 P
Public Health Act (1848) 41 6:30
Public health, Tunbridge Wells 15 251-5 P
Public Record Office 03 256 L
Pubs, Coopers Arms, Rochester 34 6:43
Pubs, haunted 26 631 R
Pubs, Herne Bay 25 571-4 P
Pubs, Hollingbourne 34 6:22-25 P
Pubs, King’s Head, Hollingbourne 34 6:22-23 P
Pubs, Old England Inn, Hollingbourne 34 6:24-25
Pubs, on A2 Eltham to Margate 24 450-53 P, No 9 IBC L
Pubs, Ringlestone, Hollingbourne 34 6:25
Pubs, Six Bells, Hollingbourne 34 6:22-23 P
Pubs, The Windmill, Hollingbourne 34 6:22-23
Pubs, Thompson and Son’s tied houses 24 639-41 P
Puckle, John, Rev 15 107, 109-10 P
Puddenpie recipe 13 621-3 P
Pugin Society 41 1:45-46
Pugin, Augustus 35 3:50-51 P
Pugin, Augustus Welby 15 669-74 P
Pugin, Augustus Welby 41 1:45-47
Pugin, Edward Welby 22 295-6
Pugin, Edward Welby 41 1:42-47 P
Pugin, Peter 38 4:46
Pujji, Mahinder Singh 36 1:8-9 P
Pulham, James and Sons 35 4:10
Pulp fiction 43 6:40-47 P
Pulpits, positioning of 24 544-5
Punch and Judy 12 299, 302 P
Pungering 26 29
Purcell Miller Tritton 36 2:33
Puritans 18 116 R
Purnell, Sonia (writer) 42 3:10-12
Purves, William Laidlaw 40 6:33
Purvis, Corporal 25 112-14
Puryour, Thomas ‘Blacktooth’ (smuggler) 21 7-14
Pusey William 28 186-190
Pushball 05 557-60 P
Putland, Thomas (mineral water manufacturer) 6 563-4
Pycraft, William 38 3:16 P
Pygmalion 36 4:31
Pym, Barbara (novelist) 42 4:34
Pym, John 15 54
Pym, Sylvia Noble 09 176-8