Bygone Kent Index: F

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FA Cup 36 4:22

Fabian Society 40 1:27-31

Fabians 28 182-184

Fagg, Charles (lifeboatman) 42 2:33-34

Fagg, Edward, memorial 31 3:16-17 P

Fagg, Henry 36 3:51-52

Fagg, John 36 3:55

Fagg, Sir John, epitaph 32 3:29

Fagg, Sir William 36 5:31

Fagg, Stewart 36 3:50-55 P

Fagge family 07 119 L

Fair Maid of Kent 23 717, 718

Fairall, William (smuggler) 20 161-4 P, 226-233 P

Fairbanks, Douglas, 38 3:25-27 P

Fairbourne Carriages (Harrietsham) 36 3:5

Fairburn, ‘Uncle Bill’ 20 574-5

Fairfax, Thomas 41 3:35-36

Fairfield 42 3:46-50 P

Fairfield church 14 376 P

Fairfield, St Mary’s church 21 235-6 P

Fairlawne Pageant 12 454-9 P

Fairs 10 506-15 P, 614 P

Fairs 11 67, 155-60 P, 227, 324, 387-91 P, 629

Fairs 12 95, 142, 205, 299-303 P

Fairs 13 29, 208

Fairs 14 680

Fairs 17 709

Fairs 22 462, 464

Fairs 24 29-35 P

Fairs, 1950s 17 405-8

Fairs, theatres 24 33

Fairseat House, Stansted 29 1:39-40 P

Fairseat, Vigo Inn 05 267 P

Fairstead folly 22 130-1 P

Fairy (steamship) 32 5:30-31

Falcier, Giovanni Battista 45 4:48

Falcke, Shirley Douglas 39 6:40-41

Falcon (destroyer) 31 1:39

Falcon 21 365-70 P

Falconet 26 82 P, 87

Falconhurst 03 711 P

Faliere family 26 587-91

Family history 30 1:8-9

Family history 35 5:11

Family trees 09 483 R

Faraday, Michael 40 5:4

Farbrother, Harold and Alexander 14 453-7

Farleigh, curse scroll 34 4:8

Farley, Edwin (Dover) 39 6:44

Farley, Edwin 37 1:11

Farman floatplane 14 303 P

Farmers’ Army 24 649

Farming 14 222-3 P

Farming 16 183 R

Farming 20 567 R

Farming, 16th century 20 248 R

Farming, 1920s 23 681-7 P, 699-704 P

Farming, arable, 1920s 21 691-6 P, 726-32 P

Farming, arable, 1920s 22 9-14P

Farming, calendar 22 379-80

Farming, horses 32 3:18-22 P

Farming, memories 29 2:31-35 P

Farming, sheep farming, Romney Marsh 31 5:12 R

Farming, thatching 22 9

Farming, threshing 22 10 P

Farming, tools 03 211-7 P, 320 L, 730 P, 732 P

Farming, tools 21 729 P

Farming, tools 22 9, 11 P

Farnborough (Hampshire) 43 1:36-37 P

Farnborough 12 55 R, 100 P

Farnborough 25 122-8 P

Farnborough, airships 05 67-9

Farnborough, aviation works 08 446 P, 448

Farnborough, cemetery 10 6 P

Farnborough, Cosy Nook tea garden 19 508-9 P

Farnborough, High Elms 19 423-30 P

Farnborough, horse fair 25 12

Farnborough, hospital 19 425

Farnborough, inn 10 131

Farnborough, lodge 13 616-20 P

Farnborough, police station 20 634 P

Farnborough, St Giles church 19 426 P

Farnborough, Temperance hotel 19 506 P, 511

Farnborough, Tugmutton Common 25 123-5

Farncombe, alderman 17 288-9

Farningham Road station 18 3

Farningham Road station 21 22 P

Farningham, 1940s 26 517-19 P

Farningham, deneholes 07 614-5 P, 616 P

Farningham, follies 19 287-8 P

Farningham, High Street, 1910 26 518 P

Farningham, Home for Little Boys 18 3-9 P

Farningham, Home for Little Boys 21 469-71

Farningham, Nash mausoleum 21 283-5 P

Farningham, Nash, Thomas 31 1:24-25

Farningham, presentation tank 09 624 P

Farningham, schools 03 701 R

Farningham, SS Peter and Paul church 34 6:20

Farningham, storm 1958 19 449-51 P

Farningham, tank 41 1:5-12 P

Farnol, Jeffery 10 29-34, 531-4

Farr, William 41 6:26

Farrant, George E. (haulage contractor) 16 608-15 P

Farrant, George E. (haulage contractor) 17 395-8 P

Farrar, Dr Frederick William, Dean 08 242-7 P, 440 L

Farrar, Henry, epitaph, Fordwich 32 3:34

Farrar, Rev Charles Pinhorn 27 159

Farrer, Josiah 30 3:18

Farrier at work 22 428 P

Farrington, John (bargemaster) 19 202

Fascists 10 157-60

Fascists, British Union of 38 3:43-49 P

Fascists, British Union of 38 4:26-32 P

Fascists, Medway towns 14 695 R

Fashion 43 1:5-11 P

Fat Boy of Kent 36 1:30-33 P

Father & Sons, wreck at Lower Halstow 16 413-8 P

Fauconberg, Thomas 12 609-10

Faulks, Sebastian 34 4:6

Faussett, Bryan 36 5:26-31 P

Faussett, Henry Godfrey 36 5:30-31

Faussett, Rev Bryan 37 5:14-16 P

Faustus, Doctor 29 6:24-25

Faversham / Feversham, Arden of 13 186-92 P, 278-82 P, 493, 750

Faversham / Feversham, Arden of 18 118 R

Faversham 01 51-7 P

Faversham 06 549-52 P

Faversham 10 IBC L

Faversham 17 98-100 P, 246 R, 375 R, 703-10 P

Faversham 19 13-19 P, 58-64 P

Faversham 20 630 R

Faversham 21 53 P

Faversham 23 181 R

Faversham constituency 40 1:20-25

Faversham Golf Club 37 6:20-21 P

Faversham in the Making (book) 34 4:7

Faversham in the Making (book) 40 4:25 R

Faversham Society 01 51-7 P, 380 R, 415

Faversham Society 28 149

Faversham Society Faversham Society Open House 32 3:11

Faversham Society, Fifty Years of the Faversham Society 34 5:11 R

Faversham, 1920s and 1930s 22 246 R

Faversham, A Year in the Life of Faversham 30 5:8 P

Faversham, A Year in the Life of Faversham 31 3:8 P

Faversham, A Year in the Life of Faversham 31 5:8 P

Faversham, abbey 02 169

Faversham, abbey 13 190-2, 278, 282

Faversham, abbey 14 123

Faversham, abbey 17 96 P

Faversham, abbey 18 118 R

Faversham, abbey 22 204 P

Faversham, abbey 23 430 P

Faversham, abbey brickfield 27 31-33

Faversham, Admiral Sir William O’Brien 37 3:4-5 P

Faversham, air raid, First World War 24 519

Faversham, allotments 16 17-22 P, 79-84 P, 130-6 P, 725

Faversham, allotments 25 228-9 P

Faversham, almshouses 16 210-6 P

Faversham, almshouses 20 27 P

Faversham, almshouses 26 80, 160 P

Faversham, almshouses chapel 26 160 P

Faversham, almshouses chapel 37 1:17-18

Faversham, Anchor Inn 29 6:9

Faversham, Anchorites 17 269-75 P

Faversham, Anglo-Saxon burial ground 40 2:50-51 P

Faversham, Anglo-Saxons 41 2:22-29

Faversham, archaeology 40 3:20-25 P

Faversham, archaeology at Hollowshore 36 6:9

Faversham, bands and bandstand 22 3-6 P, 58-63 P

Faversham, Baptist church 26 164 P, 165

Faversham, Baptist church and Sunday school 24 541-4 P

Faversham, Baptist church and Sunday school 25 175 P

Faversham, Baptists 07 354-8 P, 496-501 P

Faversham, Baptists 08 103-7 P, 248 L

Faversham, Baptists 23 456 P, 458-60 P

Faversham, Baptists 26 161-5 P

Faversham, Barclays bank 40 3:45-51 P

Faversham, barges 01 589, 610 P

Faversham, barges 23 117 R, 439 R

Faversham, Belgian refugees 35 3:34-35 P

Faversham, benefactions 09 224-30 P

Faversham, Bible Christians 19 604

Faversham, bibliography 14 568 R

Faversham, bombing (1915) 40 2:14-19 P

Faversham, book trade 17 756 R

Faversham, Boughton Field Oast House 29 3:19 P

Faversham, Boughton Street 19 606 P

Faversham, bowls 15 187-93 P

Faversham, bowls 18 44, 48, 49 P

Faversham, Brents church 02 697-700 P

Faversham, Brents church 17 11

Faversham, Brents church 26 80-1 P

Faversham, breweries 14 189

Faversham, breweries 20 No 4 IBC R

Faversham, breweries 25 65

Faversham, brewers 24 59

Faversham, brewery visitors’ centre exhibition 27 189, 267 P

Faversham, Brickfields Friendly Society 02 216

Faversham, Brickmaking 38 2:44-51 P

Faversham, bricks and brickmaking 21 561-6 P, 623-30 P

Faversham, Bulmer bus service 43 6:30-35 P

Faversham, carnival 09 476-82 P

Faversham, Catholic church 25 174 P, 641

Faversham, cement mills 26 97-9 P

Faversham, cement works 22 572

Faversham, cement works 26 337

Faversham, cemetery 16 720-6 P

Faversham, cemetery 17 35-40 P

Faversham, cemetery chapel 26 168 P

Faversham, cenotaph 25 712 P

Faversham, chalybeate spring 18 18

Faversham, Charles Cremer 38 2:44-51 P

Faversham, Child, Harry and Son (drapers) 08 688-92 P

Faversham, church 22 206 P

Faversham, church 23 622 P

Faversham, church of Our Lady of Compassion and St Theodore 26 161

Faversham, Cilling Charter 08 No 9 IBC L

Faversham, cinemas 13 417-20

Faversham, cinemas 21 54

Faversham, cinemas 25 641

Faversham, College Lane hostel 45 4:18

Faversham, Congregational church 19 475, 530 P, 533, 535

Faversham, Congregational church 22 492 P

Faversham, conscription 37 2:24

Faversham, contact club 18 179-184 P

Faversham, Cooksditch 25 336 P, 341-2

Faversham, Co-op social activities 22 287-93 P

Faversham, Co-operative Society 15 533-40 P, 570-6 P, 692 L

Faversham, Co-operative Society 16 56 L

Faversham, Copton windmill 03 670-5 P

Faversham, coronation celebrations 09 698-705 P

Faversham, cottage hospital 06 577-8 P

Faversham, cottage hospital 16 589-95 P

Faversham, cottage hospital 21 562 P

Faversham, cottage hospital 25 338 P, 343-4

Faversham, council regalia 19 757

Faversham, Court Street 24 702 P

Faversham, creek 08 375 R

Faversham, creek 14 122-30p, 190-9 P

Faversham, creek 17 706 P

Faversham, creek 19 748-50 P

Faversham, creek 21 296-9 P

Faversham, creek 22 432 P, 433 P

Faversham, creek 23 37-9 P, 437 P, 439 R, 618 P

Faversham, creek 25 64 P, 66 P, 515-23 P, 739-51 P

Faversham, creek 26 186 P, 271-78 P, 337-47 P, 668 P

Faversham, creek 28 18-19 P

Faversham, creek, Cambria 32 3:9 P

Faversham, cricket 14 247 R

Faversham, cricket 22 3

Faversham, customs register 19 37-43

Faversham, Davington Priory 40 1:6-7

Faversham, dissenters 19 475-82, 531-8 P, 601-7 P

Faversham, dissenters 26 161-7

Faversham, Dolphin hotel 37 4:39 P

Faversham, drinking fountain 14 443-4 P

Faversham, drinking fountain 22 6-8 P, 60 P

Faversham, Dryland family 25 342

Faversham, dungeon discovery 34 4:3

Faversham, Edward Crow 31 1:26-30 P

Faversham, elections 08 112, 739-45 P

Faversham, Ethelbert Road school 22 494 P

Faversham, explosion (1916) 17 17, 34-8 P

Faversham, explosion (1916) 36 4:10-11 R

Faversham, explosion (1916) 37 2:42-49 P

Faversham, explosion (1916) 37 3:48-55 P

Faversham, explosion funeral 25 709 P

Faversham, explosives industry 35 5:15 R

Faversham, explosives industry 40 3:23-25

Faversham, Farmers Club 01 698

Faversham, Farmers Club 05 417-20 P

Faversham, Farmers Club 12 132-8 P

Faversham, Faversham in the Great War (book) 39 5:9 P

Faversham, Fifty Years of the Faversham Society (book) 34 5:11 R

Faversham, film festival (2013) 34 5:5

Faversham, fire (1908) 09 17-22 P

Faversham, fire brigade 10 71

Faversham, fire brigade 18 49

Faversham, First World War, bombs 07 544-6 P

Faversham, First World War, military hospitals 23 97-99 P

Faversham, First World War, peace celebrations 10 790-6 P

Faversham, First World War, reminiscences 17 11-18 P

Faversham, flora 01 380 R

Faversham, folk music 27 351-355 P

Faversham, Folkestone Leas bandstand 27 223 P

Faversham, football 19 155-62 P

Faversham, fruit growing and usage 21 673-9 P, 743-7 P

Faversham, general elections 37 4:36-41 P

Faversham, Gospel Mission 17 41

Faversham, Gospel Mission 38 2:46-49 P

Faversham, Gospel Mission band 26 164 P, 167

Faversham, Gospel Mission hall 21 566 P, 624 P, 629 P

Faversham, Gospel Mission hall 25 178-9 P

Faversham, Gospel Mission hall 26 167

Faversham, Gospel Mission hall 28 191-194 P

Faversham, grammar school 08 369-73 P

Faversham, grammar school 12 507-13 P

Faversham, grammar school 17 702 P, 705 P

Faversham, grammar school 19 681-3 P

Faversham, grammar school 22 204-13 P, 703

Faversham, grammar school 26 571-80 P

Faversham, guildhall 09 698 P

Faversham, guildhall 13 33 P

Faversham, guildhall 16 590 P

Faversham, guildhall 19 756 P

Faversham, guildhall 22 206 P

Faversham, guildhall 29 3:14 P

Faversham, guildhall 31 1:26 P

Faversham, guildhall 32 6:13

Faversham, gunpowder 31 3:18

Faversham, gunpowder mills 01 52, 54 P, 617-20 P

Faversham, gunpowder mills 02 697

Faversham, gunpowder mills 06 59, 133-5

Faversham, gunpowder mills 17 374 R

Faversham, gunpowder mills 19 204-8 P, 413

Faversham, gunpowder works 26 No 3, IBC L, 191-3 P

Faversham, Hall family 25 344-5

Faversham, Henry Wreight school 45 4:16

Faversham, hockey 10 460-5 P

Faversham, Hollowshore / Holly Shore 26 187-8

Faversham, hop-growing and picking 01 49

Faversham, hop-growing and picking 16 293-9 P, 506-13 P

Faversham, houses of influence 25 337-45 P, 420-28

Faversham, housing development (1860-1910) 21 356-64 P

Faversham, hunting 11 287-91 P

Faversham, Institute 09 521-6 P

Faversham, Institute 17 355

Faversham, Institute 23 230 P, 514-6 P

Faversham, Institute 36 6:17-19 P

Faversham, Institute, First World War 23 157-63 P

Faversham, Institute, gymnasium club 26 575-80 P

Faversham, Invicta FC 1926-7 18 42 P

Faversham, Jacob’s history 31 1:27

Faversham, James II 29 6:26-30 P

Faversham, James II 8 459-63 P

Faversham, Jutish cemetery 21 301

Faversham, Kent Artillery Volunteers’ night attack (1864) 26 192-4 P

Faversham, King George’s Playing Field 23 95

Faversham, King Stephen 34 2:3

Faversham, Knowles (greengrocers) 19 237-46 P

Faversham, laundry 20 618 P

Faversham, Lees Court 23 97

Faversham, legend of Crispin and Crispianus 13 359-60, No 7 IBC L

Faversham, libraries 23 513-9 P

Faversham, libraries 26 669-76 P

Faversham, Literary and Scientific Society 20 221

Faversham, Little Billingsgate 24 700 P

Faversham, Long Bridge 15 338-45 P

Faversham, Long Bridge 18 618 P

Faversham, Long Bridge 21302-3 P

Faversham, Magna Carta 36 1:9

Faversham, Magna Carta celebration 36 3:7

Faversham, Maison Dieu 19 52 R

Faversham, Mall and Mall House 14 442-7 P

Faversham, Mall and Mall House 19 478 P

Faversham, malthouses 23 165-8 P

Faversham, Market Inn 41 2:22-29 P

Faversham, Marlon Brando 32 6:12

Faversham, marshes 26 187-194 P

Faversham, mayoralty 14 68-74 P

Faversham, memories of Christmas 26 727-35 P

Faversham, Methodists 09 601-7 P

Faversham, Methodists 14 136

Faversham, Methodists 26 163 P, 167

Faversham, military manoeuvre on Swale (1910) 11 235-9 P

Faversham, motorcycle club 16 351-7 P

Faversham, motorcycle club 24 63-5

Faversham, Mount, the 23 95-102 P

Faversham, Mount, the 45 4:18

Faversham, musical societies 20 27

Faversham, Mustard’s alms house 31 1:30 P

Faversham, Navigation 25 738-51 P

Faversham, Navigation 26 95-103 P, 271-78 P, 337-47 P

Faversham, newspapers 13 746-52 P

Faversham, newspapers 17 171-4 P

Faversham, Newton Road chapel 26 165

Faversham, old grammar school 39 4:28-37 P

Faversham, old photographs 30 5:10 P

Faversham, Oratory 25 643

Faversham, Our Lady of Mount Carmel church 26 465-67 P

Faversham, oyster fishery 25 61, 62-3

Faversham, oysters 26 189-91

Faversham, parliamentary constituency 36 2:28-32

Faversham, Partridge Lane chapel 19 475-7 P, 482

Faversham, Partridge Lane hostel 45 4:18

Faversham, Patricia Hyde (historian) 36 5:10

Faversham, penny readings 17 355-62 P

Faversham, photography 42 4:21-22

Faversham, plague 17 703-10

Faversham, Plantation Road 26 158 P

Faversham, plaque industry 07 218-22 P

Faversham, Pollocks, shipbuilders 14 198-9 P

Faversham, Pollocks, shipbuilders 21 390, 650-2 P

Faversham, port activities 25 514-23 P

Faversham, Porter Club 17 500 R

Faversham, presentation tank 11 622-7 P

Faversham, presentation tank 23 158 P

Faversham, presentation tank 25 562 P

Faversham, press-ganging 39 4:28-37 P

Faversham, Preston Avenue 18 553-559 P, 613-620 P

Faversham, Preston Avenue 19 58-64 P

Faversham, Preston Avenue 25 625-8

Faversham, Preston Court 37 3:4-5

Faversham, Preston House 25 420 P, 423-6

Faversham, Preston Street 19 242 P, 602 P

Faversham, Preston Street 20 503 R

Faversham, Preston Street, United church 26 163 P, 165, 167

Faversham, printers 17 97-100 P

Faversham, pubs 03 572-3 P

Faversham, pubs 16 716 P

Faversham, pumps 12 656 P

Faversham, pumps 17 709 P

Faversham, pumps 19 243

Faversham, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar school 22 205, 212 P

Faversham, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar school 31 3:17-18

Faversham, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar school 45 4:16

Faversham, Queen Matilda 34 2:3

Faversham, railway, effects of 21 297-303 P, 361-65

Faversham, railways 09 388-96 P

Faversham, railways 10 No 4 IBC L

Faversham, railways 15 341-5 P

Faversham, railways 25 627, 629-31 P, 760 L

Faversham, recreation ground 12 192-7 P

Faversham, recreation ground 15 186-9 P

Faversham, recreation ground 21 359, 363 P

Faversham, recreation ground 22 61-3 P

Faversham, recreation ground 39 6:9

Faversham, Rigden & Co brewery 37 3:4-5

Faversham, roller-skating 20 183 R

Faversham, Roman Catholic church 13 414-20 P

Faversham, Roman Catholic Presbytery, Tanners Street 26 158 P, 161

Faversham, Roman Catholicism 26 158-63 P

Faversham, Royal cinema 29 1:11

Faversham, sailing barges 35 3:36-41 P

Faversham, Salvation Army 26 167

Faversham, schools 06 398-404 P

Faversham, schools 12 507-13 P

Faversham, schools 13 414-7 P, 644 P

Faversham, schools 19 756 P, 757, 758 P

Faversham, schools 20 25

Faversham, schools 23 430-6 P

Faversham, schools 25 65, 174 P, 176

Faversham, sea-fencibles 43 5:17-18

Faversham, Second World War 20 566 R

Faversham, Second World War 31 2:12

Faversham, Shepherd Neame 29 6:9 P

Faversham, Shepherd Neame 36 1:14 R

Faversham, Shepherd Neame 36 2:15 R

Faversham, shipping 19 38-43, 177 R

Faversham, smuggling 23 617-25 P

Faversham, smuggling 25 375 L

Faversham, St Andrew’s Mission 26 79

Faversham, St John’s Road 25 308 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 06 549-52 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 07 83-6

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 09 225 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 12 706-11 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 16 720 P, 723 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 20 220 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 25 58 P, 60 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 26 74-79 P, 439-40 R

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 31 3:14-19 P

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church 35 5:16-17

Faversham, St Mary of Charity church, Buffs window 26 463 P

Faversham, St Saviour’s Abbey 26 72 P, 77

Faversham, St Saviour’s Mission, tin church 26 79-80

Faversham, station 03 98 P

Faversham, station 16 292 P, 507-8

Faversham, station 20 26 P, 76-9 P

Faversham, station 25 560 P, 566

Faversham, steam tugs 14 311-2 P

Faversham, Sunday schools 17 483-90 P, 545-51 P

Faversham, Sunday schools 26 159, 165, 166 P

Faversham, Sunday schools, Tanners Street 24 631 R

Faversham, Sunday schools, Tanners Street 25 63 P, 174 P, 178 P

Faversham, Sunday schools, teachers 17 602-9 P

Faversham, swing bridge 14 128 P, 195

Faversham, tank 41 1:5-12 P

Faversham, Tanners Street 26 158 P, 167

Faversham, Territorials 25 706-7 P

Faversham, The History of Faversham in 50 Objects (book) 34 5:11 R

Faversham, Theatre 36 1:36-39

Faversham, timber yard 1 610 P

Faversham, Time Passes, the Changing Face of (book) 32 1:7

Faversham, Toc H 6 577-8

Faversham, town books 29 3:14-15

Faversham, town halls 12 652-8 P

Faversham, town halls 25 713 P

Faversham, town pump 25 62 P

Faversham, town wharf 26 339

Faversham, transported men 20 693 R

Faversham, tunnels 24 50

Faversham, verse 21 245 R

Faversham, volunteers 09 521, 524 P

Faversham, war memorial 16 594-5 P

Faversham, war memorial listed 35 5:12-13 P

Faversham, war preparations 11 400-4 P

Faversham, wardmote 12 655

Faversham, water company 03 671, 673-5

Faversham, water company 20 27

Faversham, Wesleyan church 23 454 P

Faversham, Wesleyan Methodist church, Preston Street 26 163 P

Faversham, West Street 15 536-8 P

Faversham, wharves 14 195-9

Faversham, William Cobbett 32 2:50

Faversham, William Gibbs school 09 584-91

Faversham, William Shakespeare at 32 6:14

Faversham, witches 01 569-580

Faversham, woods 25 639-45 P

Faversham, woods 26 17-25 P

Faversham, Wreight’s school 22 204-13 P

Faversham, Wreights House 19 684

Favorite 19 96, 198, 200 P

Favorite 22 507

Favorite 23 370

Favourite (oyster yawl) 01 75-80, 194 L

Favourite (steamboat) 35 2:23

Fawcett, John Gasgoyne 16 715

Fawcett, John Gasgoyne 18 211-213 P

Fawkes, Guy, dole 29 3:47 P

Fawkham / Longfield station 21 24 P

Featherstone’s of Rochester 18 58-66 P, 142-148 P

Fector, John Minet 18 578-582, 679-683

Fector, Peter 13 130

Feeney, Sergeant Patrick 15 657-9

Feeney, Sergeant Patrick 18 489, 492 P

Fees for inquests 19 469-74 P

Fegan, James and Mary 06 299-307 P

Fegen VC, Captain E. S. F. 35 1:8-10

Fehr, Henry 35 5:6 P

Feist (née Smith), Margaret 24 596-7 P

Felixstowe Dock 36 2:34-37 P

Fenric, wolf-god 19 79

Fentiman / Fenteman, James Henry 23 739-46 P

Fenton, Mike 03 97

Ferdinand of Romania, King 40 1:8

Ferdinando, G. S. 18 114

Fergusson, Sir Louis 39 1:16-17

Ferrer, Mel 36 2:43

Ferries 10 116 R

Ferries 11 191, 350 P, 351, 664

Ferries, Deptford 14 462-72 P

Ferries, Medway 13 25-8 P, No 3 IBC L

Ferries, North Woolwich 24 349, 355, 358, 468

Ferries, Plucks Gutter 23 No 12 IBC L

Ferries, Queenborough 20 523, 525 P, 695-6 L, P

Ferries, Sandwich 10 387-90

Ferries, Sarre Grove 23 677

Ferries, Sheppey 13 492-7 P, 662-8 P

Ferries, Thames 15 605

Ferries, Thames 17 149, 150, 151

Ferries, Tilbury-Gravesend 14 114-6 R

Ferries, Woolwich 14 5, 9

Ferris, Jean (artist) 44 5:32-33 P

Ferriss, Henry Michael 41 4:38

Ferryfield Airport, Lydd 15 194-8 P

Fervent 14 114-6 R

Festival of Archaeology (2013) 34 4:8

Festivity 12 348 P, 350

Fever cart, Rainham 20 No 3 IBC L

Fever epidemic 13 611-5 P

Field names 03 403

Field names, Meopham and Nursted 02 320 R

Field, Ada 26 65

Field, Barnett 16 745, 747

Field, Captain Norman 44 6:18-23 P

Field, George Thomas 22 351-4 P

Field, Mike 15 358-9 P

Fielder, Bert, boat-restorer 18 23

Fielding, Cecil Henry 44 2:48-51

Fielding, Noel 45 3:20

Fiennes, Celia 08 594-5

Fiennes, Celia 30 5:30-35 P

Fiennes, Celia, on Maidstone 41 3:35

Fiennes, James (Lord Say and Sele) 23 149-52

Figurehead, Arethusa 23 544-8 P

Figureheads 10 399-406 P

Figureheads 16 602 P, 604 P

Figureheads 20 107-113 P, No 6 IBC L

Figureheads 29 4:40-44 P

Figureheads 34 3:48-50 P

Filby, Elmer 17 671-2 P

Filby, W. C. 25 615-7

File family 23 212

Film history 37 1:5

Film history 37 3:42-47 P

Film industry 25 667-8

Film pioneers 35 3:6-7 P

Film pioneers 35 6:13 P

Filmer family 22 493-5, 568 L

Filmer family 25 97, 100, 169-70

Filmer family, East Sutton 06 319-323

Filmer, Benjamin and John 19 479-81

Filmer, Sir Robert 37 2:11 P

Filmer, Thomas (Gravesend) 39 5:38-41

Film-making 31 5:7

Film-making, ‘quota quickie’ 43 4:29-30

Filmmaking, A Canterbury Tale 44 3:26-35 P

Filmmaking, Everest expeditions 44 6:42-49 P

Film-making, Snodland studio 43 4:26-35 P

Films, Faversham film festival (2013) 34 5:5

Finch family, Aylesford 11 200

Finch family, Aylesford, Eastwell 05 387, 389

Finch, Lady Diana 36 2:21-23 P

Finch, Rev John 36 3:32-37

Finch, Sir Moyle 37 3:40

Finch, Sir Thomas 37 3:40

Finch, William Coles 10 28

Finchcocks 39 3:5

Finchcocks musical instrument museum 11 245

Finchcocks musical instrument museum 13 270-3 P

Findlay, James 35 3:8-9

Fingerprints 14 367-9

Finkelstein, Herbert and Erna 41 4:6-7 P

Finn family (Labour activists) 18 372-376 P

Finn family, Lydd 26 748

Finn, George 41 6:32

Finn, John 37 4:42-49

Finnegan, Owen 17 89-91

Finnigan, Mary 42 2:42-46

Finnish ambassador 45 2:50

Finnish sauna, Aylesford 45 2:48-51

Fire brigade, Gillingham, fireman’s wedding disaster 32 4:16-23 P

Fire engines 23 26 P

Fire insurance marks 17 559-64 P

Fire service 26 249 L, 312 L

Fire service 39 2:40-45 P

Firebacks 29 5:12-13 P

Firebacks, cast iron 32 3:15 R

Firefighting (1731) 23 34

Firefighting 10 71-3 P, 256

Firefighting 11 339, 538 P

Firefighting 15 373 P, 595

Firefighting, appliances 09 654-60 P

Firefighting, appliances 10 82 P

Firefighting, appliances 12 314-9

Firefighting, appliances 15 465, 597-8

Firefighting, appliances 19 327-31 P, 444-5 P

Firefighting, appliances 20 498 P

Firefighting, Ashford 12 359-61 P

Firefighting, Ashford 19 330-1, 379-85 P, 443-8 P

Firefighting, Auxiliary Fire Service 13 629

Firefighting, Aylesford 20 253-4 P

Firefighting, Borough Green 02 239-44 P

Firefighting, Bromley 20 65-70 P

Firefighting, Chatham 13 283-8 P

Firefighting, Chattenden, Admiralty Depot 25 687

Firefighting, Chilham 12 714

Firefighting, Dover 06 3-8 P

Firefighting, equipment 21 255

Firefighting, equipment 25 208-10 P

Firefighting, farm fires near Herne Bay 25 525-30 P

Firefighting, Gravesend 40 3:10-17 P

Firefighting, Greenwich 02 130-6 R

Firefighting, Herne Bay 25 525-30 P

Firefighting, Maidstone area 12 314-9 P

Firefighting, Maidstone area 15 391-5 P, 465-70 P, 549-55 P, 597-604 P

Firefighting, Margate 14 359-62 P

Firefighting, Margate 18 201-204

Firefighting, Sevenoaks auxiliary 06 35-40 P

Firefighting, Southborough 25 207-10 P, 287-90 P

Firefighting, St Andrew’s boarding school 25 286-90 P

Firefighting, uniforms 15 464

Firefighting, West Malling 19 257-9 P

Firefighting, Whitstable 13 731-5

Firefighting, Whitstable 25 526-30 P

Fireman’s wedding, Gillingham, 1929 32 4:16-23 P

Firework manufacture 13 742, 744 P

Firework manufacture 19 26-8

Fireworks 17 646-7

First World War 11 130, 153, 210, 239, 301 446-7 P, 527, 673

First World War 13 307, 333-7, 503 R, 508 P, 565

First World War 15 733

First World War 24 119 R

First World War, ‘munitionettes’ 23 418-22 P, 465-73 P

First World War, 1915 bombing 40 2:14-19 P

First World War, 99th Anniversary 34 5:3

First World War, aerial attacks 25 757 R

First World War, aerial warfare 24 135-41 P, 502

First World War, aero engines 36 4:52-55 P

First World War, air defence 25 167

First World War, air raids 01 427-30 P

First World War, air raids 24 515-23 P, 524-8 P

First World War, air raids 29 3:34-40

First World War, air raids on Kent 35 1:52 P

First World War, aircraft 17 16 P

First World War, airships and air raids 44 4:22-31 P

First World War, Albert Isaacs 39 1:22-27 P

First World War, anti-German riots 22 175

First World War, Archbishop Randall Davidson 35 6:47

First World War, Arthur Hussey 35 6:38-41 P

First World War, aviation 03 255 R

First World War, aviation 10 546 P

First World War, aviation 11 229

First World War, Battle of Sambre 39 6:45-51 P

First World War, Belgian refugees 35 3:34-35 P

First World War, billeting 12 398

First World War, bombs 07 544-6 P

First World War, Boy Scouts 38 1:44-47 P

First World War, Brasted camp 14 501

First World War, British PoWs 24 706 P,

First World War, British PoWs 25 707, 710 P

First World War, Broadstairs 43 3:4-12 P

First World War, buses 21 289

First World War, buses 35 5:18-21 P

First World War, Camouflage 42 5:5-15 P

First World War, Canadian troops 41 4:44-51 P

First World War, Canterbury 41 1:40 R

First World War, Canterbury war memorial 27 340-343 P

First World War, Capel-le-Ferne airship station 05 442-52 P

First World War, Cavell Van restoration 32 1:7 P

First World War, Chalk 37 4:11 R

First World War, Channel defences 16 374 R

First World War, Chatham 43 1:12-17 P

First World War, Chatham Dockyard 35 6:11

First World War, Chatham naval memorial 35 1:8-10

First World War, Christmas truce 36 1:12-13 P

First World War, cocaine abuse 41 4:44-51

First World War, Colonel Charles Allan Smart 43 4:36-41 P

First World War, conscription appeals 37 2:22-26 P

First World War, Coppins VC, Frederick 39 5:4-5 P

First World War, Cosham, Frederick 39 6:42-51 P

First World War, cricketers in 36 6:14-15

First World War, Davington light railway 37 6:32-37 P

First World War, Daylight saving 36 5:50

First World War, defence fieldworks 35 1:11 L

First World War, defences 02 337-42 P, 720-1 P

First World War, defences 08 197-204 P

First World War, defences 10 635

First World War, defences 11 44 P, 47, 59

First World War, defences 13 698-705 P, 717-8 P

First World War, defences 14 506-13 P

First World War, defences in Thames 35 6:11-12 P

First World War, diary of Alfred Thomas Anderson 30 4:36-38 P

First World War, Dover 10 433-7, 557

First World War, Dover 24 685-6

First World War, Dover 37 1:10-15

First World War, Dover 39 6:44

First World War, Dover Patrol 43 3:6-13 P

First World War, east Kent gazetteer 30 4:13

First World War, Eltham 29 5:38-45 P

First World War, Employment market 37 1:10

First World War, entertainment for troops 40 4:42-47

First World War, ex-servicemen 11 87, 509

First World War, Faversham commemoration 39 4:8-9 P

First World War, Faversham explosion 36 4:10-11 R

First World War, Faversham explosion 37 2:42-49 P

First World War, Faversham explosion 37 3:48-55 P

First World War, Faversham in the Great War (book) 39 5:9 P

First World War, first bombing of England 32 6:5

First World War, Folkestone 41 4:44-51 P

First World War, Folkestone, air raid (1917) 35 6:42-47 P

First World War, Folkestone, bombing (1917) 43 4:37-39 P

First World War, Folkestone, troops in transit at 36 6:7

First World War, Folkestone, war relics 8 282-8 P

First World War, From Shore to Sea: Chatham Dockyard 34 6:8

First World War, Gallipoli memorial, Eltham 26 217-25 P

First World War, Gateways project 36 2:14 P

First World War, German names changed 22 175

First World War, German prisoners of war 36 2:6-7 P

First World War, Gotha raids 22 299-300

First World War, Grain seaplane station 03 429-35 P

First World War, Harbledown War Memorial 32 6:22-25 P

First World War, HMS President 37 5:5 P

First World War, home front 11 528-33 P, 535, 682-9 P, 749

First World War, home front 23 635-42 P

First World War, Kent commemorations 35 4:6-7

First World War, Kent Cyclist Battalion 38 1:44-47 P

First World War, Kent in First World War project 36 2:11

First World War, land defences 16 358-60 P

First World War, landing grounds 07 417-22 P

First World War, last air raid 22 299-300, 440 L

First World War, Lieutenant Colonel James Marshall VC 39 6:45-49

First World War, Lieutenant James Kirk VC 39 6:49

First World War, Littlestone Airfield 34 4:37

First World War, Lives of the First World War (website) 36 5:6

First World War, Lynsted book 39 5:9 P

First World War, Major Alfred John Evans 43 2:14-23 P

First World War, Major Edward ‘Mick’ Mannock VC 27 340-343 P

First World War, Manfred von Richthofen 35 4:44-47 P

First World War, Manston 03 41-9 P

First World War, Manston airport 37 4:8-9

First World War, Medway towns 39 1:22-27 P

First World War, Medway towns servicemen 39 6:6-7 P

First World War, memorials, Lenham 03 8-9 P

First World War, military hospitals 23 97-9 P, 250-7 P, 397-404 P, 475-80 P

First World War, Monitor Squadron (Dover Patrol) 14 652-8 P

First World War, nursing 35 5:22-27 P

First World War, peace celebrations 10 790-6 P

First World War, peace celebrations 13 119

First World War, peace celebrations 23 640 P

First World War, preparations 11 235-9 P, 400-4 P, 525

First World War, prisoners of war 43 2:14-23

First World War, RAMC 38 2:40-43 P

First World War, Ramsgate 05 331-6 P, 440 L

First World War, Ramsgate 06 715

First World War, recruitment 13 461-6

First World War, refugees 11 118

First World War, requisitioning 12 396, 398

First World War, requisitioning 13 628

First World War, requisitions 25 167

First World War, response to declaration 12 395-8

First World War, Richborough 03 183-5, 298

First World War, Richborough 10 136-8 P

First World War, Richborough, train ferry 24 397-401 P

First World War, Ridham Dock (Iwade) 39 6:30-33 P

First World War, Rootes engineering work 43 5:7-9 P

First World War, Royal Marines, Deal 01 341

First World War, Royal West Kent Regiment 32 6:22-25 P

First World War, Sandwich Haven 43 2:48-51 P

First World War, school contributions 24 501-2

First World War, school of Musketry (Hythe) 44 2:12-19 P

First World War, servicemen’s letters 29 4:7

First World War, Sheerness 31 1:38-39

First World War, Shorncliffe Garrison 43 4:36-41

First World War, Shorncliffe training trenches 35 5:4-5 P

First World War, Sittingbourne 37 4:11 R

First World War, Sittingbourne industry 40 3:43 R

First World War, Smarden commemoration 39 5:7

First World War, Somme recalled 37 3:7

First World War, South Africa 39 1:23-25 P

First World War, spies 37 6:8-15 P

First World War, spies 44 2:18

First World War, spies and spy alerts 38 1:44-51 P

First World War, St Edmund’s school, Canterbury 40 2:30-31

First World War, St Mary Cray 30 2:34-37 P

First World War, Sturry 03 295-8 P

First World War, submarines 06 513-8 P

First World War, submarines 11 18 P

First World War, Swale 1914 War Memorials Project 34 3:8

First World War, tanks 11 622-7 P

First World War, tanks 24 400 P

First World War, tanks 41 1:4-13 P

First World War, teachers at war 25 379-88 P

First World War, Temporary Captain J. B. Dunn 39 6:46-47

First World War, Thanet 32 5:13

First World War, the Buffs Regiment 32 6:22-25 P

First World War, theatre and cinema 40 4:42-47 P

First World War, Then and Now grants programme (2014) 34 4:6

First World War, Thomas Wicks (PoW) 36 2:50-55 P

First World War, threshing with forces’ help 24 164 P

First World War, traveller to Continent 35 6:34-38 P

First World War, troops 23 156-7 P, 160-3 P

First World War, troops 25 707 P, 710 P

First World War, U-boats 36 5:46-47

First World War, VADs 07 511-4P

First World War, Victoria Cross 34 5:6 P

First World War, Victoria Cross 40 5:43 R

First World War, Vimy commemoration 38 4:5

First World War, Viscount Northcliffe 43 3:4-13 P

First World War, Voluntary Aid Detachment 35 4:48-51 P

First World War, Voluntary Aid Detachment 35 5:26

First World War, Volunteer movement 17 719-26 P

First World War, Walmer Aerodrome 05 528-35 P

First World War, Walter Tull 35 6:8-9 P

First World War, war dead from Deal 35 4:15 R

First World War, war dead from Sandwich 35 4:15 R

First World War, war memorials 40 5:34-35 P

First World War, Westgate Hall, Canterbury 36 6:10-11 P

First World War, white feather campaign 35 5:8 P

First World War, Wilfred Owen 39 6:45-49

First World War, women’s temperance 29 6:6-7

First World War, wounded 10 74-5 P

First World War, Wye Aerodrome 03 160-66 P

Firth of Cromarty (shipwreck) 07 735-5 P

Fish 25 675-83 P

Fishenden family 08 No 3 IBC L

Fisher, Captain Pat 29 6:33 P

Fisher, Rev Samuel 12 583

Fisherman’s Pride 18 23

Fishing, angling parties 17 123

Fishing, coastal fleets 08 693 R

Fishing, dialect 20 526

Fishing, Folkestone 01 147

Fishing, Fordwich Trout 17 308-10 P

Fishing, Herne Bay 21 314-20 P

Fishing, Herne Bay weir 26 176-9 P

Fishing, herrings 21 314 P, 318-9

Fishing, herrings 25 429-33 P

Fishing, industry 12 198-204 P, 312 R, 630

Fishing, industry 14 159-62, 193, 251-6 P, 309 R

Fishing, industry 20 503 R, 523-6 P

Fishing, industry 24 87, 89, 90 P, 91-3 P

Fishing, industry, certificates of competency 24 598-604 P

Fishing, industry, kettle-net fishing 24 575, 577 P, No 10 FC P

Fishing, Lanfears family 09 64-9 P, 145-55 P

Fishing, lobster-fishing 17 399-404 P, 465-70 P

Fishing, Lydd 14 599

Fishing, Ramsgate 01 269-72

Fishing, Ramsgate 02 624-32 P

Fishing, Ramsgate 07 122-30 P

Fishing, seamen’s jerseys 29 6:32-36 P

Fishing, seamen’s missions 09 88-94 P

Fishing, snatch-netting 17 465-70 P

Fishing, sprats 14 339-47 P

Fishing, superstitions 25 45-50 P, 431

Fishing, Thames, whitebait 03 243-4

Fishing, trawling 25 585-92 P

Fitzgerald, Admiral C. P. 35 5:8

Fitzgerald, James Edward 37 5:45-47 P

Fitzgerald, Percy 45 4:27-28

Fitzgilbert, Richard 37 3:22

Fitzpatrick, Dr Andrew 39 1:4-5

Fix, Sidney 29 2:29

Flackton, William 23 No 4 IBC R

Flagship Mary 05 378 P, 381, 385

Flail Dance 18 745

Flame (motor barge) 13 169, 581

Flame (motor barge) 17 295-302 P, 459

Flame (motor barge) 18 239-247 P, 408

Flame (motor barge) 19 5

Flame (motor barge) 21 386 P, 389

Flame (motor barge) 24 189

Flame defences 13 570-5 P

Flame defences 14 19-24 P

Flanagan (motor barge) 18 240-243 P, 303, 357-358, 409

Flanagan (motor barge) 19 393, 699-703

Flanagan (motor barge) 21 390

Flanders, Dennis 37 1:28-31 P

Flashman family (Dover) 38 3:39-40 P

Flead cake 23 750

Flead cake 25 307

Fleet family, brewers 05 665-7 P

Fleming, Ann 40 6:40-41

Fleming, Caspar 40 6:40-41

Fleming, Dr J. A. 32 2:19-23

Fleming, Ian 23 549-54 P

Fleming, Ian 29 1:38

Fleming, Ian 29 2:8

Fleming, Ian 29 5:26-31

Fleming, Ian 35 3:42-43

Fleming, Ian 35 6:13

Fleming, Ian 37 3:43

Fleming, Ian 40 6:37-41

Fleming, Ian 41 6:4-11 P

Flemish Immigrants 07 205-7

Fletcher family 15 215-7

Fletcher, James 29 2:25

Fletcher, Lieutenant-Commander Walter 37 1:22-27 P

Fletcher, Mary 12 207

Fletcher, William 45 4:45

Flight 42 6:44-49 P

Flint architecture 03 404-10 P

Flintlock 18 755

Flintlock pistols 20 394-6 P

Flints 15 389

Floating Republic 14 333-9 P

Floating Republic 16 109-11

Flogging Joey (William McCulloch) 15 403-13 P

Flood protection 31 5:10

Flood protection, north Kent coast 23 8-11 P

Flood, Ferne (née Beatty) 36 1:53

Flood, James 17 73-6

Floods (1953) 17 630 P

Floods (1953) 19 698-703

Floods (1953) 21 67-69 P

Floods (1953) 23 8-11 P

Floods (1953) 25 104 P

Floods 10 134-8

Floods 17 520-22 P

Floods, Barham (1937) 24 374 P

Floods, Dartford 19 271-6 P

Floods, Deal (1953) 24 318 P

Floods, Folkestone 23 117 R

Floods, Herne Bay 19 319-20 P

Floods, Hoo Peninsula 0 45-6

Floods, Maidstone 10 514 P

Floods, Margate 09 186-92 P

Floods, Sheerness 21 525

Floods, Shortlands 19 637

Floods, Whitstable 19 701 P, 703 P

Flora 17 573

Florida (merchant vessel) 45 4:50

Floyd, Edward 17 242-4

Fluidity 17 695

Flushing ferry 20 525 P, 695-6 L, P

Fly proprietor, Tunbridge Wells 34 1:40-41

Flying boats 09 442-50 P, No 9 IBC L

Flying boats 16 25-6

Flying bombs 10 17, 156, 688

Flying bombs 15 490-4 P

Flying bombs 23 723-7 P

Flying bombs 24 411

Flying circuses 09 640-5 P

Flying circuses 10 545

Flying circuses 13 316 P, 383-4 P See also under Cobham, Sir Alan

Flying fleas 04 533-9 P

Flying fleas 13 314-23 P

Flying fleas 15 419-21 P

Foa, Raoul H. 43 3:25-26

Foat, Peter 22 125-7

Foden steam wagons 14 94 P, 163-6 P, 186-7 P

Fog signals 19 26, 297, 301

Fogerty, Clifford (pilot) 45 2:27, 32

Fokker F8 34 4:28-29 P

Folk dances, Selling 01 512 L

Folk dancing 21 583-90 P

Folk music and customs 15 33-5 P

Folk music and customs 16 9-15 P, 378-83 P, 555-63 P

Folk music and customs 19 568 R

Folk Song Society 19 7-12

Folk songs 29 1:39-43

Folk songs 35 4:36-43

Folkestone 01 255 R

Folkestone 07 494 P

Folkestone 24 3-9 P

Folkestone and Hythe district council 40 6:14

Folkestone Daily News 24 5

Folkestone Sanitary Steam Laundry 34 3:17 P

Folkestone Water Works Company 34 4:46

Folkestone, ‘skeleton army’ 16 659-67

Folkestone, 1878 German naval disaster 43 4:14-21 P

Folkestone, Aero Trophy Race 11 34-40 P

Folkestone, Air Cadets 10 672-9 P, 732-8 P, 818-24 P

Folkestone, air raid (1917) 35 6:42-47 P

Folkestone, bandstands 17 698-702 P

Folkestone, Baptist church 11 115-8 P, 180-4 P, 366-71 P

Folkestone, Baptist church 24 547

Folkestone, Baptist Sabbath school 11 180-4 P, 369

Folkestone, Baptists 21 421-9 P

Folkestone, Bayle Fort 05 279-82

Folkestone, Belle-Vue hotel 41 4:50-51 P

Folkestone, Bobby and Co 21 56 R

Folkestone, Bradstone Mill 21 425

Folkestone, bus station 25 82 P, 87-8

Folkestone, buses 13 154-7, No 5 IBC L, 333-5

Folkestone, Caesar’s camp 26 286 P

Folkestone, Canadian troops 41 4:44-51 P

Folkestone, Castle 30 2:28

Folkestone, Chandler family 32 3:38

Folkestone, charity concerts 20 31

Folkestone, Cheriton Road cemetery 43 4:16-21 P

Folkestone, cherry growing 34 4:46-50 P

Folkestone, churches 06 653-4

Folkestone, churches 12 126 P

Folkestone, churches 13 671-6 P

Folkestone, churches 23 426 P

Folkestone, churchwardens’ accounts 14 647-51

Folkestone, cinemas 07 433-9 P

Folkestone, cliff lifts 07 56 R

Folkestone, cliff top café 32 3:38

Folkestone, coaching in 11 72-6 P

Folkestone, coastal erosion 16 69-70

Folkestone, coastguard 14 549-55 P

Folkestone, cocaine abuse 41 4:44-51

Folkestone, Copt Point 21 279

Folkestone, Creteway Down translator (radio/television transmitter) 31 2:45-46 P

Folkestone, cricket ground 09 269, 270 P, 273

Folkestone, cross-Channel services 07 540-1

Folkestone, day-trip to Boulogne 1843 19 337-8

Folkestone, disease 34 2:12 R

Folkestone, early history 20 605-8 P

Folkestone, Edward VII 29 1:11

Folkestone, family histories 03 764 R

Folkestone, First World War 38 1:46-47

Folkestone, First World War, air raids 29 3:37

Folkestone, First World War, bombs 20 590

Folkestone, First World War, bombs 21 223

Folkestone, First World War, relics 08 282-8 P

Folkestone, First World War, zig-zag path 11 732-6 P

Folkestone, Fishermen’s Bethel 12 198-204 P, 312

Folkestone, fishmarket 14 550 P

Folkestone, fishmarket 16 658 P, 660 P

Folkestone, fishmarket 24 2 P, 6 P

Folkestone, fishmarket 26 284 P

Folkestone, floods 23 117 R

Folkestone, Folklore Society 09 707

Folkestone, Gotha bombing raid (1917) 43 4:37-39 P

Folkestone, Grove House school 5 561-6 P

Folkestone, harbour 01 146-52 P, 611 P

Folkestone, harbour 02 177-82 P

Folkestone, harbour 07 540-1

Folkestone, harbour 13 457, 503-4 R

Folkestone, harbour 19 337

Folkestone, harbour 21 533, 536-7

Folkestone, harbour 22 311-2, 439

Folkestone, harbour 26 284 P

Folkestone, harbour 31 2:31

Folkestone, harbour 36 6:6-7 P

Folkestone, harbour railway station 30 2:8 P

Folkestone, Harvey hotel 41 4:46-50 P

Folkestone, hearth tax 06 653-6

Folkestone, Hippodrome 35 6:46

Folkestone, holidays 13 669-76 P

Folkestone, hotels 06 85-6

Folkestone, hotels 10 166 P, 168

Folkestone, hotels 29 1:11 P

Folkestone, hotels 44 5:26-31 P

Folkestone, international beauty pageant 32 4:5

Folkestone, Jutish cemetery 21 281

Folkestone, Kent College for Girls 10 717-22 P

Folkestone, Lapis Tituli 32 1:41

Folkestone, Leas 03 155-9 P

Folkestone, Leas 11 732-6 P

Folkestone, Leas 16 662 P

Folkestone, Leas 37 3:6-7 P

Folkestone, Leas Cliff 38 4:34 RP

Folkestone, Leas lift 30 3:6 P

Folkestone, Leas Pavilion 20 514-7 P

Folkestone, Leas, in Dickensian times 26 280 P

Folkestone, Lewis & Hyland 43 1:4-11 P

Folkestone, library 23 230 P, 233

Folkestone, Martello dairy farm 09 122-31 P

Folkestone, Martello towers 02 61

Folkestone, Martello towers 24 409

Folkestone, Mill Bay Baptist church 10 162

Folkestone, Mill Bay Baptist church 23 454 P, 459

Folkestone, murders 11 81-6 P

Folkestone, murders 14 29-34 P

Folkestone, museum 39 1:7

Folkestone, Noel Redding 39 3:16-17 P

Folkestone, Our Lady Help of Christians church 26 470-71 P

Folkestone, Pelter (brig) 14 549-54 P

Folkestone, pier 11 35

Folkestone, pier 21 533

Folkestone, pier 22 310P

Folkestone, pier 5 88-92 P

Folkestone, plague 3 53-3

Folkestone, Pleasure Gardens 40 4:43-45 P

Folkestone, Pleasure Gardens theatre 10 676-7

Folkestone, Pleasure Gardens theatre 44 5:14-15 P

Folkestone, policing 17 442-6 P

Folkestone, priory 02 169-70

Folkestone, pubs and inns 0 3-7 P

Folkestone, pubs and inns 01 770-1 L

Folkestone, pubs and inns 21 567 R

Folkestone, railway 02 357-60

Folkestone, railway 13 324-30 P, 439 L, 458-9 P

Folkestone, railway 21 531-8 P

Folkestone, Railway Artillery Battery, Second World War 08 615-21 P

Folkestone, Reinden Wood 17 657-60 P

Folkestone, Repertory Theatre 20 513-8 P, 577-81 P

Folkestone, riot 16 667

Folkestone, Roman remains 21 279-82 P

Folkestone, Royal Victoria hospital 17 696 R

Folkestone, Salisbury hotel 37 3:6-7 P

Folkestone, Salvation Army 16 658-68 P

Folkestone, Sam Pilcher 26 279-87 P

Folkestone, Samuel Plimsoll (MP) 38 1:10-17 P

Folkestone, Sandgate Road 20 302 P

Folkestone, Sandgate Road 26 286 P

Folkestone, shipwrecks 18 757 R

Folkestone, Shorncliffe 37 3:4-5 P

Folkestone, Shorncliffe Garrison 43 4:36-41

Folkestone, Silver Screen cinema 30 6:38 P

Folkestone, smuggling 01 22

Folkestone, smuggling 20 714-5

Folkestone, spa at Foord 23 529-33 P

Folkestone, St Margaret’s school 16 112-6 P, 246 L, 437 R

Folkestone, St Mary and St Eanswythe church 01 93

Folkestone, St Mary and St Eanswythe church 14 647-51 P

Folkestone, St Mary and St Eanswythe church 30 4:30-34 P

Folkestone, St Michael’s church 14 275-6, 611-5 P

Folkestone, St Peter’s church 26 430-31 P

Folkestone, stations 21 531, 533, 537

Folkestone, Step Short Project 35 2:11 P

Folkestone, Sugar Loaf Hill 15 413-8 P

Folkestone, Sugar Loaf Hill 20 589-90 P

Folkestone, Sugar Loaf Hill 21 56 L

Folkestone, Swingbridge 21 532-6 P

Folkestone, tank 41 1:5-12 P

Folkestone, the Cherry Garden 34 4:46-50 P

Folkestone, theatre (1775) 36 1:35-36

Folkestone, theatres 21 56 L

Folkestone, theatres 23 424 P

Folkestone, theatrical ‘digs’ 23 423-9 P

Folkestone, then and now 34 2:13 R

Folkestone, Those Magnificent Men 43 3:43

Folkestone, tollgates 20 753-6 P

Folkestone, town council 24 7-9

Folkestone, train robbery 10 165-70 P, 211 7 P

Folkestone, tramway 07 681-9 P

Folkestone, triennial 29 4:7

Folkestone, tuberculosis 34 2:12 R

Folkestone, using oil to calm rough seas 21 641-3 P

Folkestone, Valiant Sailor pub 09 80-87 P, 122-131

Folkestone, Valiant Sailor pub 13 455

Folkestone, Valiant Sailor pub 20 716 P

Folkestone, Valiant Sailor pub 21 No 4 IBC L

Folkestone, viaduct 19 562-7 P

Folkestone, viaduct 21 423 P, 424 P, 427 P

Folkestone, viaduct 23 533

Folkestone, viaduct 26 280, 282 P

Folkestone, Victorian era 26 279-87 P

Folkestone, Walter Tull 35 6:8-9 P

Folkestone, Walter Tull 39 3:4-5 P

Folkestone, Walton Manor 21 282, No 7 IBC L

Folkestone, Warren 12 17-22 P

Folkestone, Warren 13 325-9 P, 334, 455-60 P

Folkestone, Warren 20 714 P, 716 P

Folkestone, Warren 32 3:36-38 P

Folkestone, Warren Halt station 32 3:37

Folkestone, Warren landslide 25 563 P

Folkestone, Water Company 18 41

Folkestone, White House 32 3:36-37 P

Folkestone, Woodside colliery tragedy 20 29-31

Folklore 06 504 L, 512-3 P

Folklore 31 1:22-25

Folklore 31 6:42-47P

Folklore Society 29 1:42

Folklore, hooden horse 07 260 P, 262

Folklore, urban myths 34 6:10 R

Folley, Roger 37 6:24-31 P

Follies 19 287-90

Follies 19 287-90,

Follies, Bromley 20 176

Follies, Hoathly, watermill 25 52 P

Follies, Kingsgate 14 483, 486 P

Follies, west Kent 19 287-90 P

Folwell, Steve 16 217-8 P

Fontaine, Joan 39 3:30

Food for the day 23 747-51

Food poisoning 17 73-6

Food recipes 34 1:13 R

Foord 23 529-33 P

Foord family 29 4:15-17 P

Foord, chalybeate spring 18 18-19

Foord, Thomas 37 2:8-9 P

Foord, Thomas Hellyar 38 1:28

Foot and mouth disease 24 363

Foot, Captain C. J. (RFC) 44 2:16

Football on Goodwin Sands 43 5:35 P

Football, 1948 Olympics 40 2:20-23 P

Football, 1949 Amateur Cup Final 40 2:20-23 P

Football, Charlie Fuller 40 2:22-23

Football, England 36 4:18-23

Football, Eric Fright 40 2:22-23

Football, Faversham 19 155-62 P

Football, Medway towns 02 124

Football, Medway towns 14 473-6 P, 545-7 P, 758 L

Football, Medway towns 15 75-9 P

Football, Medway towns 17 64-7 P

Football, Tommy Hopper 40 2:20-23 P

Football, Tonbridge 14 729-35 P

Football, unruly and unsporting behaviour 21 501-4 P

Foots Cray 17 491-9 P

Foots Cray 21 519

Foots Cray Meadows 34 2:40-43 P

Foots Cray Place 14 665-7 P

Foots Cray Place 17 490 P, 493

Foots Cray Place 22 120 R

Foots Cray Place 34 2:40-43 P

Foots Cray Place 35 6:32-33 P

Foots Cray, inhabitants and occupations 1851 17 491-9

Foots Cray, paper mill 17 498

Foots Cray, policing 18 517-524 P

Foots Cray, Sidcup and Foots Cray, A History 34 5:10 R

Foots Cray, silk manufacture in 18 111-115 P

Footscray Garage 35 5:19

Foramina tombs 22 37-8 P

Forbes, James Staats 25 567

Forbes, Lieutenant Frederick 38 2:26-28

Forbes, Richard 23 283-5

Forbes, Sarah Bonetta 38 2:26-33 P

Ford 12 149-50 P

Ford, ‘High Jim’ (hermit) 12 149-52

Ford, Eric (boat restorer) 18 23

Ford, Ford Madox 05 166-8

Ford, Ford Madox 19 35

Ford, Hoath, manor house 24 16-22 P

Ford, Jack 23 108-9 P

Fordcombe Harriers 19 77

Fordcroft, St Mary Cray 32 6:34-37 P

Forde, Abbot 22 635

Fordwich 10 135

Fordwich 16 537-45 P

Fordwich 39 1:8-9 P R

Fordwich, church 22 588

Fordwich, Cinque Port limb 29 1:33-38 P

Fordwich, crime and punishment 05 128-32 P

Fordwich, crime and punishment 16 544 P

Fordwich, George and Dragon 44 3:26

Fordwich, Henry Farrar, epitaph 32 3:34

Fordwich, Lady Well 19 44 P

Fordwich, River Stour 29 1:37 P

Fordwich, St Mary the Virgin church 16 539, 542 P

Fordwich, St Mary the Virgin church 20 522

Fordwich, St Mary the Virgin church 29 1:35 P

Fordwich, Thief’s well 18 345-346

Fordwich, Town Hall 16 539, 541 P

Fordwich, trout 17 308-10 P

Foreign Cattle Market, Deptford 23 388-92 P

Foreign Legion, Shorncliffe 02 44-9 P

Foreign travellers’ experiences, early 15 518-24 P

Foreman, Joyce 37 3:21

Foreness 16 472 P

Forensic science 12 237

Forest Hill 01 318 R

Forge at Hook Green 18 383-390 P, 477-483 P 545-552 P

Forges 22 538-40 P

Forman, Simon, alchemist 12 416 P

Forrest, Ebenezer 41 5:4-13 P

Forrester, Major Matt 35 2:42-43

Forstals 24 11-15 P, 183-4 L

Forster, Francis 37 1:37-41 P

Forster, Frederick 18 605

Forster, John 41 3:8-10

Forster, Rosanna ‘Sootie’, (sweep) 43 6:4-10 P

Forster, William 43 6:5-10 P

Forsyth, Thomas and Jane 15 173-7 P

Fort Amherst, ghosts 34 6:45-46 P

Fort at Tongue Sand 18 No 2 IBC R

Fort Borstal 16 7

Fort Burgoyne, Dover 35 3:11 P

Fort Halstead 39 4:15

Fort Pitt, Chatham 01 211-4 P

Fort Pitt, Chatham 35 5:34-35 P

Forth, William 26 151

Fortifications, Broadstairs 03 589-92 P

Fortifications, Chatham Land Front 06 490-6 P

Fortifications, Dover 08 502 R

Fortifications, Dover 11 41-9 P

Fortifications, Maunsell forts 11 58-65 P

Fortifications, Medway 01 251-2 R

Fortifications, Medway 11 47

Fortifications, pillboxes 07 184 L

Fortifications, Saxon shore 03 218-23 P

Fortifications, Thames 07 56 R

Fortifications, Tonbridge 24 287-91 P

Fortnum and Mason 35 6:40

Forts of the 1859 Commission 14 378-85 P, 490-6 P, 515-20 P

Forty Years War, railway company dispute, Folkestone, 1859-99 21 533

Forward in Faith 26 375-77

Forwood, Mary Ann Jemima 31 4:34-38

Forwood, Mary Ann Jemima 31 5:42-47

Forwood, Stephen 31 4:34-38

Forwood, Stephen 31 5:42-47

Fossils 19 459, 663-6 P

Foster Clark (food company) 44 2:4-11 P

Foster Clark, George 44 2:4-11 P

Foster Clark, Joan 44 2:10

Foster, James 12 389-94

Foster, Mr Justice (1748) 44 4:46

Foster, PC George 37 1:12

Foster, Philip Jarvis 37 5:47-48

Foster, Reginald 31 5:33

Foster, Rev James 41 2:35-36

Foster, Richard 17 287

Foster’s Imperial Steam Laundry 34 3:16

Fougasse flame traps 13 570-5 P

Fougasses 12 273

Fougasses 16 391

Four Tops, The 40 4:51

Fowle family 11 500-3 P

Fowle, William Wing 24 571

Fowler, Charles Hodgson 38 1:31

Fowler, Richard, ironmonger 17 319 P

Fowler, Sir John 17 62-3

Fowlers, Ramsgate coach firm 01 270

Fox Talbot, Constance 43 4:47-49 P

Fox Talbot, William 43 4:47-49 P

Fox, Sydney Harry 10 112

Fox, W. C. 31 3:39

Fox, William Henry 13 101, 102

Foxe, John 29 1:18-22

Foxe, John 34 5:12-19

Franchel, Leon 26 107

Francis (schooner) 24 678

Francis, Albert Edmund 17 455-9 P

Francis, Captain Duncan 20 375 R

Francis, Eddie 38 6:30

Francis, James 15 212-3

Franciscan monks 45 6:18-23

Frank, Marcus (theatre) 44 1:44

Frankenstein (novel) 45 4:46

Frankesh, John 44 3:39

Franklin, A. J. (alderman) 32 5:15-16

Franklin, Admiral John 34 2:27 P

Franklin, Benjamin 36 5:51

Franklin, Benjamin 43 6:13-14

Franklin, General H. S. 28 37 P

Franklin, James (apothecary) 12 206-7

Franklin, Sir John 35 6:4-5 P

Franklin, Sir John 43 1:42

Franklin, W. H. 24 315-8 P, 567 L

Frant Brewery 03 678

Franz Josef Land 36 6:22

Fraser, Peter (artist) 16 716-9 P

Fraser, Sir T. 31 4:24-25

Fraser, Sir William (MP) 39 2:18

Fraudsters 24 115

Fred Karno’s Navy 20 123

Free Willers 29 1:22

Freeman, Alfred Percy ‘Tich’ (cricketer) 31 3:20-25 P

Freeman, Alfred Percy ‘Tich’ (cricketer) 31 4:16-22 P

Freeman, E . C. 31 3:20

Freeman, Jack 31 3:20

Freeman, Richard Austin (crime novelist) 45 2:34-41

Freeman, Richard Austin, physician 01 673-6 P

Freemasonry 14 661-2

Freestone, William, epitaph, Cranbrook 32 3:34

Freeze of 1962-3 17 42-7 P

Freight rates on barges 18 408

Fremlin family (brewers) 01 669-72

Fremlin family (brewers) 14 92, 187

Fremlin family (brewers) 18 193-195 P

French market gardeners 18 53-54

French prisoners 09 256-64

French, Lord 35 6:42-47

French, Sydney 31 2:11

French, Sydney 35 5:18-21

Friars ferry, Canterbury 34 3:29

Fridd family 17 636 P

Friedmann, Hans 41 6:38-39 P

Friedrich, Brenda 41 4:9

Friend of All Nations 02 595-600

Friend of All Nations 18 593-603 P, 667-683 P

Friend of All Nations 19 182 L

Friendly societies 13 422

Friendly societies, 19th century 02 183-7 P, 215-8

Fright, Chris (photographer) 15 526, 531-2 P

Fright, Chris (photographer) 20 324 P, 326 P, 328

Fright, Eric, footballer 40 2:22-23

Frindsbury 18 439 R

Frindsbury, All Saints’ church 31 2:25 P

Frindsbury, All Saints’ church 45 1:19

Frindsbury, cement works 21 719

Frindsbury, power station 40 5:6-7 P

Frindsbury, Whitewall Creek 31 3:46-47 P

Frinsted church 03 240 P, 242 P

Frinsted church, First World War Gotha crash 22 300

Frinsted, First World War airfield 07 419

Frinsted, Yokes Court Farm 01 629-31 P

Frith, Francis 24 318

Frith, William Powell (artist) 45 2:11

Frittenden 15 166-72, 499-504 P

Frittenden, anti-Wolsey plot 23 451-3 P

Frittenden, band 14 556 P, 558, 561

Frittenden, Chanceford Farm 02 710-5 P

Frittenden, church 14 556-7 P

Frittenden, church 15 500 P

Frittenden, population studies 15 170-2

Frittenden, rector’s daughter’s duties 15 501-4

Frittenden, station 03 557 P

Frittenden, trades and occupations 15 167-9

Frogholt 26 698-710 P

Frognall 01 726 P

Frost, Henry Gandar 23 507-11 P

Frost, James (cement manufacturer) 01 463

Frost, Sir David 39 4:40

Frost, Thomas 38 5:51

Fruit farming 01 169-74

Fruit farming 12 230-1, 276, 280

Fruit farming 19 237-41 P

Fruit growing 43 6:22-29 P

Fruit growing and usage 21 673-9 P, 743-7 P

Fruit growing and usage 23 292-3

Fruit picking 26 213-5 P

Fry, C. B. 36 4:18

Fry, Elizabeth 01 662

Fry, Robert and Company mineral waters 06 564-5 P

Fryatt, Captain Charles 32 1:7

Fuller, Annie 25 553, 555

Fuller, Charlie (footballer) 40 2:22-23

Fuller, Leslie (entertainer) 12 80-4 P

Fuller, Thomas (smuggler) 21 305-9

Fuller, Thomas 22 747

Fullers earth 16 85

Fulling, Lamberhurst 31 5:26-29 P

Fullingadic 20 596-7

Fullman, Charlotte Susan 23 169-74 P

Funeral Society, Crayford 02 349-51 P

Funerals 14 663

Funerals 18 211-218

Funerals 21 596

Funfairs 31 1:44-47 P

Funnell, John 29 2:22-23

Funton brickworks 18 336-338

Furley, Robert (solicitor) 07 321-4 P

Furley, Sir John 06 739-43 P

Fyneux, Sir John 27 82-83