The full index for Bygone Kent volumes 1 - 42 is now online! Interested in a specific article or issue?
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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter
Kabinda 14 46-52 P
Kabinda 22 219-20 P
Kaleva 24 568 P
Kamm, Schmul (Polish tailor) 41 4:8 P
Kao, Charles 37 2:53
Karas, Anton 39 3:16-17 P
Katherine Stewart Forbes 36 1:45
Kathleen 07 759-60 R
Kathy, Chilham character 15 51
Kay, Lillian 21 438 R
Kean, Edmund 02 201-3 P
Kearsney Court 07 70-75 P
Kearsney Manor lake 18 35, 37
Kearsney, abbey 07 71
Kearsney, abbey 18 37, 39
Kearsney, Bushy Rough (1856) 07 70-75 P
Kearsney, station 24 607
Kearsney, Waterfall Cottage 07 72-74 P
Kearton, Cherry (photographer) 16 341-3 P
Kearton, Cherry and Richard (photographers) 35 1:30-34 P
Keating, H. R. F. (crime novelist) 45 2:41
Kedward, Rev Roderick 35 2:10
Kedward, Rev Roderick Morris 24 506 P, 513-5, 643-51 P
Kedward, Roderick Morris 22 475
Kedward, William Wesley 24 643
Keeley, George 19 23
Keen, Fred and Minnie 19 129-36 P
Keen, Isaac, headmaster 19 353
Keith, Sir Arthur 38 3:16
Kellaway VC, Joseph 22 113, 114 P
Kellet Gut 20 354
Kelly’s Directory, Thanet 13 551-5 P
Kelsey / Kilsey family 22 344
Kelsey Publishing 39 3:10-15
Kelson, George 22 265-8
Kelvin engines 24 187-92 P
Kemball, Dora 29 1:39-43
Kemball, Major General John Shaw 29 1:42
Kemp / Kempe, Cardinal John 23 151
Kemp / Kempe, Cardinal John 24 97-101 P
Kemp, Rose and William 25 196-7
Kempe, Alderman A. B. C. 19 268, 269 P
Kempe, Alderman A. B. C. 25 323-30 P
Kemsing 12 53 R
Kemsing, church 22 591
Kemsing, plane crash 01 276-85 P
Kemsing, St Edith’s well 18 428-429 P
Kemsing, St Mary the Virgin Church 34 6:19
Kemsley Mill, Sittingbourne 24 709
Kemsley, John Cole 37 5:26-27
Kenardington, Manor Farm 05 570-4 P
Kenardington, Manor Farm 21 17
Kennard, Hugh 28 175-181
Kennedy, A. R. 14 61-7 P
Kennedy, Andrew, artist 20 19-23
Kennedy, John F. (US president) 43 1:42-43 P
Kennedy, Seaman Alexander 43 1:14-16 P
Kennett, Captain W. 02 137-41
Kennett, Ernest William (aviator) 13 378-84 P, 481-6 P
Kennington 29 4:49-50 P
Kennington 34 1:5
Kennington, Colt pub 37 6:18-20 P
Kennington, Friendly Society 02 218
Kennington, Grosvenor Sanatorium 08 359-61 P
Kennington, Home Guard 29 4:49-50 P
Kennington, murder 1872 16 649-52
Kennington, windmill 02 223-4
Kenny, Enda 44 3:15
Kenny, Viv (Shorncliffe Trust) 43 4:38-41 P
Kent & Canterbury Infirmary 40 5:18-19 P
Kent & East Sussex Railway 41 5:47-51 P
Kent (paddle steamer) 09 634 P, 636
Kent and Canterbury hospital 05 215-6
Kent and Canterbury hospital 43 4:8-9 P
Kent and East Sussex Railway 03 554-7 P
Kent and East Sussex Railway 15 184 R
Kent and Essex ferry 20 477
Kent and Sussex Weald 24 758 R
Kent Archaeological Society 20 28
Kent Archaeological Society 40 3:36-41 P
Kent Archaeological Society, Allen Grove local history fund 30 1:7
Kent Archaeological Society, Allen Grove local history fund 34 2:7
Kent Archaeological Society, Archaeologia Cantiana 36 5:4-5 P
Kent Archaeological Society, Badlesmere 39 6:4-5 P
Kent Archaeological Society, excursions 35 6:24-27 P
Kent Archaeological Society, excursions 36 1:13 L
Kent Archaeological Society, Festival of Archaeology 2013 34 4:8
Kent Archaeological Society, general secretary 36 6:11
Kent Archaeological Society, grants 32 2:9
Kent Archaeological Society, Hasted Prize 28 5
Kent Archaeological Society, Hasted Prize 29 1:4
Kent Archaeological Society, Hasted Prize 35 4:12
Kent Archaeological Society, historic buildings conference 31 5:9
Kent Archaeological Society, Hythe study day 35 2:9
Kent Archaeological Society, industrial heritage conference 2013 34 2:8
Kent Archaeological Society, Joan Thirsk 37 1:6
Kent Archaeological Society, local history fund 37 5:6-7
Kent Archaeological Society, Lympne 39 1:7
Kent Archaeological Society, memorial inscriptions 37 5:12-17 P
Kent Archaeological Society, memorial inscriptions database 35 2:32-33
Kent Archaeological Society, photographic archive 35 3:24-30 P
Kent Archaeological Society, photographic archive 35 4:18-19 P
Kent Archaeological Society, photographic archive 35 6:24-27 P
Kent Archaeological Society, restoration, the 37 4:10
Kent Archaeological Society, Searching for Ebony 39 3:23-25
Kent Archaeological Society, shipwright wills 37 3:32-35
Kent Archaeological Society, Shorncliffe 37 3:4-5
Kent Archaeological Society, torcs 34 6:7 P
Kent Archaeological Society, website 29 3:9
Kent Archives 43 4:42-43
Kent Archives 44 2:19
Kent Automobile Club 12 241 29 4:23
Kent Barge Owners’ Association 23 743
Kent Big Weekend 35 1:5
Kent boundary 12 625-6 P, 696 P, 700
Kent boundary 17 141
Kent boundary 20 242, 642
Kent Chain home radar station 12 581
Kent coaching system 08 753-6 P
Kent Coal League 23 No 5 IBC l, No 11 IBC L, P
Kent Coalfield 08 6, 117-8 R
Kent Coalfield 12 29-37 P, 501
Kent coast railway 11 568 L
Kent coast railway 15 341
Kent coast railway 19 307
Kent College, Canterbury 43 3:21 P
Kent College, Pembury 30 5:46-47
Kent Contemporary Campaign 31 4:6
Kent County Constabulary 09 23-8 P
Kent County Constabulary 11 353-7 P
Kent County Constabulary 15 481-4
Kent County Constabulary 43 6:48-51
Kent County Council offices 14 634 P
Kent County Council, Olympic Games 34 1:9
Kent County Library 22 737
Kent County Library 23 519
Kent County Library 42 3:16-21 P
Kent Cyclist Battalion 38 1:44-47 P
Kent Defence Research Group 02 704
Kent dialect 23 182 R
Kent economy 17 500 R
Kent Education Committee 14 754 P
Kent Education Committee 15 707
Kent Electric Power Co 40 5:6-12
Kent Electric Power Co 41 2:38-39
Kent Family History Society 35 1:5
Kent Fencible, the 17 719
Kent Fire Brigade 26 249 L
Kent Fire Brigade 43 5:46-47 P
Kent Fire Insurance Company 12 315
Kent Fire Office Brigade, Canterbury 01 409-12 P
Kent Flying Club 10 650-6 P
Kent Flying Club 11 229, 231
Kent Flying Club 17 235
Kent Folc 20 No 10 IBC L
Kent Gliding Club 01 203
Kent Gliding Club 02 258-63 P
Kent Gliding Club 06 497-501 P
Kent Heritage Resource Centre 36 5:12
Kent heroes 25 269-72
Kent history 15 759 R
Kent history 16 479-82, 564 R, 756 R
Kent history 18 119 R
Kent history 20 568 R
Kent History and Library Centre 35 5:11
Kent History and Library Centre 36 2:4-6 P
Kent History Project 37 5:9
Kent ironworks 18 473-474 P
Kent Land Corps 26 213-6 P
Kent Life Heritage Farm Park 35 6:9
Kent Life, Museum of 27 No 5, PFC
Kent Life, Museum of 30 1:6 P
Kent Messenger 01 122
Kent Messenger 28 117
Kent Messenger 35 3:18
Kent Mineworkers’ Association 23 201
Kent Mineworkers’ Federation 23 565 R
Kent Mining Museum 36 5:6-7
Kent nuts (coal) 18 206
Kent Oil Refinery 18 299, 583, 568 P
Kent Opera 22 565 R
Kent place names 20 307-12
Kent police, 150th anniversary 28 52, 94-98 P
Kent police, women’s roles 28 126-128 P
Kent silk mills 18 111-115 P
Kent Three Star Sidecar Club 18 705-709 P
Kent Tithepayers’ Defence Association 23 305 R
Kent Underground Research 43 3:25
Kent Volunteer Artillery 12 195-6
Kent Volunteer Fencibles 17 721-5 P
Kent Volunteer Regiment 17 725-6 P
Kent Volunteers 23 156 P
Kent War Agricultural Executive Committee 19 437, 21443
Kent war memorial transcription project 35 1:10
Kent Water Company 42 1:12-14
Kent wills 23 694 R
Kent Windmills and Watermills (book) 34 1:11 R
Kent, census returns 25 120 R
Kent, characters 24 52 R
Kent, Duke of 35 4:8
Kent, Duke of, Folkestone visit 39 1:7
Kent, Duke of, Queenborough visit 39 4:26
Kent, Edmund, Earl of 36 3:11 R
Kent, film office 31 5:7
Kent, general knowledge quiz 22 246 R
Kent, George, Duke of 41 3:17-23 P
Kent, historical atlas 26 53-4 R
Kent, HMS 12 444 P
Kent, oil paintings 26 52 R
Kent, Our Century 21 55 R,
Kent, Puritan movement 18 116 R
Kent, the County in Colour 22 312 R
Kent, University of 36 6:12-13 P
Kent, University of 39 4:4-5 P
Kent, walks 21 245 R
Kent, Weald of, iron 37 4:24-27 P
Kent, writers 26 133-42 R
Kent’s Industrial Heritage 38 1:9 R
Kent’s seaside resorts 34 4:11 R
Kent’s Transport Heritage 38 6:9 R
Kentish Complaint (1450) 23 149, 155
Kentish dialect 01 81-3, 195-6 L
Kentish dialect 17 357
Kentish dialect 30 3:26-30
Kentish Express 01 123
Kentish Express 12 359-62
Kentish Express 38 3:18-27 P
Kentish Gazette 01 122
Kentish Gazette 14 155
Kentish Gazette 17 581-8
Kentish Gazette 18 468-471
Kentish Gazette 6 6-7 P
Kentish giant 19 752
Kentish Magazine and County Register 17 171
Kentish Men 01 15, 81
Kentish Men 16 481
Kentish Post 18 465-471 P
Kentish Post 43 5:36-43
Kentish Post and Canterbury Newsletter 17 171
Kentish Rebellion, Sir Thomas Wyatt 34 1:46-50 P
Kentish rebellions 12 607-11
Kentish Samson (Richard Joy) 13 551
Kentish Spectator 18 468
Kentish Studies, Centre for 36 6:14
Kentish Suite, A 38 5:50
Kentish Times 01 124
Kentish Volunteers 01 183-5, 197 L
Kentish weavers 22 425
Kentish words and phrases 30 3:26-30
Kerin, Dorothy 07 669-71 P
Kerr, Deborah 38 3:30-31 P
Keston 10 117 R
Keston 15 116 R
Keston 16 653-5
Keston 22 189
Keston Park 12 99
Keston, Caesar’s well 18 15-16 P
Keston, cemetery 10 8 P
Keston, Holwood 16 407
Keston, Holwood House 36 3:4-5 P
Keston, Wilberforce oak 16 407-11 P
Kestrel, steam tug 19 640 P
Keswick, Lake District 36 5:45
Kettle-net fishing 24 575, 577 P, No 10 FC P
Key Street 35 6:14 R
Keycol Hill, defences (1915) 02 340
Keycol Hill, hospital 26 381, 385
Keycol hospital 41 4:28-35 P
Kidd and Son steam brewery 14 95
Kidd, Charles Newman 25 273
Kiddell fishing See Kettle-net fishing
Kidder, William and Frances 35 4:32-35
Kilburn Priory 39 3:14-15
Kill, Sergeant George 35 6:10
Killbe, William 18 625
Killen, Bill 19 357
Killick family (millers) 14 409-15 P
Killick family, West Wickham 20 680
Killick, Anthony 17 291-4
Killick’s Mill, Meopham 34 1:11 P, R
Kilndown, Christ church 34 6:21 P
Kilndown, church 06 10, 12 P
Kimbal, AB (wreck) 29 3:29
Kimmerling, Albert 05 414-6 P
Kimpton, Gwynne 22 345-6
Kinder, May 39 6:34-41 P
Kindertransport 41 4:5
King Arthur 32 1:40-43 P
King Cetshwayo of Zulu Kingdom 45 1:38
King Edward Avenue, Broadstairs 45 4:4
King George II, Deal 29 1:31
King John 14 75
King John 24 685
King of Prussia (barge) 19 91
King, David 37 1:26-27 P
King, Thomas 12 554-5
King, Vice-Admiral Sir Richard 41 6:22-29 P
King’s birthday parade 32 3:14 P
King’s Ferry, Sheppey 13 492-7 P, 662-8 P
King’s German Legion 15 347-9
King’s Head, Hollingbourne 34 6:22-23 P
King’s school, Canterbury 37 1:28-31 P
King’s school, Rochester 36 6:38
King’s school, Rochester 37 1:28-29
Kingdom of Kent 12 591-5
Kings Hill 43 5:27
Kingsdown 03 574 R
Kingsdown 12 596-600 P
Kingsdown 23 550 P
Kingsdown, church 12 596 P, 598
Kingsdown, Hackendown Point battle (853 AD) 01 301-3 P
Kingsdown, near Dover 43 2:28-37 P
Kingsdown, school 12 599-600
Kingsdown, Second World War defences 14 19-24 P
Kingsferry bridge 40 6:24-25 P
Kingsford, Rev Sampson 14 388-9
Kingsgate 02 68-71 P
Kingsgate 14 482 P
Kingsgate Castle 03 587
Kingsgate Castle 10 427
Kingsgate Castle 25 445 P
Kingsgate Castle 31 4:41 P
Kingsgate, Callis Court Cottage 03 20-2 P
Kingsgate, Captain Digby hotel 14 486-7
Kingsgate, Countess Fort 10 422-7 P
Kingsgate, duelling 07 200-4 P
Kingsgate, Fig Tree Inn 13 173-7 P
Kingsgate, follies 10 422-7 P
Kingsgate, Frank Richards 44 3:40-48 P
Kingsgate, Harley Tower 07 201-4 P
Kingsgate, Kemp Stairs 03 20, 22 P
Kingsgate, Kemp Stairs 09 674 P
Kingsgate, lifeboat 14 483-4
Kingsgate, Northern Belle 34 2:32-33 P
Kingsgate, Northern Belle shipwreck 06 110-117 P
Kingsgate, Percy Avenue 22 621 P
Kingsgate, Port Regis 28 215 P
Kingsgate, Port Regis school 10 18
Kingsgate, Settlement Acre 07 201-2
Kingsgate, smuggling 02 323-8
Kingsgate, smuggling 03 19-22 P
Kingsgate, smuggling 05 600-4 P
Kingsgate, smuggling 13 173-7 P
Kingsgate, William Joyce 38 3:44
Kingshill, First World War airfield 07 420
Kingsley, Horace (Folkestone) 41 4:44-51
Kingsmill, George (smuggler) 20 358-64 P, 394
Kingsmill, George (smuggler) 24 143-51 P
Kingsmill, Thomas (smuggler) 20 161-4, 228
Kingsnorth airship station 35 3:14 R
Kingsnorth, airships 01 446 P
Kingsnorth, airships 05 69
Kingsnorth, Mabel 31 4:11 P
Kingsnorth, RAF airfield 01 359-64
Kingsnorth, Stanhope Industrial school 23 395 P, 481-8 P
Kingston Brooch 36 5:26-30 P
Kingston, St Giles’ church 15 178-80 P
Kinloss (salvage craft) 18 560-566 P
Kinnaird, Lord 23 353
Kinpton, Bernard, reminiscences 13 570-5 P
Kipling, Rudyard 14 371-6 P
Kipling, Rudyard 31 6:7
Kippington Grange, Sevenoaks 30 6:49-51
Kirby, John, Blean 05 93-6 P
Kirk VC, Lieutenant James 39 6:49
Kirkaldie family, pilots 15 353
Kirkby, George (newspaper proprietor) 18 467-471
Kirkby, George (newspaper proprietor) 28 117
Kirkby, Rev C. W. 37 1:21
Kirkcaldie, Douglas 14 228-36 P
Kirsch, Benjamin 43 4:30-31
Kirton, David Ian 36 5:13 R
Kit’s Coty House 01 13 P
Kit’s Coty House 35 6:25 P
Kit’s Coty House 44 1:33-35 P
Kitchener Barracks, Chatham 39 6:28-29 P
Kitchener Camp 41 4:4-13 P
Kitchener Camp 41 6:34-45 P
Kitchener, Lord 14 320-5 P
Kitchener, Lord 24 391-2
Kitchener, Lord 38 3:23
Kitchener, Lord 39 1:22-23 P
Kitchener, Lord 41 6:14-19 P
Kite (tug) 20 238 P
Kite, William (robber) 18 525-528
Kitto, Captain Philip, 19 738-9 P
Kitto, Harold 12 506 P, 508
Kitto, Harold 22 205-9 P, 213
Kitto, Harold 26 570-73 P
Kitton, Frederic G. 45 4:29-30
Klapper, Charles43 6:30-31 P
Knatchbull family 03 355
Knatchbull family 05 7-8
Knatchbull family 21 341–2
Knatchbull family 23 379-81
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 16 284-5
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 17 91, 240
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 36 2:28-29
Knatchbull, Sir Edward 44 5:18-19
Knatchbull, Sir Norton 01 491-2
Knatchbull, Sir Norton 15 273
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward (MP) 45 1:46
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward 19 465-8 P
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward 36 2:28
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert 23 380-1 P
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert 36 2:28-32 P
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert 36 6:17-21
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert 37 4:36-40
Knatchbull-Hugessen, Herbert 40 1:24
Knell, Rev Barnabas 15 236-9
Knifegrinder 23 No 6 FC P
Knight, Captain Charles 15 661-2 P
Knight, Charles (Windsor) 44 1:6-11
Knight, Edward 36 2:29-31
Knight, Edward, Godmersham memorial 32 3:30 P
Knight, Fanny (Lady Knatchbull) 36 2:29-31
Knight, Fanny 16 284-5
Knight, Fanny 25 263-8
Knight, George 23 378-9 P
Knight, Howard 14 50 P
Knight, Howard Primrose 25 607-12 P
Knight, J. P. (tugs) 17 302
Knight, J. P. (tugs) 19 394, 641
Knight, John Henry 39 4:48
Knight, John, smuggler 11 677-81 P
Knight, Maxwell (MI5) 38 3:50
Knight, Thomas 28 79
Knight, William, artist 7 535-9 P
Knights Hospitallers of St John 16 174, 176
Knights Hospitallers of St John 45 6:5
Knights Templar 16 172-7 P, 375 L
Knights Templar 27 279-283
Knights Templar 38 2:22-23 P
Knights Templar 41 4:20-27
Knock John, Maunsell fort 11 62-4 P
Knocker, E. Wollaston 44 3:24-25
Knockholt 13 120 R
Knockholt 14 79-82 P
Knockholt House 02 519-22 P
Knockholt House 03 490-7 P
Knockholt House, literary connections 02 154-9
Knockholt, brass band 19 728
Knockholt, library van 42 3:18-19 P
Knockholt, morris dancers 19 721-8 P
Knockholt, policing 20 634-43 P
Knockholt, station 20 636-8 P, 738, 739 P
Knockholt, Vavasseur’s folly 19 287
Knole 36 1:22-23 P
Knole Park, Sevenoaks 35 5:8
Knole Park, Sevenoaks 43 5:22-25 P
Knole, restoration 38 3:6-7 P
Knole, Sevenoaks 11 25, 93, 148
Knole, Sevenoaks 12 89, 91, 213-7
Knole, Sevenoaks 13 75, 344 P, 392, 757
Knole, Sevenoaks 24 714-5 P
Knole, Sevenoaks 26 304, 306 P
Knole, Sevenoaks 29 2:6 P
Knole, Sevenoaks, bird house 19 287, 289 P
Knole, storm (1987) 38 5:12-15 P
Knolles, Thomas 39 2:34-35
Knollys / Knolles, Sir Robert 39 2:33-35 P
Knowle Castle, Brenchley 30 2:27
Knowler, Stephen 24 18, 21
Knowles family, greengrocers and fruiterers 19 237-46 P
Knowles family, greengrocers and fruiterers 39 2:32-39 P
Knowles, Charlie 39 2:36-39 P
Knowles, Douglas 26 677-79
Knowles, Douglas 39 2:38 P
Knowles, Edward and family 39 2:35-37
Knowles, Gordon 39 2:38-39
Knowles, Harry 39 2:35 P
Knowles, Horace 39 2:37-38
Knowles, Sir James (architect) 43 4:6
Knowles, Thomas 39 2:32-33
Knowles, William 39 2:35
Knowlton 15 454-60 P
Knowlton 27 334-339
Knowlton, memorial cross 15 454-60 P
Knox 21 390
Knox, Robert (doctor) 42 6:9
Koettlitz, Reginald (doctor) 36 6:22-27 P
Koettlitz, Reginald (doctor) 38 1:4-5 P
König Wilhelm (frigate) 43 4:14-20 P
Koopmans, Rachel 40 1:4
Kortright, C. J. 31 3:21
Kratzer, Nicolaus 32 5:42-43
Kreitmayer, Kenton Redgrave 40 2:7-9
Kruger, Paul (statue) 31 4:29 P
Kruger, Paul 41 6:15-19