The full index for Bygone Kent volumes 1 - 42 is now online! Interested in a specific article or issue?
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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter
Jack Whitnell Band 37 2:12-13 R
Jack, Flight Sergeant Andrew 41 3:21-22
Jack-in-the-green 17 71
Jackson family (mineral water manufacturers) 07 No 1 IBC L
Jackson, Margaret and Sidney 21 753–8 P
Jackson, Samuel (smuggler) 19 751-2
Jackson, Sidney and Margaret 22 21-3 P
Jackson, Thomas 13 654-6
Jackson, Tom (Crayford) 42 6:48
Jacob, Edward 12 132
Jacob’s History of Faversham 31 1:27
Jacobs family 12 223
Jacobs, J. A. (balloonist) 14 299
Jacobs, Ruth 36 5:48 P
Jacqueline of Hainault 12 535
Jacques, Hattie 43 3:38-46 P
Jaeger 36 1:20
Jaenberht, Archbishop 12 595, 647-50
Jagger, Mick 35 6:55
Jagger, Mick 40 1:6
Jamaica, HMS 18 380 P
James Buchanan (US president) 45 4:22, 24
James Harrod (USS liberty ship) 22 388-9 P
James I 36 1:22-23 P
James I 38 3:11-12
James I 40 2:42-43
James II 37 6:45
James II, Chatham 34 1:26
James II, escape from England 29 6:26-30 P
James, George Payne Rainsford 22 525
James, George Payne Rainsford 35 2:40-43
James, Henry 37 5:31
James, John 17 231
James, Sir William 13 650-2
Jamestown 38 3:11-17
Jam-making 21 673–4
Jane Austen Society 39 6:24-26
Japan, Will Adams 40 3:18-19 P
Japanese naval visit 1902 11 146-9 P
Jaques, Mary 43 3:39-41
Jaques, Robin, Sr 43 3:38-39
Jarman, Derek 27 27
Jarman, Derek 42 3:45
Jarman, Nellie 32 4:5
Jarmon, James 37 3:34-35 P
Jarvis, Lieutenant Colonel George Ralph Payne 17 666-7 P
Jarvys, Alice and John 19 295-6
Jeake, Samuel 18 232
Jeake, Samuel 42 6:8
Jeannie Deans 16 576-7 P
Jebb, Sir Joshua 19 51
Jefferys, William 20 499, 501
Jeffrey, John (lunatic) 19 89
Jeffries, Dr John 32 1:5
Jeffries, Lionel 41 5:42-43
Jekyll, Gertrude 37 5:32
Jellicoe, Sir Geoffrey 37 6:38-43 P
Jellicoe, Sir John 45 5:34
Jemmett family 1 108-9
Jemmett, George and William 12 433-6
Jenkin, William 39 4:18
Jenkins, Henry (farmer) 40 2:40
Jenner, Edward 18 29
Jenner, George (mayor of Rochester) 31 3:33
Jenner, Matilda 19 9
Jenner, Rev Henry Lascelles 24 742-51 P
Jenner, Thomas 29 6:26-28
Jennings (carpenter of St Paul’s Cathedral) 25 302-5
Jennings, Constantine (photographer) 20 261-2
Jens, Tilman 41 1:38-39 P
Jeremiah O’Brien (liberty ship) 18 567
Jermyn, Henry 19 613-7 P
Jerrold, Douglas (playwright) 06 355-60 P
Jerrold, Douglas (playwright) 19 623
Jerrold, Sam 02 201-3
Jerry Cruncher (bodysnatcher) 15 287-9 P
Jervis Bay, HMS 35 1:8-10 P
Jessel, George 38 3:9
Jessica 12 201 P, 203
Jessop, Ellen (Nellie) 16 150
Jessop, Ellen (Nellie) 19 254
Jessop, George and Harriet 16 143-50 P
Jessop, Nellie 21 212–215 P
Jessup, Kate 35 6:34-38
Jewish community, Canterbury 02 18-22
Jewish community, Canterbury 02 309-12
Jewish community, Canterbury 12 71
Jewish community, Chatham 12 171
Jewish community, Medway 37 5:7
Jewish community, Rochester 38 2:16-25 P
Jewish community, Sheerness 12 171-5 P, 223-7 P
Jews 16 737, 739-41
Jews, graveyard 12 172-4 P
Jews, persecution 12 73-6
Jews, Ringlestone 19 437-40 P
Jex-Blake, Robert 37 4:33
Jezreel, James Jershom 34 6:12-16
Jezreel, James Jershom 35 1:16-23
Jezreel, James Jershom 36 5:38-39 P
Jezreel, James Jershom 44 3:10
Jezreel’s tower 36 5:38-39 P
Jezreel’s tower, Gillingham 18 74 P
Jezreel’s tower, Gillingham 22 132
Jezreel’s tower, Gillingham 24 No 5 IBC P
Jezreel’s tower, Gillingham 34 6:12-16 P
Jezreel’s tower, Gillingham 35 1:16-23 P
Jezreelites 01 99, 501-4 P
Jezreelites 36 1:15 P R
Jezreelites 36 2:44-49 P
Jezreelites, Michael Keyfor Mills 35 1:16-23 P
Jim Crow race laws 45 2:30
Joan of Kent 13 132
Joan of Kent 36 3:11 R
Jock 25 417-9 P
Jock, Chartwell cat 35 3:5
Jockinsen, Anna 43 2:45
Johan Auguste 8 381
Johannishus 15 525-31 P
John Bull (paddle steamer) 19 610 P
John Byford 23 79 P
John Moore and Sons (clock factory) 26 264 P
John Perring (sludge vessel) 18 450 P, 457, 529-530
John Ward 23 740
John, King of France (1356) 15 399-402
John, Sir Elton 40 4:51
Johncock, Ernest and Rosie 42 6:26
Johns, W. E. (author) 44 4:30
Johnson and Phillips (electrical manufacturers) 15 638-9
Johnson chamber kiln 21 719–20 P
Johnson, Amy 29 2:38
Johnson, Amy 35 6:53
Johnson, Amy 37 1:22-27 P
Johnson, Betty 43 2:33-39
Johnson, Captain John 26 349, 354
Johnson, Claude 36 4:52-54
Johnson, Claude 43 2:29-39P
Johnson, David James (photographer) 20 267
Johnson, Elizabeth ‘Tetty’ 31 2:7 P
Johnson, Flight Lieutenant William 34 2:28-31
Johnson, Henry (‘Deaf’ Burke) 26 151
Johnson, Hewlett (‘Red Dean’) 06 177-81 P
Johnson, Hewlett (‘Red Dean’) 17 105-6
Johnson, Hewlett (‘Red Dean’) 21 257
Johnson, Hewlett (‘Red Dean’) 26 33
Johnson, I. C. 22 277
Johnson, Isaac Charles (cement manufacturer) 01 463
Johnson, Isaac Charles (cement manufacturer) 21 717–21 P
Johnson, Joan ‘Tink’ 43 2:29-39 P
Johnson, John 36 2:33
Johnson, Katharina 41 1:31-39
Johnson, Maud 43 2:28-39P
Johnson, Sarah 16 349-50
Johnson, Thomas (botanist) 05 161-3
Johnson, Uwe 41 1:30-39 P
Johnson’s Corner, Ashford 34 2:31 P
Johnston, Rev R. E. 34 3:16
Jonas and Penley Company, Tenterden 34 2:34-39 P
Jonas, John 34 2:34-39
Jonas, John 36 1:39
Jones, Aubrey (author) 38 1:4-5P
Jones, E. P. (artist) 19 No 9 IBC L
Jones, George 05 521-2
Jones, Haywood and Peggy 42 2:43-51 P
Jones, Jack 41 5:38
Jones, John 24 3-9 P
Jones, Lesley-Ann 42 2:48-50
Jones, Michael (author) 38 5:5
Jones, Pelham (artist) 07 No 6 IBC L
Jones, Rev Newton 24 265-71 P
Jones, Richard (iron) 37 4:24-27 P
Jones, Richard 25 302-6
Jones, Terry 42 6:20
Jones, Tim 34 3:6
Jones, Tim 35 3:6-7
Jones, Tim 37 1:5
Jones, Tim 37 3:42
Jones, Toby 26 311 L
Jonsson, Tony 36 4:8-9
Jordan, Denham 17 217-22 P
Jordan, Mrs Lee (mothers’ meeting leader) 19 230-1 P
Jordan, Rev Richard 31 1:20-21
Joseph, Delissa 42 5:6-10 P
Joseph, Solomon 37 1:12-13 P
Josh Francis 18 411 P
Jotter (Walter Hayward-Young) 05 70-75
Journalists’ memoirs 22 56 R
Jousting 09 433-7 P
Jowitt, Sir William 15 632
Joy, Richard (‘the Kentish Samson’) 03 475
Joy, Richard (‘the Kentish Samson’) 13 551
Joy, Richard (‘the Kentish Samson’) 19 752
Joy, Richard (‘the Kentish Samson’) 30 2:12
Joyce Green hospital 12 304-11 P
Joyce Green hospital 13 81-9 P, 247 L, No 4 IBC L, 442-50 P, 724-30 P
Joyce Green hospital 16 528-36 P
Joyce Green hospital 17 182 R, 623
Joyce Green hospital 18 33
Joyce Green hospital 20 197-205 P
Joyce Green hospital 22 503 R
Joyce Green hospital 32 2:31
Joyce, James 43 2:28
Joyce, Margaret (White) 38 3:46-49
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 10 17-18
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 28 215
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 38 3:42-51 P
Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 38 4:26
Joyce, William (engineer) 18 474-474
Joyden’s Wood, dene holes 23 385-8 P
Joynes, Rev William 41 2:34-35
Joynson, Edmund H. 16 299-300
Jubilee Cinema, Snodland 30 6:34
Juda, Elsbeth 42 3:7-12
Judd / Judde, Daniel 25 344-5, 645
Judd, Daniel 19 205
Jude, W. H. 22 252 P
Judge, Thomas 13 44-7 P
Judges, Joseph (publican) 41 4:26-27
Judges, Peter 35 6:14 R
Juliana, Infanta of Kent 11 67
Juliberrie’s / Julliberrie’s grave, Chilham 12 635
Juliberrie’s / Julliberrie’s grave, Chilham 19 83 P
Julius Caesar 10 517
Jull, Cyril (farmer) 44 4:33-35
Jull, James 32 6:24
Jumper (huffler) 17 216
June 03 105-8 P
Justice, James Robertson 41 5:36-43 P
Jutes 16 480-2, 537
Jutes 17 372, 423-6 P
Jutes 20 423, 428, 594-5, 674-5
Jutes 40 2:44-51 P
Jutish cemeteries 21 281, 301
Juxon, Archbishop William 16 452