The full index for Bygone Kent volumes 1 - 42 is now online! Interested in a specific article or issue?
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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter
Maas, Rupert 37 6:30
MacAdam, Sir James Nicholl 23 489-90, 493
MacAdam, Sir James Nicholl 27 47-50
Macaree, Johnson 36 5:31
Macari’s ice-cream parlours 19 315-21 P
MacCowan, Dr Dhul 44 6:24
MacDonald, Ewen (Edward Dwelly) 20 551-9 P
MacDonald, Malcolm 14 733-4 P
MacDonald, Ramsay 42 5:4
MacDougal, Sergeant Neil 22 173
Maceroni, Colonel Francis 18 511
Macey, Mrs C. 16 733
MacFarlane, James 40 3:30-31
MacGregor, John 14 60-67 P
Machine Gun school 24 136-141 P
Machine Gun school, Hythe 11 755-60 P
Machineguns 42 6:44-49 P
Mackay Miller, Hamish, Bygone Kent launch 40 1:5
Mackay Miller, Hamish, career and Bygone Kent 40 6:26-27
Mackay, Patrick (murderer) 40 6:45
Mackay/Mackie, James (banker) 45 6:24-38
Mackays printing works 11 574
Mackenzie, Compton 35 5:8
Mackie, Frederick Burville 16 259-68 P
Mackinder, Lionel 42 5:46-51 P
Mackinnon, Charlotte Lavinia 27 253-257
Mackintosh, A. C. (police) 44 6:11
Macknight, Thomas 26 89-91 P
Macknight, Thomas 32 4:32 P
Macmillan, Lady Dorothy 38 4:7
Macmillan, Rt Rev John 37 4:33
Macmillan, Sir Harold 32 3:47
Macmillan, Sir Harold 42 1:15
Macmillan, Sir Harold 45 4:10-11
Maconochie family 39 3:12-13 P
MacRae, Helen (suffragette) 45 2:19
Madden, Charles (admiral) 45 5:34
Madder production 14 210, 440 L
Madhouse Act 1828 18 100
Madison’s holiday camp 23 No 6 IBC L
Madness 24 359
Madness, curing 22 89, 92
Madocks, Joe and William 25 232 P, 235, 237
Madocks, John Edward 25 231, 237
Magdalen Hall, Oxford 36 6:34-35
Magee, Charles 41 3:51
Maggie, An Indomitable Woman 11 405-9 P
Magic 24 559-61 P
Magna Carta 25 499
Magna Carta, Kent tour 36 1:9
Magna Carta, Kent tour 36 3:7
Magna Carta, Kent tour at Rochester 36 6:6
Magna Carta, Sandwich 36 2:4-6 P
Magnet 26 83-7 P
Magnificent Manuscripts (exhibition) 34 1:9
Magnificent, construction 19 431-6 P
Magnus Maximus, emperor 19 365
Magwitch, Abel 21 571
Mahesh, Maharishi 42 5:22-23
Mahoney, Cyril Charles 37 6:26
Mahoney, Mary 19 26-7
Mahratta I 18 226 P, 229
Mahratta I 9 132-6 P
Mahratta II 18 228 P, 230
Mahratta II 22 216-7 P
Mahratta II 9 137-8 P
Maid of Orleans 12 56 L
Maidstone & District bus company 02 194-8 P
Maidstone & District bus company 07 162-70 P
Maidstone & District bus company 37 2:36-39
Maidstone (1920s) 23 29-36P
Maidstone 01 382 R
Maidstone 07 692 R
Maidstone 17 54 R, 55 R
Maidstone 30 5:10 P
Maidstone Gazette 40 2:32-42
Maidstone Gin 40 3:4-9 P
Maidstone Grammar school for Girls 35 3:12
Maidstone Journal 14 155
Maidstone Journal 17 133-4
Maidstone Prison 35 4:32-35 P
Maidstone Telegraph 01 122
Maidstone workhouse 10 41
Maidstone workhouse 23 31 P, 33
Maidstone Zoo 05 80-84 P, 375 L
Maidstone, adult education 23 29
Maidstone, airport 01 202-5 P
Maidstone, All Saints’ 37 5:17
Maidstone, All Saints’ church 01 313
Maidstone, All Saints’ church 03 526, 528 P
Maidstone, All Saints’ church 12 315
Maidstone, All Saints’ church 22 648 P, 649 P, 703 P, 704 P
Maidstone, All Saints’ church 23 30 P, 33-4
Maidstone, Allington Castle 32 6:26-32 P
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Palace 08 626 P
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Palace 13 345-6 P
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Palace 23 34
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Palace 24 188 P
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Stables 22 702 P
Maidstone, Archbishop’s Stables 23 34-5
Maidstone, assizes 19 107-11 P
Maidstone, aviation 08 449-50 P
Maidstone, Baptist church, Knightrider Street 22 700 P, 705
Maidstone, Baptists 10 35-41 P
Maidstone, Baptists 14 752 P
Maidstone, barges 01 608 P
Maidstone, Battle of, exhibition 29 3:8
Maidstone, Bedford Place 42 5:32-33 P
Maidstone, Beeching family 39 4:12-16 P
Maidstone, Bluecoat school 02 735-9 P
Maidstone, Bluecoat school 10 36 P, 41
Maidstone, Bluecoat school 23 31 P, 33
Maidstone, bombing (1940) 43 5:10-11 P
Maidstone, brewery 01 593, 669-72 P
Maidstone, brewery 03 679
Maidstone, brewery 07 531-3
Maidstone, bridge 16 No 7 BC P
Maidstone, bridge 18 46 P, 47
Maidstone, bridge 19 3-5
Maidstone, broomstick parades 18 323
Maidstone, bus station 25 150-2 P
Maidstone, camera club 28 R 104-105
Maidstone, Chillington Manor 56 P
Maidstone, chimney sweeps 05 144-6 P
Maidstone, Choral Union 24 478-82 P
Maidstone, church of St Francis 26 511-12 P
Maidstone, cinemas 07 378-84 P
Maidstone, cinemas 20 577
Maidstone, Cliffords 28 42-43 P
Maidstone, coat of arms 15 10-13 P
Maidstone, Congregational churches 22 704-5
Maidstone, Cornwallis Academy, time capsule 32 2:8 P
Maidstone, corporation transport 14 406-7
Maidstone, Corpus Christi Hall 02 173-5 P
Maidstone, Corpus Christi hospital 02 254
Maidstone, County Hall 23 35 P
Maidstone, crematorium 10 7
Maidstone, cricket ground 09 269, 467, 472
Maidstone, Drake and Fletcher 06 698-707 P
Maidstone, Eiffel Tower works 10 250-6 P
Maidstone, elections 18 577-582, 679-683
Maidstone, elections 8 111, 113
Maidstone, electricity works 03 450-7 P
Maidstone, Ellis, Jesse, & Co 42 1:34-35 P
Maidstone, Fiennes, Celia, on 41 3:35
Maidstone, Finn, John 37 4:42-49 P
Maidstone, fire at Denniss Paine & Co 44 6:4-11 P
Maidstone, fire brigade 12 314-9 P
Maidstone, First and Last pub 41 1:16-19 P
Maidstone, First World War outbreak 12 395-6
Maidstone, flooding (1927) 23 32
Maidstone, Foster Clark 44 2:4-11 P
Maidstone, Foster Clark’s factory 22 702
Maidstone, Fountain pub 37 4:45 P
Maidstone, gala day 19 153
Maidstone, Garrison dramatic productions 15 307-10
Maidstone, Girls’ grammar school 38 2:7
Maidstone, Golden Jubilee (1887) 08 626-31 P
Maidstone, grammar schools 03 661-4
Maidstone, grammar schools 08 626 P
Maidstone, grammar schools 10 255
Maidstone, Greyfriars Chapel 23 502
Maidstone, Hayle Paper Mill 02 264 P, 267-71 P
Maidstone, hospital radio 18 256-259 P
Maidstone, hospital radio 34 2:9
Maidstone, industries 28 41-45 P
Maidstone, inns 03 335-9 P, 571-2 R
Maidstone, inns 10 511 P, 513
Maidstone, jail 40 2:32-42 P
Maidstone, Jean Rhys 30 5:26-29
Maidstone, John Leland 41 3:35
Maidstone, Julius Brenchley 38 1:8-9 P
Maidstone, Kent history and library centre 34 1:9
Maidstone, Kentish Rebellion 34 1:46-50
Maidstone, Knightrider Street Baptist church 18 44 P
Maidstone, library 23 69-71 P
Maidstone, Maidstone Distillery 40 3:9
Maidstone, Maidstone grammar school 42 5:26-36 P
Maidstone, Maidstone Water Company 36 2:25-27 P
Maidstone, markets and fairs 10 506-15 P
Maidstone, Marsham family 37 5:17
Maidstone, Martins Bank 40 3:50-51 P
Maidstone, martyrs 34 5:12-19 P
Maidstone, Mastell and Sons 32 4:15
Maidstone, Mill Street 03 525-9 P
Maidstone, Mill Street 05 144 P
Maidstone, Mill Street 07 573-5 P, 640 P, 642 P, 646 P
Maidstone, mineral water manufacture 01 261-4 P
Maidstone, mineral water manufacture 12 685-9 P
Maidstone, Mote House and park 01 184-5 P, 197 L
Maidstone, Mote House and park 06 103-9 P
Maidstone, Mote House and park 12 176
Maidstone, Mote House and park 18 45
Maidstone, Mote Park 36 4:10 R
Maidstone, Mote Park follies 22 474-5 P
Maidstone, Mote Park, Review of Kentish Volunteers, 1799, by William Alexander 32 4:50 P
Maidstone, museum 03 50-1 P
Maidstone, museum 38 1:8-9 P
Maidstone, Museum of Kent Life 27 No 5, PFC
Maidstone, nurseries 12 176, 228-32, 275-80 P
Maidstone, Oakwood hospital 14 401-3 P
Maidstone, Old Maidstone, Volume 2 (book) 02 573 R
Maidstone, Old Tovil music school 26 27-8 P
Maidstone, Old Tovil music school 6 209-213 P
Maidstone, organists 18 423-426
Maidstone, origin of town name 22 699-701
Maidstone, Palace Theatre 23 425, 429 P
Maidstone, Palace Theatre 40 4:42
Maidstone, paper making 28 44-45
Maidstone, paper mills 03 642-7 P
Maidstone, paper mills 16 85-90, 341-3 P
Maidstone, Penenden Heath 01 669-70
Maidstone, Penenden Heath 07 159-61 P
Maidstone, Penenden Heath 08 631 P
Maidstone, pest house 22 702
Maidstone, plague 03 52-4
Maidstone, police 05 698-703 P
Maidstone, Post-war squatters 39 1:40-41 P
Maidstone, presentation tank 09 624 P
Maidstone, prison 17 75
Maidstone, prison 21 450 P
Maidstone, prison, smugglers’ escape 1747 23 589-97
Maidstone, prisons 05 612-8 P
Maidstone, prisons 06 457-60 P
Maidstone, prisons 10 37
Maidstone, prisons 15 291-300
Maidstone, prisons 29 2:25 P
Maidstone, prisons 31 5:47 P
Maidstone, Queen Victoria memorial 05 670 P
Maidstone, railway 05 634-8 P
Maidstone, railway 15 461-4
Maidstone, railway 22 395-7
Maidstone, recreation, 16th and 17th century 03 535-7 P
Maidstone, religious persecution 34 5:12-19
Maidstone, riot 1834 21 447 52 P
Maidstone, Rootes 07 570-7 P, 640-6 P
Maidstone, Rootes car firm 43 5:4-15 P
Maidstone, Ropemaker’s Arms 30 5:26-29
Maidstone, rural district fire brigade 15 391-5, 465-70 P, 549-55 P, 597-604
Maidstone, sanatorium 05 219 P
Maidstone, Sandling 16 386 P
Maidstone, Second World War buses 02 197-8
Maidstone, Sessions House 21 451 P
Maidstone, Sharp’s Toffee factory 07 250-7 P, 340-7 P
Maidstone, sheep fair 22 750 P
Maidstone, Shreeves family 08 513
Maidstone, Springfield 03 642, 645-7 P
Maidstone, Springfield 14 35-41 P, 749-55
Maidstone, Springfield 42 3:16-21 P
Maidstone, St Faith’s church 14 53-6 P, 97-103 P
Maidstone, St Michael and All Angels’ church 26 433
Maidstone, St Paul’s school 18 321-324
Maidstone, St Peter’s church 06 348-52 P
Maidstone, stations 21 581–2 P, 687–9 P
Maidstone, tank 41 1:5-13 P
Maidstone, tannery 07 573, 575 P, 644 P
Maidstone, theatre 36 1:38-39 P
Maidstone, Tilling-Stevens factory 07 167
Maidstone, tithe barn 14 750 P
Maidstone, tithe barn 16 206 P
Maidstone, Tovil 21 580-1 P
Maidstone, trams 09 201-8 P
Maidstone, Trebor factory 34 2:9
Maidstone, trolley buses 08 288-95 P
Maidstone, trolley buses 14 404 P, 406-7
Maidstone, trolley buses 19 178 R
Maidstone, tunnels 23 501-2
Maidstone, Turkey Court 16 85-7
Maidstone, Turkey paper mill 02 265-6
Maidstone, Turkey paper mill 03 642-5 P
Maidstone, typhoid 38 2:40-42
Maidstone, typhoid epidemic (1897) 36 2:25-27 P
Maidstone, typhoid epidemics 05 217-223 P
Maidstone, typhoid epidemics 12 685
Maidstone, Union Street school 16 685-90 P
Maidstone, Victorian housing 07 76-82 P
Maidstone, vintners 16 89-92 P
Maidstone, Week Street 05 220 P
Maidstone, William Alexander 32 4:46-50 P
Maidstone, witches 29 2:29
Maidstone, Wrens Cross police station 28 94 P
Maidstone, Writers’ Circle and Guild 26 133-142 P
Mail-order catalogues 44 5:9-12 P
Majendie, Colonel Vivian 19 25-8
Majestic, construction 19 431-6 P
Major 19 393
Major, Alan (writer) 26 288-95 P
Major, Major Ian 44 1:18-21 P
Major, Percy 30 3:13 P
Major, Sir John 38 6:22
Makin, Mary Winifred 42 6:30-41 P
Maladreries / leper hospitals 15 222
Malan, Adolph 35 4:11
Malaria 10 86
Malaria 13 541
Malaria 14 599
Malaria 22 723-4
Malaria 23 297
Malaria 39 1:28-33 P
Malaria, Hoo Peninsula 0 47-8
Malaria, Sheppey 26 295-99 P
Malin, Joan (Le Mesurier) 43 3:44-46
Malling Place 18 167 P
Malling Society 25 538
Malling Union Workhouse 34 5:39
Malling Valley 06 523-8 P
Malling, abbey 02 253 P, 254
Malling, abbey 06 525-7 P
Malling, asylum 18 99-104 P, 162-168 P
Mallinson, Dr Frank 37 6:38
Mallory, George (mountaineer) 44 6:42-48 P
Malloy, Flight Lieutenant John Alfred 36 3:12-17 P
Malm Ponds 25 274
Maltese Cross, ambulance steamer 17 256-7, 262
Maltese Falcon, The (film) 40 4:16-25 P
Malthouse, Canterbury 34 2:8
Malting and Malthouses (book) 37 1:6 R
Malting and malthouses 23 164-8 P, 371-5 P, 709
Malting and malthouses, Faversham 23 164-8 P
Malting and malthouses, Hadlow 23 735-8 P
Maltster, barge 19 95, 96
Malvoisin 15 513-17
Man from Wyoming, The (film) 39 5:4
Man Who Never Was, The (film) 42 5:10-11
Man Who Stayed at Home, The (film) 40 4:42-47 P
Maneyrol, Alexis (aviator) 45 6:34-40
Maniacs, The (pop group) 42 1:42-45 P
Manifestations 19 79-83
Mann family 19 644-50 P
Mann, Elizabeth, dairy maid 19 112-5
Mann, F. T. 31 4:17-18
Mann, Felix H. 42 3:6-7 P
Mann, George Thomas 17 632 R
Mann, Sir Horace 19 649-50 P
Mann, Sir Horatio 19 644-7 P
Mann, Sir Horatio 32 2:12
Mann, Sir Horatio 36 5:16-19
Mannering family 12 62-4
Mannering’s Mill, Dover 09 357-60 P
Manners-Sutton, Dr Charles 43 3:16
Mannhardt family 03 490-3 P
Manning, Peter (music) 38 3:35
Mannock VC, Major Edward ‘Mick’ 27 340-343 P
Manor House, upper Deal 30 3:22-25 P
Mansfield, Dr Percival 38 5:32
Manston airport 37 4:8-9 P
Manston RAF base 45 2:26-33
Manston, aerodrome 21 257
Manston, air ferry 28 174-181 P
Manston, air force base 27 272-273 R P
Manston, airfield 02 299-301 P
Manston, airfield 05 647-51
Manston, airfield 06 284-5 P
Manston, airfield 07 No 10 IBC R
Manston, airfield 11 98-103 P, 134-9 P, 483, 489, 492
Manston, airfield 12 579-81 P
Manston, airfield 13 163, 199-205 P
Manston, airfield 15 56 R, 568 R
Manston, airfield 19 303-4
Manston, chalk mining 29 4:14
Manston, Invicta Airways 28 174-181 P
Manston, light railway 03 41-9 P
Manston, Scouts 30 1:12 P
Manston, Spitfire and Hurricane memorial 26 624-27 P
Manston, Spitfire and Hurricane memorial 28 4
Mantell, Professor Gideon 15 11-13
Mantell, Thomas 03 178
Mantell, Thomas 06 159-65
Manure dumping 18 417
Manwood, Sir Roger 24 717
Manwood, Sir Roger 38 5:45-46
Map by Andrews, Dury and Herbert 07 243-5
Map by James Baker 11 589 P
Map of Kent 1769 45 1:34
Maplescombe 01 676-7
Maradona, Diego 43 2:40-47 P
Marchand, Pilot Officer Roy 36 6:52-55 P
Marchant, Bessie (novelist) 06 95-102 P
Marchant, Bessie (novelist) 35 4:41
Marchant, William 09 661-8 P
Marchant, William 35 4:36-41 P
Marconi company 32 2:18-23
Marconi, Guglielmo 32 2:18-23 P
Marconi, Guglielmo 35 1:13 L
Marconi, Guglielmo 35 3:13
Marcuson, Alan 39 3:16-21 P
Marden, air crash (1930) 06 603-6 P
Marden, Benham, William 43 2:9
Marden, cage 17 206-7 P, 209-10
Marden, churches 18 710-714 P
Marden, churches 22 588
Marden, First World War airfield 07 421
Marden, Jack (farmer) 02 414-8 P
Marden, music 20 No 1 IBC R
Marden, Old Courthouse 17 207 P, 210
Marden, pottery 25 226 P
Marden, Unicorn pub 22 748 P
Marden, West End Tavern 03 680 P
Mare, Eliza de la 16 112-5 P
Mare, Walter de la 12 89
Margate 03 473
Margate 18 758 R
Margate 24 452 P
Margate and District Motor Services 23 712-14 P
Margate College 41 5:28-35
Margate College 43 2:10
Margate Free Press 03 224-9 P
Margate Hoy Company 17 571
Margate Jetty (oil sketch) 02 24
Margate Municipal Orchestra 45 5:46
Margate Volunteers 19 685-9
Margate, ‘chocolate cream killer’ 37 4:12-15 P
Margate, 1920s and 1930s 26 506-10 P
Margate, 19th century 34 5:20-25 P
Margate, 19th century 35 2:22-27 P
Margate, 19th century 35 3:15 L P
Margate, 2017 UK City of Culture 34 3:9 P
Margate, Arlington House 27 170-172 P
Margate, asylum for the deaf 11 259-64 P
Margate, auction (1787) 12 399-403 P
Margate, Band of Hope 6 370
Margate, Baptist chapel 24 490 P, 492 P
Margate, Baptist church 03 473-6 P, 765
Margate, Barclays bank 40 3:51 P
Margate, bathing 01 456-62 P
Margate, bathing 05 511-6 P
Margate, bathing 06 137-8 P
Margate, bathing 10 395-8 P
Margate, bathing 12 399
Margate, bathing 16 200
Margate, bathing 22 554 P, 556 P
Margate, bathing 27 224 P
Margate, Battle of (1387) 32 2:5
Margate, Beatles, the 43 5:18-23 P
Margate, Benham, the Rev William 43 2:4-13 P
Margate, boatmen 1803 06 315-6
Margate, Bowkett’s bakery 22 554-9 P
Margate, Callis Grange 06 718-24 P
Margate, catering 23 64-5 P
Margate, cave paintings 18 604-606 P
Margate, churches 05 209-11 P
Margate, churches 06 540-4 P
Margate, churches 08 185 P, 191, 667
Margate, churches 20 378-86 P, 449-56 P
Margate, cinema 24 458 P, 460-2
Margate, Clifton Concert Hall 12 80-82
Margate, Cliftonville Lido 40 6:46-51 P
Margate, clock tower 27 130 P, 29 1:12 P
Margate, clock tower 35 4:13 P
Margate, coal rush 1938 10 55-6 P
Margate, Cobb’s brewery 08 396-401 P
Margate, Cottage pub and restaurant 23 269
Margate, crematorium 10 7
Margate, Dane Hill House school 40 4:20-21 P
Margate, Dent-de-Lion 34 5:22 P
Margate, Dent-de-Lion castle and gardens 12 601-3 P
Margate, Dent-de-Lion castle and gardens 13 554
Margate, donkey riding on sands 26 6 P, FC, 508 P
Margate, Draper’s almshouses 01 662-4 P
Margate, Dreamland 05 453-5 P
Margate, Dreamland 11 11, 387-91 P, 568 L, 673
Margate, Dreamland 16 440 R
Margate, Dreamland 24 454-63 P
Margate, Dreamland 28 54 P
Margate, Dreamland 31 1:6 P
Margate, Dreamland 34 1:6-7
Margate, Dreamland 34 5:7
Margate, Dreamland 35 3:5
Margate, Dreamland 35 6:8
Margate, Dreamland 36 1:10-11 P
Margate, Dreamland 36 3:10
Margate, Dreamland 38 4:35 RP
Margate, Dreamland 41 5:14-27 P
Margate, Dreamland cinema 45 4:12
Margate, Dreamland, cinema 29 1:2 P
Margate, Dreamland, fire (2008) 29 3:6 P
Margate, Dreamland, heritage amusement park 30 3:9
Margate, Dreamland, redevelopment 32 1:8
Margate, Dreamland, redevelopment 32 5:6 P
Margate, Droit House 29 1:FC P
Margate, elections 08 110
Margate, Ellen Ternan 36 6:41-43 P
Margate, entertainers 08 23-28 P, 363-7 P
Margate, entertainers 12 80-4 P
Margate, entertainers 13 100-103 P
Margate, fire brigade 03 228
Margate, fire brigade 14 356-62 P, 503-4 L
Margate, fire brigade 18 202-204
Margate, First World War 14 269
Margate, floods 09 186-92 P
Margate, Foreness Point 01 371
Margate, gas supply 12 347
Margate, George Sanger and the Hall-by-the-Sea 27 322-325 P
Margate, Grand hotel fire 18 201-204 P
Margate, Grand Theatre, later Hippodrome 11 673 P
Margate, grottoes 03 393-8 P
Margate, grottoes 09 706-9 P
Margate, grottoes 10 120 L
Margate, grottoes 18 605-609 P, 696 L
Margate, Hall by the Sea 41 5:15
Margate, Hall by the Sea 41 5:15-16
Margate, harbour 12 346-9 P
Margate, harbour 16 264-5 P
Margate, harbour 17 160, 570-5 P, 691-5 P, No 12 IBC L
Margate, harbour 31 2:28-30 P
Margate, harbour 6 670 P
Margate, Hartsdown Park 23 65
Margate, Hattie Jacques 43 3:41 P
Margate, Hawley Square 45 5:22
Margate, High school 43 2:6-10 P
Margate, Holy Trinity church 37 4:12-15 P
Margate, Holy Trinity Old church 35 4:20
Margate, Home Guard 10 18
Margate, hotels and inns 06 81, 83, 138 P
Margate, hotels and inns 08 400-1 P
Margate, hoy 35 5:38-43 P
Margate, hoys 03 627-9 P
Margate, hoys 12 399
Margate, hoys 17 571
Margate, hydro hotel 22 683-90 P, 713-20 P
Margate, infirmary for children 36 4:28
Margate, international kite festival 31 6:13
Margate, J. M. W. Turner 36 4:24-29 P
Margate, J. M. W. Turner 37 3:8-15 P
Margate, jetty 21 68 P
Margate, jetty 36 4:28
Margate, Lawn House orphanage 16 177, 180
Margate, Le Bas, Ann 37 1:39
Margate, Levey’s Bazaar 37 4:12-15 P
Margate, libraries 23 236
Margate, lifeboatmen 25 283-5 P
Margate, lifeboats 08 43-7 P
Margate, lifeboats 12 572 P
Margate, lifeboats 13 407-13 P
Margate, lifeboats 14 487, 489
Margate, lifeboats 15 123, 126-9 P, 512-7 P
Margate, lifeboats 17 250-3 P, 573
Margate, lifeboats 18 593-603 P, 667-683 P
Margate, lifeboats 19 55 L, 181-3
Margate, lifeboats 21 611
Margate, lifeboats 23 365-7 P
Margate, lighthouse 12 348 P, 352
Margate, lighthouse 14 140 P
Margate, lighthouse 20 326 P, 383
Margate, Lions 12 301
Margate, Lovejoy boys’ school 06 722-3
Margate, mace 08 608-11 P
Margate, Margate Civic Society 35 4:13
Margate, Marine Palace 08 42 P, 44 P
Margate, medical baths 22 714-9 P
Margate, Metropole hotel murder 10 112-6 P
Margate, museum 28 149
Margate, Newgate Gap 22 684-7 P
Margate, nonconformist churches 06 363-8 P, 432-6 P
Margate, Osborne, Percy Bosworth 41 5:16-20 P
Margate, paddle steamers 13 123, 129
Margate, passenger yachts 09 296-304 P
Margate, Peter Drouet 32 1:13
Margate, Photographs of (book) 34 4:5
Margate, pier 01 26-33 P
Margate, pier 06 670-1
Margate, pier 13 361, 363
Margate, pier 14 138 P
Margate, pier 16 262 P
Margate, pier 17 693
Margate, pier 31 4:36-37 P
Margate, pilot boats 16 469-73 P
Margate, policing 14 240-7 P, 267-73 P
Margate, Prince of Wales’s visit 1926 11 12-14 P
Margate, railway 02 541-7 P
Margate, Ranelagh Gardens 06 722-4 P
Margate, Rendezvous hotel 34 6:7
Margate, Rough Guide 34 4:7
Margate, Royal hotel 34 5:24-25
Margate, Royal school for deaf children 38 4:50-51 P
Margate, Royal Sea Bathing hospital 11 259
Margate, Royal Sea Bathing hospital 12 No 2 BC R
Margate, Royal Sea Bathing hospital 19 663
Margate, Royal Sea Bathing hospital 43 4:4-13 P
Margate, Salmestone Grange 03 558-62 P
Margate, Salmestone Grange 31 5:43 P
Margate, Samaritano shipwreck (1860) 7 337-9
Margate, sand services 24 265-72 P
Margate, Sanger, ‘Lord’ George 41 5:15-27 P
Margate, school of acting 26 48-9
Margate, schools 20 451-2
Margate, seafront, redevelopment 32 1:8 P
Margate, Seamen’s Club 18 596 P, 759-760 L, P
Margate, seaside resort 36 1:16-21 P
Margate, Sergeant Deller’s gymnasium 22 98-9 P, 102
Margate, Shell Grotto 27 279-283 P
Margate, Shell Grotto 30 4:12
Margate, Shell Grotto 35 2:27
Margate, ship sale (1791) 06 136-9 P
Margate, shipwrecks 02 598-600
Margate, shipwrecks 06 669-75 P
Margate, shrimping 14 428-31 P
Margate, Sir James Knowles 43 4:6
Margate, smuggling 05 601-4 P
Margate, SS Austin and Gregory church 26 514-15P
Margate, St John the Baptist church 36 4:29
Margate, St John the Baptist church 43 2:5
Margate, St John’s cemetery 42 3:28-30 P
Margate, St John’s church 37 1:36-41 P
Margate, St John’s church 37 3:8-15 P
Margate, St John’s church 37 4:50-55 P
Margate, St John’s church, Smythe monument 25 474, 476 P
Margate, station bus 23 711-14 P
Margate, stations 24 455
Margate, Sunbeam Photos 20 293-9 P, 322-8 P, 439 L
Margate, Sunbeam Photos 25 443-7 P
Margate, Sunbeam Photos 43 4:10-13 P
Margate, T. S. Eliot 39 2:30-31 P
Margate, the Hall-by-the-Sea 24 455
Margate, Theatre Royal 01 245-7
Margate, Theatre Royal 02 201
Margate, Theatre Royal 05 9-13 P, 743-6 P
Margate, Theatre Royal 08 363
Margate, Theatre Royal 10 757
Margate, Theatre Royal 12 602-5 P
Margate, Theatre Royal 26 47-51 P, 90-4
Margate, Theatre Royal 28 100 P
Margate, Theatre Royal 32 4:30-36 P
Margate, Theatre Royal 36 1:36
Margate, Theatre Royal 45 5:18-25
Margate, Thomas Dalby Reeve 41 5:15-16
Margate, tramways 22 247 R
Margate, Tudor House 27 268 P
Margate, Turner Contemporary 27 271
Margate, Turner Contemporary 30 1:7
Margate, Turner Contemporary 32 2:10-11 P
Margate, Turner Contemporary 32 5:10
Margate, Turner Contemporary 34 4:7 P
Margate, Turner Contemporary One in a Million Project 34 5:8
Margate, water supply 22 683-7 P
Margate, William Makepeace Thackeray 36 4:24
Margate, windmills 02 344 P, 345
Margate, Winter Gardens 08 226-8 P
Margate, Winter Gardens 13 631-2 R
Margate, Winter Gardens 15 62
Margate, Winter Gardens 45 5:46-49
Margate, wreck 14 137-41 P
Marie of Romania, Queen 40 1:8-9 P
Marie-Eugenie, Empress 09 630 P
Marina of Greece, Princess 41 3:21-22 P
Marine barometer 43 6:13
Marine police 22 103, 107
Marine salvage 17 129-30, 421-2, 476
Marine society 18 573-577, 687-692
Maritime trust 35 3:40
Maritime Trust 44 5:45-47
Marjory (paddle steamer) 19 519
Mark Beech 20 436-7 R
Mark Beech riot 13 337-40 P, 396
Mark Beech, Kentish Horse pub 13 337, 338 P, 339
Marke Wood family 24 293-6
Market gardens 01 171-4
Market gardens 07 205-7
Market gardens 14 219-24 P
Market gardens 17 434
Market gardens 18 51-55 P
Market gardens 26 443-48 P
Marketman, Francis 23 589-97
Markets 10 506-515 P
Marks, George 42 3:34-35
Marks, Samuel (Pretoria) 41 6:15
Markus, Thomas 37 4:51
Marl / Marle Place, Brenchley 10 19, 24 P
Marley Tiles, steam wagons 13 599-604 P
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 31 2:7
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:24-27 P
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 32 5:7
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury 43 5:24
Marlowe Theatre, Canterbury, redevelopment 29 3:8
Marlowe, Christopher 12 705
Marlowe, Christopher 24 621-5 P
Marlowe, Christopher 37 1:31
Marlowe, Christopher 43 5:24
Marlowe, Christopher 5 737-9 P
Marlowe, Christopher, Canterbury memorial 29 6:24-25 P
Marples, Ernest 39 4:15-16
Marquee, world’s largest 23 64 P
Marriage, age of 22 381
Married Women’s Property Act 15 279
Married Women’s Property Act 17 476
Marriott family, Horsmonden 7 414-5
Marriott, Pixie 37 3:42-47 P
Marriott, Sylvia 43 3:36-37
Marryat, Florence, author 07 584
Marsh family, potters 02 729-34 P
Marsh Green, Dawes, Beatrice 41 2:14-21 P
Marsh, Bob 17 155 P, 159
Marsh, Captain Edward 36 3:16
Marsh, Captain Richard 29 6:28-29
Marsh, Edward Harold 14 201
Marsh, Eileen 25 698-704 P
Marsh, Gertrude and Henry Rupert 25 698-701 P
Marshal Ney, monitor 20 124 P
Marshal Soult 14 654 P
Marshal, Lyndsey 37 6:51
Marshall VC, Lieutenant-Colonel James 39 6:45-49
Marshall, Captain John 45 2:8
Marshall, Flight Sergeant Vincent 42 2:39-40
Marsham, Sir John 06 106-7
Marston, Alvan (archaeologist) 44 4:15 P
Martello towers 02 56-63 P
Martello towers 11 114, 499 P
Martello towers 13 455, 459
Martello towers 15 407-8 P
Martello towers 19 440 R, 461-3 P
Martello towers 20 504 R
Martello towers 24 405-11 P, 565 L
Martello towers, Hythe 23 724
Martello towers, New Romney, William Cobbett 32 2:48
Martello tunnel 20 72
Martin and Sons (Bromley stationers) 19 348-9 P
Martin and Sons, J., Southborough 29 2:19-23
Martin Walter, Cheriton 34 5:40-45 P
Martin, Anne 29 2:29
Martin, Bram 43 3:35
Martin, Charles 37 4:39-40
Martin, Graham (RAF) 42 3:41-42
Martin, Herbert 45 4:20
Martin, Rev Herbert John 39 5:24-33 P
Martin, Rev J. R. G. 39 5:31-32
Martin, Sir Thomas Byam 24 41-3
Martin, Stephen 35 6:14 R
Martin, Tony 24 626-31 P
Martin, Vera (Shoreham) 36 3:14-15 P
Martin, W. W. (builders) 38 4:44-51 P
Martin, William Woodgate 38 4:44-50 P
Martineau, R. B. 36 2:24
Martinet 02 605
Martyrs 05 551-6 P
Martyrs 16 258-9 P
Martyrs 18 135-138
Martyrs 26 163
Martyrs, Maidstone 34 5:12-19 P
Marx, Groucho 42 2:21
Mary Ann 17 367 P
Mary Ann 19 6 P
Mary Boleyn, Hever 34 1:28
Mary I, Queen 18 135-137
Mary I, Queen 34 1:47-50 P
Mary I, Queen 34 5:12-19 P
Mary I, Queen 35 6:54-55 P
Mary I, Queen 38 5:43
Mary Rose 08 383
Mary, Queen 36 3:50
Mary, Queen of Scots 40 2:42-43 P
Mascalls gallery, Paddock Wood 35 4:5
Masefield, John 14 280-2
Masefield, John 44 5:14-15
Maskell and Son, mineral water manufacturers 12 684-9 P
Maskell and Sons, Maidstone 32 4:15
Maskell, William 32 4:15
Maslin, Charles 41 5:35
Mason, Bert 20 518
Mason, Colliss 41 1:34-39 P
Mason, Lewis 27 211
Mason, Louis, brewer 03 679
Mason, Simon 39 1:5
Masques 14 563
Massey, Gwen 19 255
Massey, Gwen 22 347
Master, Richard (rector) 45 6:44-51
Masters, George 34 6:35-36
Masters, John Neve 17 140
Masters, John White 17 357-60 P
Masters, William (nurseryman) 18 21
Masters, William (workhouse master) 19 86
Matcham, George and Catherine 37 4:32
Matcham, William James 35 4:20
Mate, Charles 01 683-4, 687-8
Mate, Charles 02 201
Mate, Charles 36 1:36-39
Mate, William (Sandwich) 42 4:15-17 P
Matfield 06 246 R,
Matfield 10 23-5
Matfield 22 566 R
Matfield, Standing Cross pub 07 530-1 P
Mathematical school, Rochester 18 78 P
Mathew, Sister D. 41 4:34-35
Matilda, Queen, Faversham 31 3:14
Matilda, Queen, Faversham 34 2:3
Matson, James 28 192-194 P
Matthews family, brewers 24 617-20
Matthews, Jessie 41 3:20
Matthews, William 31 2:19
Maudrell, Robert and Amelia 36 6:42
Maudslay Company 24 125-6, 128 P
Maudslay, Henry 23 17-18
Maudslay, Herbert Charles 23 22, 177
Maudslay, Sons and Field 23 17-22 P, 81-85, 104, 175-81 P, No 7 IBC L
Maugham, Somerset 10 526-30 P
Maugham, Somerset 37 1:31
Maundy money 23 722
Maunsell sea forts 11 58-65 P, 125
Maunsell sea forts 16 117 R, 311 R, No 7 IBC R
Maunsell sea forts 18 119 R, 631 R
Maunsell sea forts 19 361
Maurice of Cassato, Father 17 600
Mausoleums 16 740
Mausoleums 21 171–6 P, 283-6 P
Mausoleums 23 300-4 P
Mavrokordatos, Alexandros 45 4:48
Maxim, Hiram Stevens 02 277-81 P
Maxim, Sir Hiram 42 6:44-49 P
Maxted family 19 171-6
Maxwell, Donald (artist) 16 243 R
Maxwell, Donald (artist) 31 3:34
Maxwell, Donald (artist) 35 4:21
Maxwell, Donald (artist) 44 4:4-13 P
Maxwell, Donald (artist)17 378-84 P, 506-13 P
Maxwell, Donald(artist) 27 347
Maxwell, John 17 317-8
May Day celebrations 12 266 P
May Day celebrations 13 21, 224-32 P
May Day celebrations 14 563, 717
May Day celebrations 16 300-5 P
May Day celebrations 21 586 P, 589
May Day celebrations 22 223-31 P
May Day celebrations 27 69-76 P
May family 23 301-2
May Flower, barge 31 3:46-50 P
May, B. W., and Son 37 4:5
May, Donald John 38 3:48-49
May, Jack Spanish (Deal boatman) 25 215 P
May, Jonas 41 4:6-12
May, Jonas 41 6:37-41 P
May, Phineas 41 4:6-10
May, Walter Barton 37 4:9
Mayall, J. J. E. 37 3:12
Maycock, J. (bandmaster) 19 209
Mayer de Rothschild (lifeboat) 42 2:33-34
Mayer, Thomas (economist) 44 1:45
Mayfair by the Sea (Westgate book) 43 6:18-21 P
Mayfair Court, Herne Bay 45 3:36-37
Mayflower Pilgrims 34 6:34-39
Mayle, Agnes 26 133
Maypole, Hoath, murder 12 233-5 P
Mayson / Beeton, Isabella 32 2:24-27
McCallum, John 35 3:6
McCanlis, Captain, William, cricket coach 31 3:22-23
McCarthy, Dame Maud 35 5:25-27
McCartney, Sir Paul 42 6:20
McClean, Francis 35 6:49-51
McClory, Janet (Jenny) 15 263-268
McCoy, George 21 450-1
McCoy, Vic 36 1:10-11 P
McCudden family, Gillingham 01 240-4
McCudden family, Gillingham 26 2-12P
McCudden VC, James 39 6:6-7 P
McCudden, Major Jimmie 01 100
McCulloch, Captain Albert 44 2:16
McCulloch, Captain William (‘Flogging Joey’) 15 403-13 P
McDermott, Francis 36 6:7
McEvoy, Ambrose ‘Bo’ 43 2:33-34
McGill family, Strood 40 1:32-41
McGuffie, Kenneth 38 4:27-32 P
McGuirk, Rob 40 6:39
McKeever, Betty (huntmaster) 12 356-7 P
McKeever, Betty (huntmaster) 22 No 1 IBC R
McKenzie VC, Albert 41 4:35
McKinney, Christine 42 6:40-41 P
McMahon, Edward (coroner) 40 3:31-32
McVittie, Dr Arthur 16 561-2
McWheeney, William, VC 22 115
McWillie, G. (pioneer of exchange visits) 19 353-6 P
Mead, Phil 31 4:21
Meakin, Dorothy 26 60 P, 64
Meakin, Joan 35 3:18
Mears, Thomas 05 22
Medals 19 No 6 IBC L
Medcalf, Phillip 24 661-2
Medical fees, 18th century 14 601-3
Medical fees, early 19th century 22 41-45
Medicine, 19th century 23 39
Medicine, before the National Health Service 26 379-94 P
Medicine, Joseph Lister 30 2:44-47 P
Medieval buildings 34 1:42-45 P
Medieval houses 16 630 R, 631 R
Medlicott, Lieutenant Harold 43 2:19-22
Medway Aircraft Preservation Society 28 206-208
Medway Aircraft Preservation Society 35 3:10
Medway and district trades council 14 225
Medway Archives, Friends of 39 6:6-7
Medway Archives, Honoria Roebuck 38 3:36
Medway Archives, Trafalgar account 38 1:35-37 P
Medway Archives, workhouse registers 38 1:7
Medway cargo vessels 35 3:30-34
Medway College of Design 01 180
Medway College of Technology 39 4:38
Medway Conservancy 14 213-4 P
Medway Conservancy 15 257
Medway crematorium 10 7
Medway district 01 382 R, 624-6 P
Medway estuary 26 169-70
Medway Festival of Steam and Transport 35 1:5
Medway Festival of Steam and Transport, Chatham (2013) 34 2:7
Medway Film Studios 43 4:26-35 P
Medway Holiday Fellowship Group 27 194-198 P
Medway Maritime Hospital 42 5:26-27
Medway Master Mariners Society 05 29-34 P
Medway Navigation 13 183 R
Medway Navigation 16 31-5
Medway Navigation 18 327-328 P
Medway Navigation 19 226
Medway Navigation 35 5:47-49
Medway Navigation 41 3:37-38
Medway Ports Authority 10 66
Medway Ports Authority 15 259, 261
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 12 244-6
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 14 439 L
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 16 520 P
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 17 153
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 19 68 P
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 21 439 R
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 25 17
Medway Queen (paddle steamer) 26 169
Medway raid of 1667 38 2:4-5 P
Medway towns 25 695 R
Medway Towns at Work (book) 38 6:8-9
Medway towns, artists 34 3:20-25 P
Medway towns, breweries 23 705-10 P
Medway towns, buses and trams 40 4:34-41 P
Medway towns, cinemas 05 233-41 P, 375 L
Medway towns, effects of war (1914) 11 528-33 P
Medway towns, entertainment 25 694 R
Medway towns, evacuees 20 758-9 R
Medway towns, fascism 14 695 R
Medway towns, football (1900) 21 500–4 P
Medway towns, Labour movement 14 89-92, 225-7
Medway towns, painting 34 3:20-25 P
Medway towns, Second World War 40 5:46-51 P
Medway towns, Spanish flu 41 4:30-35
Medway towns, theatres 39 6:27-29 P
Medway Union Workhouse, Chatham 34 5:36
Medway Valley 17 757 R
Medway Valley Railway 14 632 R
Medway Valley Railway 21 577–83 P, 680-90 P
Medway Warden 09 750-5 P
Medway Warden 10 61-63, 123-7 P
Medway, barges 19 37-43 P, 91-6
Medway, Battle of 43AD, memorial 26 458 P, 461
Medway, city status 31 1:6
Medway, clergymen (1914) 10 50-55 P
Medway, defences 02 342, 675-83 P, 716-24 P
Medway, defences 16 7
Medway, Dutch invasion (1667) 31 6:32 P
Medway, Dutch invasion, 1667 26 112-7 P
Medway, First World War 10 50-5 P, 77-81 P, 417-21 P 457-9
Medway, floating dock 08 178-80 P
Medway, Forts of the Royal Commission 14 492-5 P
Medway, heritage centre 01 180-2
Medway, hulks 21 92 P
Medway, Kettles Hard 20 19-20 P
Medway, maps 26 112-6 P
Medway, river 01 180-2
Medway, river 13 65-72 P, 113, 612-3 P
Medway, river 19 545, 568 R
Medway, river 20 502 R
Medway, river 22 724 P, 727 P
Medway, river 26 719-24 P
Medway, river 27 10-16 P, 17-22 P
Medway, river 31 1:12
Medway, river 36 4:11 R
Medway, river 41 3:32-39 P
Medway, river police 02 615-20 P
Medway, river, barge race day 26 169
Medway, river, Board of Conservators 16 35
Medway, river, crossings 17 567 R
Medway, river, Deadman’s Island 27 10-11 P
Medway, river, ferrymen 13 25-8 P
Medway, river, fishermen’s place-names 12 627-30
Medway, river, fishing rights and limits 26 719-24 P
Medway, river, free fishermen 10 125
Medway, river, hulk-recording 20 630-1 R
Medway, river, inspector’s reminiscences 09 750-6
Medway, river, inspector’s reminiscences 10122-8
Medway, river, inspector’s reminiscences 11 337-41, 464-9
Medway, river, inspector’s reminiscences 13 65-72
Medway, River, inspector’s reminiscences 16 596-605 P
Medway, river, limit stones 26 719-24 P
Medway, river, limit stones 27 17-22 P
Medway, river, locks 16 29-36 P, 184 L
Medway, river, navigability 17 223-9 P
Medway, river, Safety Bay 16 5
Medway, river, shipwrecks 3 625-6 P
Medway, river, watermen 14 213-7
Medway, river, wharves 26 254-9 P
Medway, river, Whitewall Creek 16 598 P, 600 P
Medway, river, Whitewall Creek 20 630-1 R
Medway, river, winter of 1963 27 51-54 P
Medway, Roman bailie 43AD 23 115-6
Medway, Second World War 16 460-9 P
Medway, shipbuilding 19 41-3
Medway, shipping 10 122-8 P
Medway, smuggling 01 71-4
Medway, spies (1914-18) 09 173-5
Medway, theatres 10 77-81 P
Medway, women and the war effort 09 231-4 P
Medway, workhouses 08 442-5
Medway, working-class housing 01 678-82 P
Mee, Arthur (author) 09 686-90
Mee, Arthur (author) 35 4:17
Mee, Arthur (author) 36 4:30-31 P
Mee, Arthur (author) 40 5:4-12 P
Megaliths 21 41–43
Megaliths, Medway 01 13-18 P
Megone, W. B. (aviator) 8 448-50 P
Meier, Carl 28 286-290
Melba, Dame Nellie 43 2:34
Meldrum, Sir John 12 427
Meldrum, Sir John 21 711
Melford, Muriel 31 2:6
Melin, Ernst 37 6:14
Melissa 18 302 P
Melissa 24 191
Mellitus 21 45
Mellor, Greves and Winifred 36 6:28-33 P
Mellor, Justice 31 5:45-46
Melton (minesweeper) 15 240-8 P
Melville naval hospital, Chatham 12 495-500 P
Melville naval hospital, Chatham 13 615
Melville naval hospital, Chatham 2 28-32 P
Melville, June 43 3:41-42
Melvin, Duncan 43 4:33-34
Memorial inscriptions and epitaphs 32 3:28-35 P
Memorial inscriptions and epitaphs 32 4:14
Memorial inscriptions and epitaphs 37 5:12-17 P
Memorial Theatre, Broadstairs 32 4:30-31
Memorials 13 476-80 P
Memorials, Bislington, William Cosway 34 4:34 P
Men of Kent 01 15, 81, 183-5
Men of Kent 16 481
Menageries 24 31-2
Mendfield, Thomas 18 663
Menefee, Samuel Pyeatt 22 745-6
Menin Gate, Ypres 36 5:8-9
Mental incapacity proceedings 43 6:36-40
Mentally ill, care of 24 273-80 P, 359-64 P
Meopham 03 719-22
Meopham 14 448-52 P
Meopham 19 191-6
Meopham Green, pub trade 41 1:18-19
Meopham, air crash 38 6:18-25 P
Meopham, church barrel organ 17 27 P
Meopham, field names 2 320 R
Meopham, Green 24 731
Meopham, Hook Green 18 383-390 P, 477-483 P 545-552 P
Meopham, hospital 02 254
Meopham, hospital 03 312
Meopham, Killick’s Mill 34 1:11 P, R
Meopham, Kings Arms pub 13 248 L, 434-9 P
Meopham, mills 05 536-42 P
Meopham, mills 14 408-15 P, 449
Meopham, mills 18 547-548 P
Meopham, parish council 01 574 R
Meopham, pubs 07 58-65 P, 136-41 P
Meopham, station 21 20 P, 26 P
Meopham, trains, 19th century 21 19–28 P
Meopham, Tudor taxes 06 468-70
Mepham, William 17 291-4 P
Mepstead family 05 144-6 P
Mercantile Fleet Auxiliary 17 455
Mercer R. M. (coroner) 44 3:23-25
Mercer, George 24 67-9
Mercer, Joe 14 50 P
Mercer, John 36 6:8-9 P
Mercer, Leonard John 12 641-6 P
Merchant of Venice, The 43 5:28
Mercury, Freddie 41 6:12
Mercy 02 137-41 P
Mereworth, castle 02 255 L
Mereworth, castle 05 144 P, 146
Mereworth, castle 09 159-61 P
Mereworth, castle 13 392
Mereworth, St Lawrence church 20 695 L
Mereworth, St Lawrence church 21 339
Merryweather and Son, firefighting company 02 130-6 P
Merryweather and Son, firefighting company 19 256-7 P, 448 P
Mersey (monitor) 14 652-4 P
Mersham 05 2-8 P
Mersham 17 240 P
Mersham, 19th-century residents 17 237-41 P
Mersham, church 17 238 P, 241
Mersham, smuggling 19 751
Mersham-le-Hatch 19 464-5 P
Merston, near Shorne 41 2:30-37 P
Messerschmitt crash, Tilmanstone 23 326-7 P
Messi, Lionel (footballer) 43 2:40-47 P
Meteor 10 175
Methodists 19 601-7 P
Methodists, Wesley brothers in Kent 01 101-4 P, 248-50 P
Methuen, Joe 41 3:46-50
Metis (paddle steamer) 34 5:46-50 P
Metropole Hotel, Folkestone 29 1:11 P
Metropole, Folkestone 44 5:26-31 P
Metropolis Water Act (1852) 41 6:30
Metropolitan Asylums Board 14 363
Metropolitan Asylums Board 20 275
Metropolitan Asylums Board 24 273-80 P
Metropolitan Commission of Sewers 18 451
Metropolitan Commissioners for Lunacy 18 163-168
Metropolitan foreign cattle market 19 718
Metropolitan infirmary for children 36 4:28
Metropolitan police 20 635
Metropolitan police 24 47, 465-8
Metropolitan police district 22 107
Metropolitan police special branch 36 6:14-15
Metropolitan police, foreign cattle market, Deptford 23 389-92 P
Metropolitan Railway 41 5:45
Metropolitan Tabernacle 44 5:4
Mexican Revolution 37 2:28-31 P
Meyer, Albert 37 6:14
Meyer, Matilda 40 1:30-31
Meyers, George (schoolmaster) 12 14-16, 184 L
MI6 41 6:4-10
Michele, Vitale de 36 6:46
Micraster, sea-urchin fossil 19 664-5 P
Middle Orchard, Borough Green 45 5 4-11
Middle Row, Faversham, dungeon 34 4:3
Middlesex (paddle steamer) 09 636 P, 638 P, 639
Middlesex Regiment 39 1:22-27 P
Middleton, Edgar 38 1:51
Middleton, George 24 513
Middletons’ Theatre Companies 24 33-5
Midley, Romney 31 4:45 P
Midwifery 14 600-1 P
Midwinter, Edward Ernest 14 113
Mildred, saint 41 3:25-31 P
Milestones 09 179-84 P, 376
Milestones 14 710 P, 716
Milestones 15 67, 70 P
Milestones 17 333
Milestones, Roman 17 279-80 P
Military Engineering, school of 38 3:41
Military hospital, Greenhithe 13 628
Military recruitment 13 461-5 P
Military Service Act (1916) 25 129
Military signals 22 119 R
Militia 15 627
Militia 23 657 P
Militia, 29th (Worcestershire) Regiment 23 655-8
Milk Marketing Board 23 700-2
Milk production and retailing 20 131-7 P
Mill, Evelyn Maud 36 4:53
Mill, Maud (later Johnson) 43 2:28-39 P
Mill, Walter and Mary 43 2:30
Millais, John Everett (artist) 29 5:15-17
Millais, John Everett (artist) 45 1:6, 8
Millais, John Everett, deathbed drawing of Dickens 41 3:6-9 P
Millais, John Everett, drawing of Frederic Stephens 41 5:47 P
Millais, Lady Margaret St Lawrence 29 5:14-20 P
Millais, Sir John 29 5:17-18
Millback, Captain Mark 39 4:34
Millen family 22 758 R
Millen family, genealogy 01 315-7
Millen family, singers 17 556-9 P
Millen, Commander Ernest 39 5:20-23 P
Miller, Albert 05 254-5 P
Miller, Henry 22 759 R
Miller, Maria 34 4:6
Miller, Maurice 37 1:11
Miller, W. H. (Coxheath carrier) 6 376 L
Millington family 22 509
Mills family, Barons Hillingdon 28 136-138
Mills family, cricketers 21 493-9 P
Mills, Flight Lieutenant John 44 4:30
Mills, Florence 41 3:20
Mills, Freddie 20 322 P
Mills, James 16 33
Mills, Michael Keyfor 35 1:16-23 P
Mills, Sir Charles 28 136-137
Millwall 14 462-3 P, 469-71
Millwrights 13 568 R
Milne, Richard Maxwell 41 4:38
Milner Bridge, Surrey 31 6:7 P
Milner, Alfred 31 4:29
Milroy, John 32 3:47
Milton Creek 1 587 P
Milton Creek 18 304
Milton Creek 19 197-201 P
Milton Creek 23 223, 739-46 P
Milton Creek 24 707-9 P
Milton Creek 27 62 P
Milton Creek 32 4:7 P
Milton Creek, Dolphin Yard barge museum 27 120 L
Milton Creek, In Our Memories project 32 4:7
Milton Range Halt accident 18 727-730
Milton Regis 17 216-22 P
Milton Regis 39 6:30-32
Milton Regis, 1937 coronation 44 3:50-51 P
Milton Regis, church 17 218 P, 220
Milton Regis, church 21 235
Milton Regis, church 24 No 11 IBC R
Milton Regis, Court Hall 37 4:5
Milton Regis, courthouse 17 216 P
Milton Regis, fort 06 650-2 P
Milton Regis, history 21 244 R
Milton Regis, Jacksons, mineral water manufacturers 07 No 1 IBC L
Milton Regis, library 23 234 P, 236
Milton Regis, Lloyds paper mill 17 222
Milton Regis, maskers / mummers 17 221-2 P
Milton Regis, maskers / mummers 26 677-84 P
Milton Regis, Milton Union 27 118 R
Milton, Gravesend blockhouse 17 365
Milton, Gravesend, chantry 03 202 P
Milton, Gravesend, chantry 20 507
Milton, Gravesend, fair 24 29-35 P, 118
Milton, Gravesend, hospital 02 254
Milton, in 19th century 37 5:34-36 P
Mineral spas 18 15-22 P
Mineral water trade 06 563-7 P, 7 No 1 IBC L
Miners’ strike 1942 23 206
Minerva Xar 25 445 P
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 12 563-4
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 14 59-67 P, 255
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 15 17, 245, 433-9
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 20 128 P
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 22 214 P, 219-22, 271-3 P, 276
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping 25 591
Mines, minelaying and minesweeping, Seasalter (1942) 11 422-8 P
Minesweepers, Ascot class 15 241
Minet family 18 367
Minet, Elizabeth 45 4: 38
Mining, Betteshanger colliery 32 1:10 R
Mining, chalk 29 4:14-20 P
Mining, Coalfield Heritage Trust, Dover 32 5:11
Mining, Kent 32 4:38-44 P
Mining, Shakespeare colliery, Dover 32 1:10 R
Ministerial whitebait dinners 24 227-9 P
Minshaw, Charles Stuart 35 5:54
Minster (Sheppey), Sanders family 38 1:15
Minster Abbey (Sheppey) 41 5:11-12
Minster Abbey (Thanet) 41 3:24-31 P
Minster Abbey Farm, Sheppey 22 459-64 P, 543-5 P, 613-9 P
Minster Abbey gatehouse, Sheppey 14 261-6 P
Minster Abbey gatehouse, Sheppey 17 175-7 P, 194 P, 305-7 P
Minster Abbey gatehouse, Sheppey 22 543-5 P, 614-9 P
Minster Abbey gatehouse, Sheppey 25 120 L
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 0 49-52 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 02 307-8 P, 7 66-9 P, 184 L, 689-91 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 09 310 R, 374 R, 519, 603, 736
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 10 45, 183 R, 409, 410
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 11 352, 357-52 P, 429-33 P, 663
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 12 293, 476-8 P, 551, 733
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 13 51, 138-43 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 14 757 R
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 16 269-75 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey 32 2:37
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, seal 16 100 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, Shurland Monument 25 474-6 P
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, tunnels 25 438 L
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, vicars 16 193-7, 269-75 P, 493-501
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, weathervane 12 117-9 P, No 4 IBC L
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, wells 14 502 R
Minster Abbey, Sheppey, wells 16 98-102 P, 183 R
Minster Abbey, Thanet 02 219, 307
Minster Abbey, Thanet 03 66-71 P
Minster Abbey, Thanet 10 563, 565
Minster Abbey, Thanet 11 328 P
Minster Abbey, Thanet 19 587-91 P
Minster Abbey, Thanet 23 759 L
Minster, Sheppey 10 206-10 P
Minster, Sheppey 11 161-8 P, 579-85 P, 722-7 P
Minster, Sheppey 12 23-6 P
Minster, Sheppey 17 54 R
Minster, Sheppey, ‘miracles’ 8 694-5 R
Minster, Sheppey, Bunny Hill 18 399-405 P
Minster, Sheppey, carnivals 17 179-81, 191-6 P, 303-5 P
Minster, Sheppey, church 21 397–8
Minster, Sheppey, cinema 17 193-4
Minster, Sheppey, gas supply 08 670, 672-3 P
Minster, Sheppey, gas supply 09 No 2 IBC L
Minster, Sheppey, gatehouse gallows 07 309-12
Minster, Sheppey, land company 22 615
Minster, Sheppey, Liberty Hall 22 615
Minster, Sheppey, manor of 12 479
Minster, Sheppey, Mill Hill cutting 18 399-405
Minster, Sheppey, monastery 22 459
Minster, Sheppey, parish magazine 16 493-9 P
Minster, Sheppey, poorhouse 08 329-333
Minster, Sheppey, primary school 10 209
Minster, Sheppey, pubs and inns 11 168
Minster, Sheppey, roads 10 407-12 P
Minster, Sheppey, school 16 273
Minster, Sheppey, Sir John Hayward’s Charity 11 161-8 P
Minster, Sheppey, St Mary’s and St Sexburga’s church 01 94 P, 223 P
Minster, Sheppey, St Mary’s and St Sexburga’s church, sundial 01 666 P
Minster, Sheppey, St Sexburga’s well 18 20 P
Minster, Sheppey, station 05 44 P
Minster, Sheppey, tunnels 20 729
Minster, Sheppey, union 08 330
Minster, Sheppey, union 12 363-9 P
Minster, Sheppey, water supply 10 45
Minster, Thanet 06 40-45 P
Minster, Thanet 23 678-9 P
Minster, Thanet, archaeological investigations 17 347-51 P
Minster, Thanet, church 01 93
Minster, Thanet, church 06 41-3, 45 P
Minster, Thanet, church 11 328 P
Minster, Thanet, Cleve Court 30 3:14-20 P
Minster, Thanet, Cleve Court 30 4:14
Minster, Thanet, Hill House hospital 26 454-55 P
Minster, Thanet, poor law guardians 11 265-73 P, 329-36 P
Minster, Thanet, station 06 44 P, 45
Minster, Thanet, windmill 02 343
Minster, Thanet, workhouse 11 265-73 P, 329-36 P
Minster, Thanet, workhouse 16 93-5
Minster, Thanet, workhouse 26 454-55 P
Minstrels 12 85-8 P
Minstrels 13 100-5 P
Minter, Emma 11 282-6
Mirfyn, Alice 13 189-90
Missenden, Sir Eustace 36 3:16
Missions, Sisters of Our Lady of the 36 1:25-29 P
Missolonghi 45 4: 47-49
Mistley 24 186 P
Mitchell Brothers, aviators 08 449-51
Mitchell, Edward 28 164-167
Mitchell, Mitch 37 4:22-23
Mitchell, Thomas, evangelist 14 135-6
Mitchelstown massacre 37 4:40-41
Mitchener, John 12 402
Mithraic Temple 16 696 L
Mithraism 21 14–18 P
Mitman, Dr Maurice 20 200 P
Mittell, William 20 165-71 P
Moakes, Dudley 44 5:44-47
Moakes, William 44 5:43-44
Moat family 30 5:14-21 P
Moat, John William Charles 15 429-31
Moat, William (Ash) 42 4:18-19 P
Moatenden Friary 02 308
Mobbs, A. G. 24 506 P, 511-2
Mobile cinemas 29 6:46-51
Mockett, Henry 42 4:15-16
Mockett, John 11 589
Moddrel, Captain James 42 2:33
Moisant, Alfred 15 37
Moisant, John B. (aviator) 01 276-85
Moisant, John B. (aviator) 14 298 P, 302
Moisant, John B. (aviator) 17 507-8 P
Molash church 17 275 P
Molasses spillage, Greenwich 24 36-9 P
Mollenboek, Heinz 23 260
Molliette 21 650-3 P
Mollison, Jim 37 1:27
Molloy family 10 433, 711-6 P, 777
Molock, Derek 23 264-73 P
Momčilo, Branislav 45 4:16
Momčilo, Gavrić 45 4:16-21
Monarch 02 295
Monarch Laundry, Cheriton 34 3:18-19
Monasteries 01 706, 750-5 P
Monasteries 02 19-28 P, 102-10 P, 169-172, 251-5 P, 307-8 P, 361-3, 444-6, 484-8
Monasteries 05 373-4 R
Monasteries, bibliography 03 37-40
Monasterium Sexburga 13 138-43 P
Monck, General George 31 3:40-45
Monckton, Dr Jonathon 18 712
Monckton, Sir Walter 31 5:35-36
Mond, Richard 08 319-21
Mond, Robert 14 44-5, 184
Moneyers 16 585-7 P
Mongeham 21 257
Mongeham 24 533
Mongeham, Baptists 17 329-30 P
Mongeham, church 05 751 P, 753
Mongeham, Lamp Cottage 03 566 P
Monitors, Dover Patrol 14 652-8 P
Monkman, Phyllis 37 3:44-45
Monkshorton 21 659, 660 P
Monkton 02 212-22 P
Monkton 23 676-7 P
Monkton, archaeological investigations 17 347-51 P
Monkton, church 02 22-2 P
Monkton, obelisk 22 133
Monkton, Royal Exchange Inn 02 222 P
Monkton, windmill 02 343
Monnier Kiln 12 469-72 P
Monorail development 44 3:10-14 P
Montagu, Edward 31 3:40-45
Montagu, Edward 31 6:26-32
Montagu, Ella (Solomon) 42 5:5-10
Montagu, Ewen 42 5:10-11
Montagu, Simon 42 5:9
Montefiore, Sir Moses 02 309 P
Montefiore, Sir Moses 03 543
Montefiore, Sir Moses 16 735-41 P
Montefiore, Sir Moses 24 421-4 P
Montgomery, Bernard, Challock stay 44 6:19-20
Montgomery, Bernard, rumoured visits 44 2:9-10
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 18 8-9 P
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 34 3:6 P
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 40 3:40
Montgomery, Field Marshal Bernard 43 5:14
Montgomery, Frank and Betty 44 6:29 P
Montreal Park, Riverhead, follies 22 473
Montresor, John and Frances 42 4:36-43 P
Monumental brasses 11 657-62 P
Monuments 25 473-6 P
Monviso (Italian steamer) 19 554 P
Monypenny, Captain James 37 5:26
Moon, Joe (tunneller) 42 1:10-11 P
Mooney, Alfred Percival 26 695-96 P
Moore and Matthew (coal merchants) 18 209-210
Moore family 22 413
Moore, Edward 19 269-70
Moore, John 02 457
Moore, Lieutenant General Sir John 37 3:5
Moore, Mary Ann and Thomas 16 649-52
Moore, Norman 19 301-2 P
Moore, Rev Edward 14 557-60
Moore, Rev Edward 15 169
Moore, Rev G. 23 51-2
Moore, Sir John 38 1:4
Moore, Sir John 43 4:39-41
Moore, Thomas 15 483
Moore-Brabazon 02 289, 291, 292 P
Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. 31 1:8 P
Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. 45 1:29
Moore-Brabazon, John 35 6:51-53 P
Moorson, Thomas 17 715-6
Morant, Boyd and Blandford 43 1:44-45
Morden College 20 687-90
Morden College 21 481
Morden College 22 533-6
Morden College 23 175, 179-80
More, Kenneth 43 3:35
More, Thomas 45 6:51
Moreing, Charles 25 483
Morelli’s cappuccino, Broadstairs 31 3:6
Morgan, Daisy, Phyllis and Doris 43 3:6-8
Morgan, Giles Chapman 01 698-700 P
Morgan, John de 25 349-52 P
Morgan, Phyllis 38 6:32
Morgan, Tom, 19 210
Morgan, Walter 19 740-1 P
Morich, Werner 41 4:38
Morland family, Lamberhurst 35 4:10 P
Morland, Charles W. 24 282 P, 365
Morland, William 23 652 P, 654
Morland, William 27 105-06 P
Morland, William C. 23 492-3 P, 541-3 P
Morland, William C. 24 281-4, 721
Morland, William Courtenay 08 489-94 P
Morley Pianos (Bromley) 39 3:18
Morley, Peter (né Meyer) 44 1:44
Mormon church 45 4:22-24
Morning Chronicle 36 6:39
Morning Cloud (yacht) 45 4:12
Morocco 39 4:29-36
Morphew, Sevenoaks (churchwarden) 18 151-156
Morris dancing 16 302, 744-5
Morris dancing 21 584 P, 567–8 P
Morris dancing 27 354-355 P
Morris men 09 360-3 P
Morris men 14 561-3, 696 L, 722, No 12 IBC L
Morris men 19 721-8 P
Morris, Charles 12 403-4
Morris, Dr Ian B. 39 3:33
Morris, Frank 26 138 139 P
Morris, Hariett 20 137, 140-3 P
Morris, Philip 14 752 P, 755
Morris, William 36 3:18-21 P
Morris, William 38 2:10-11
Morrison shelters 23 727
Morrison, Herbert 12 309
Morrison, Herbert 41 3:50
Morrison, Van 40 4:51
Mortimer, Cromwell 36 5:26
Mortimer, John 23 149-55
Morton, Victoria (artist) 38 3:34 P
Mosley, Sir Oswald (fascist) 28 209-213
Mosley, Sir Oswald (fascist) 38 3:43-44
Mosley, Sir Oswald (fascist) 38 4:26-29 P
Mosquitos 39 1:28-33 P
Moss Rose 09 296-304 P
Moss Rose 17 570 P, 573
Moss Rose 18 22 P
Moss, Kathleen 06 209-13 P
Moss, Kathleen 26 26-8 P
Moss, Richard 34 4:9
Mote Park, Maidstone 36 4:10 R
Mote Park, Maidstone, Review of Kentish Volunteers (1799), painting by William Alexander 32 4:50 P
Mother goddess 01 735-7 P
Mothers’ meetings, Lee 19 229-32 P
Motor barges 09 335-40 P, 410-7 P
Motor barges 10 59 P
Motor barges 19 698-703 P
Motor barges 23 222-5 P
Motor Car Act (1903) 19 123
Motor car racing 27 No 3 PFC, 176-79 P
Motor cars (1930s) 26 195-6 P
Motor cars 31 2:16 R
Motor cars 31 6:14-15 P
Motor lorries 17 395-8 P
Motor racing, Bligh Brothers 30 6:20-27 P
Motor racing, Herne Bay speed trials 29 4:22-26
Motorcycles 21 51–52 P, 724–5 P
Motorcycles 22 322-3 P
Motorcycling 12 528-34 P
Motorcycling 16 351-7 P, 384-8 P
Motorcycling 18 705-709 P
Motorcycling 24 107-14 P
Motorcycling 29 4:26
Motoring (1930s) 22 282-4 P
Motoring 08 698-702 P
Motoring 13 506-14 P
Motoring 20 114-20 P
Motoring 39 4:44-51 P
Motoring, English Heritage 34 1:7
Motoring, first motor show 08 402-6 P
Mottingham, policing 15 65
Motto, Gillingham 34 3:5
Motto, Sevenoaks 34 3:5
Motto, Shepway 34 3:5
Motto, Southborough 34 3:5
Mottos, Kentish 34 3:5
Mouat VC, Surgeon James 23 88-9
Mount Albion House, Ramsgate 45 2:4, 8-9
Mount family, boatmen 25 365-70 P
Mount family, fishermen 17 399-402 P, 469-70 P
Mount, Jesse 21 544 P
Mount, John George 31 2:26
Mount, Thomas 17 92-3, 399
Mountaineering 44 6:42-49 P
Mourning stripe 25 47
Mousme 18 406 P
Mowbray, William 15 717-8
Mowlem, Burt and Freeman 23 687-90 P
Mowll, A. K. 39 3:32-33
Mowll, Rutley (coroner) 37 2:25
Mowll, Rutley (coroner) 40 6:37-39
Moy Long (Lai Foun) 43 4:27-35 P
Moyce, Harry 22 655-7
Moyle, Sir Thomas 12 611
Moyle, Sir Thomas 37 3:40
Moys, John 14 425-6
Mozart, Leopold 36 5:14-19
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 19 647
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 36 5:14-19 P
Mr Angerstein’s railway 20 99-102 P
Mr Ramshaw, golden eagle trained at Sevenoaks 15 661-2 P
Mudford, Frederic 35 5:32-33
Mudge Map 15 181 R
Mudge, Bernard 26 288 P, 294
Mulberry harbour 10 138
Mullender, William 45 4:30-32
Müller, Gerhard 41 4:36-43 P
Muller, Joy, schoolmistress 12 264-8 P
Mulock, Redford 44 4:30-31 P
Mulready, Augustus Edwin 35 6:30-31 P
Mulsa 23 607
Mummers 09 360-3 P
Mummers 14 720-2
Mummers 26 677-84 P
Mummers 27 351-355 P
Mummers, Play of the Seven Champions 27 55 L
Mund, Gervase 37 3:33
Munitionettes at Woolwich Arsenal 23 416-22 P, 465-73 P
Munns, Norah 40 5:45-47 P
Munster, Sebastian 32 5:41
Murchie, Guy 31 5:34-35
Murder in Kent 10 759 R
Murder in Kent 19 No 11 IBC R
Murder in Kent 29 1:9 R
Murder in the Cathedral 36 5:9 P
Murder of Patience Brooke, The 38 5:8 R
Murder, Beatrice Dawes 41 2:14-21 P
Murder, Hannah Giles 40 2:32-42 P
Murder, Mary Abbott 01 32-41 P
Murder, Matilda Hacker 39 2:10-19 P
Murder, Sarah Noel 40 4:26-33 P
Murray, Augusta 14 175-6
Murray, Bishop 20 343
Murray, Charlotte, Countess of Dunmore 45 2:4
Murray, John, 4th Earl of Dunmore 45 2:8
Murray, Lady Augusta 45 2:4
Murray, Rev Francis 23 692 R
Murray, Thomas 12 327-30
Murrin, Joe 31 4:21
Murston 03 190 R
Murston 32 4:12 R
Museum of New Zealand 45 6:26-33
Music festivals 24 480-1
Music for brass bands 19 215
Music halls 21 507–14 P
Music halls 26 49-51
Music, beat groups 37 2:12-13 P
Musical instruments 11 240-5 P
Musical instruments 13 270-3
Musil, Robert 41 6:14
Muspratt, Charles 39 5:31
Mustard’s Almshouse, West Street, Faversham 31 1:30 P
Mutiny in the Downs (1797) 17 711-8 P
Mutiny on the Bounty (film) 36 5:20-25 P
Mutiny, Nore 34 1:32-33
Mutter, Eric 15 355-6 P
My Kent Big Weekend (2013) 34 1:9
Myers, Amy 26 136 P
Myles, Jeanette (novelist) 26 136, 139 P, 140 P
Mylne, William Chadwell 16 33
Mynn, Alfred 39 2:49-51 P
Myosotis, HMS 12 446 P
Myriorama 10 378-83 P
Mystery plays 10 278, 771-6 P
Mystole House, Chartham 09 139-44 P, 218-23 P, 277-83 P
Mystole House, Chartham 27 112-113 P
Mystole, Thruxted Oast 29 3:19-22 P