Bygone Kent Index: C

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Key to index: Volume number is in bold - P: Photo, R: Review, FC: Front cover, L: Letter

Cabby 21 385, 387 P

Cabby 24 187,189

Cabby 25 137-40 P

Cable manufacturing 7 385-92 P, 506-11 P

Cackett, William 45 3:29

Cade David 37 1:12

Cade, Jack 23 149-55 P

Cade, Jack, rebellion (1450) 1 95

Cade, Jack, rebellion (1450) 12 609, No 10 IBC

Cade, Jack, rebellion (1450) 3 239

Cade, Jack, rebellion (1450) 5 433

Cade, Jack, rebellion (1450) 6 244

Cadize 8 382

Cadman, Robert (miller) 5 361-3 P

Cadmus (frigate) 19 753

Cadmus (frigate) 23 37-40, 625 P

Cadogan Estates 42 5:9

Cadogan, 5th Earl 42 5:9

Cadogan, Henry 37 4:32

Cadogan, Mary 41 2:51

Caesar, Julius 10 517

Caesar, Julius 24 684

Caesar, Julius 39 1:4-5

Caesar, Julius 7 465-7

Caesar’s Camp and Well 22 189

Caesar’s Well, Keston 18 15-16 P

Caffyn’s (drapers) 4 2-3 P

Cage family 25 263-9 P

Cage, Fanny 25 263-8 P

Cages (lock-ups) 17 204-10 P

Cages (lock-ups) 19 97-106 P, 715

Cages (lock-ups) 20 371-4 P

Calais 1347 21 267

Calais, Hamilton, Lady 37 4:30-35

Calamity Corner 14 605-7 P

Calamity Corner 17 420

Calcraft, William 29 2:29

Caldwell family 12 187-91 P

Caldwell, Samuel 40 1:4

Caldwell, Samuel and Sarah 42 6:14-17 P

Caldwell, Samuel Jr 42 6:16-20

Caleb 23 363-6 P

Calla Lumps 19 247

Callaghan, James 10 40

Callaghan, James 14 637

Callaghan, James 22 704

Callender (cable manufacturers) 19 209-15 P

Callender (cable manufacturers) 40 5:10-11 P

Callender (cable manufacturers) 7 390-1 P, 506-11 P

Callow, Captain Edward Bannister 19 163-9

Calvert, Reg 28 156-160P

Calvi, HMS 12 565

Calvocoress, Major Ian 28 199

Cambria 17 695

Cambria 24 710-13 P

Cambria 26 14 P

Cambria 28 251 P

Cambria 31 3:47 P 31 4:8 P

Cambria and Cambria Trust 35 3:36-41 P

Cambria, restoration of 32 3:9 P

Cambridge, Corpus Christi 37 1:31

Camburn, Frank 37 2:26

Camburn, Harold Hawtry (photographer) 20 261

Camden, William 20 444

Camden, William 25 389-91

Camden, William 41 3:32

Camden, William 43 1:29

Camera Regis 16 427

Cameron, Dr A. F. 12 305, 306, 310

Cameron, Sheila (QC) 40 3:26-27

Campany, Joe 26 246, 7 P

Campany, Tom 18 596 P

Campbell, Henry (artist) 39 5:23 P

Campbell, John 14 43

Campbell, John 45 4:14

Campbell, Mrs Patrick 40 6:36-37

Campbell, Sir Malcolm 37 6:23

Campbell, Thomas 17 595-9 P

Campbell’s Academy (penal establishment) 14 5

Campbell-Howe, Christopher 37 6:30-31

Campe, Anthony 3 722

Camperdown 17 650-4

Campin, George 25 202-6 P, 468-73 P

Canada Day 43 4:38

Canada, Kentish placenames 35 4:28

Canadian Flower Day 18 250-255 P

Canadian Military Police 18 254

Canadian war hospitals 23 396-404 P, 520-6 P

Canal (Medway-Thames) 41 1:22-29 P

Canal construction 26 96-7

Canal, Royal Military 32 1:11 R

Canaries 23 470

Candourity 21 458 P

Canning, John Charles 30 4:42

Canning, Reg 16 217-8 P

Cannon 10 67-70 P, 195-7

Cannon, Mary (later Cooper) 43 3:17-22

Cannon, Thomas Grotjan 43 3:21

Cannon, William and Sophia 43 3:17

Canterbury – A History Since 1500 (book) 44 2:40-47 PR

Canterbury 12 631 R

Canterbury 17 245 R

Canterbury 23 306 R

Canterbury 25 32 P

Canterbury 25 745 P

Canterbury 26 310 R

Canterbury 6 120 R

Canterbury 8 11-14 P

Canterbury and royalty 23 715-22 P

Canterbury and the Gothic Revival 34 4:10 R

Canterbury and Whitstable Railway 1 199-201 P, 492-502 P, 502-4 R, 555-9 P

Canterbury and Whitstable Railway 13 498-502 P, 503-4 R, 555-9 P

Canterbury and Whitstable Railway 16 58-65 P, 122-9 P

Canterbury and Whitstable Railway 17 115-20 P

Canterbury Archaeological Trust 36 3:8

Canterbury Archaeological Trust 39 2:4-5 P

Canterbury Castle 10 489

Canterbury Castle 12 75-6 P

Canterbury Castle 18 134 P

Canterbury Castle 23 716 P

Canterbury Castle 29 1:20

Canterbury Castle 44 3:36-40 P

Canterbury Castle 45 4:15-17

Canterbury Castle 8 574-6 P

Canterbury Castle 9 265

Canterbury Cathedral 1 23-5, 252 R, 287-9 P, 653

Canterbury Cathedral 10 46-50 P, 451, 551, 776

Canterbury Cathedral 11 359, 555

Canterbury Cathedral 14 No 7 FC P

Canterbury Cathedral 16 402 P

Canterbury Cathedral 17 675-82 P

Canterbury Cathedral 18 695 R

Canterbury Cathedral 25 456 P

Canterbury Cathedral 30 5:33 P

Canterbury Cathedral 34 3:3

Canterbury Cathedral 34 5:9

Canterbury Cathedral 35 5:16-17 P R

Canterbury Cathedral 36 5:9

Canterbury Cathedral 6 152-4 P

Canterbury Cathedral 7 21-24 P, 626-30 P, 707-12 P

Canterbury Cathedral 8 242 P, 245-7

Canterbury Cathedral, appeal fund 27 315

Canterbury Cathedral, Arundel Tower 3 743-8 P

Canterbury Cathedral, aviation service 7 325-8 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Becket’s shrine 15 679

Canterbury Cathedral, Becket’s shrine 7 626-9

Canterbury Cathedral, Bell Harry 23 360 P, 362

Canterbury Cathedral, bells 14 347

Canterbury Cathedral, bells 18 267-271 P

Canterbury Cathedral, bells 3 743-8 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Bennett memorial 3 755

Canterbury Cathedral, Black Prince 6 536-9 P, 676 L

Canterbury Cathedral, burials 20 536-8

Canterbury Cathedral, carvings 22 238 P, 242, 546-7 P, 552

Canterbury Cathedral, Christ church gate 16 448-54 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Christ church gate 20 321 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Christ church gate 23 717 P

Canterbury Cathedral, conservation and maintenance 17 675-82 P

Canterbury Cathedral, construction 44 1:25-26

Canterbury Cathedral, Dean’s Stairs 25 146

Canterbury Cathedral, fire 1872 40 6:4-13 P

Canterbury Cathedral, friends 14 279-83

Canterbury Cathedral, graffiti 12 449

Canterbury Cathedral, Great Drain 1 177-9

Canterbury Cathedral, library 17 682

Canterbury Cathedral, library refurbishment 32 3:7

Canterbury Cathedral, Methuselah 31 6: 3

Canterbury Cathedral, monks 13 465, 467

Canterbury Cathedral, niche statues 25 146-9 P

Canterbury Cathedral, preachers 4 375 R

Canterbury Cathedral, Reformation’s effects 12 661-2

Canterbury Cathedral, restoration 43 1:38-41 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Second World War 1 130-5 P

Canterbury Cathedral, Second World War 26 200-2 P

Canterbury Cathedral, St Anselm’s Chapel 1 110-1 P

Canterbury Cathedral, St Michael’s Chapel 12 450 P

Canterbury Cathedral, St Thomas’s Well 23 13-14 P

Canterbury Cathedral, stained glass 12 187-8

Canterbury Cathedral, stained glass 13 157-60

Canterbury Cathedral, stained glass 40 1:4-5 P

Canterbury Cathedral, transport sculpture 32 2:6 P

Canterbury Cathedral, water tower 23 12 P

Canterbury Festival 31 5:8

Canterbury Festival 36 5:9

Canterbury Friendly Society 2 183-4

Canterbury Guildhall (demolished 1950) 36 5:15-19 P

Canterbury Guildhall 14 588 P

Canterbury Guildhall 15 314 P, 678 P, 740-1

Canterbury Guildhall 24 176 P, 178 P

Canterbury High Street (pre-Blitz) 35 3:7 P

Canterbury High Street 24 218 P

Canterbury in the Great War 41 1:40 R

Canterbury Tale, A (film) 42 6:28

Canterbury Tale, A (film) 43 6:42

Canterbury Tale, A (film) 44 3:26-35 P

Canterbury Tales 34 3:10 R

Canterbury, ‘Red Dean’ 6 177-81 P

Canterbury, 16th century 24 621

Canterbury, 1880 general election 35 5:28-33 P

Canterbury, 1940 bombing 45 3:40

Canterbury, 1950s 21 77–82

Canterbury, A Canterbury Tale 28 248-250 P

Canterbury, Abbot’s Mill / Denne’s Mill 36 3:8

Canterbury, air crash, First World War 24 526-8 P

Canterbury, Alderman James Simmons 43 6:36-39 P

Canterbury, Anglo-Saxon period 17 370-2 P

Canterbury, apothecaries 17 81-5 P

Canterbury, Archbishop Archibald Tait 42 3:25

Canterbury, Archbishop Cranmer 2 303-6 P

Canterbury, Archbishop’s Palace 12 261, 13 342-3

Canterbury, archbishops 14 587

Canterbury, archdeaconry and consistory courts 4 563-7

Canterbury, Baedeker raid 16 125-6

Canterbury, ballooning 8 48-52 P

Canterbury, Baptist church 13 469, 521-6 P

Canterbury, Baptist church 17 486 P

Canterbury, Baptists 23 665-73

Canterbury, Baptists 25 35-6 P

Canterbury, Baptists 35 2:38-39 P

Canterbury, Barclays Bank 40 3:44-49 P

Canterbury, Barretts cycle works 24 214 P

Canterbury, Beaney House of Art 43 3:22

Canterbury, Beaney Institute 23 228-9 P

Canterbury, Beaney Institute 31 5:8

Canterbury, Beaney Institute 35 1:14 R

Canterbury, Beaney Institute 42 6:20

Canterbury, Beaney, James 44 2:43 P

Canterbury, Becket’s wine 7 21-24

Canterbury, Bell, George, Dean 9 691-5 P

Canterbury, Bellman 6 725-30 P

Canterbury, Betty Bolaine 40 5:16-25 P

Canterbury, Beverley Farm 36 6:12-13 P

Canterbury, Blackfriars 13 465-9 P, 521-6 P

Canterbury, Blackfriars 15 737-40

Canterbury, Blackfriars 23 670-2 P

Canterbury, Blackfriars 34 3:30 P

Canterbury, Bligh Bros 30 5:14-21 P

Canterbury, Board of Guardians 18 665

Canterbury, Boer War memorial 26 462 P

Canterbury, breweries 16 513-4 P, 516 P

Canterbury, breweries 23 373

Canterbury, Bullstake 29 2:41

Canterbury, bus premises 37 2:37-41 P

Canterbury, bus station 25 84-6 P

Canterbury, Buttermarket 16 452

Canterbury, Buttermarket 29 2:41

Canterbury, Buttermarket Theatre 32 5:18-20 P

Canterbury, Buttermarket Theatre 32 6:14 P

Canterbury, canal 7 87-92

Canterbury, Canterbury Motor Company 43 5:10

Canterbury, Canterbury Tales 34 3:10 R

Canterbury, Catch Club 7 238-40

Canterbury, cattle market 29 2:45

Canterbury, cemetery 10 2 P, 3

Canterbury, Chaucer hotel 42 6:20-21 P

Canterbury, Chaucer’s pilgrims 6 378-83 P

Canterbury, cholera 41 6:24-30

Canterbury, Christ church 1 23-5, 143, 305, 439-40

Canterbury, Christ church 10 385, 387

Canterbury, Christ church 12 71

Canterbury, Christ church 13 465-6

Canterbury, Christ church 18 395

Canterbury, Christ church Gate (1890) 35 6:27 P

Canterbury, Christ church Gate 17 No 3 IBC L

Canterbury, Christ church Gate 44 1:30-31 P

Canterbury, Christ church University 42 4:44-47

Canterbury, Christiana Edmunds 37 4:14

Canterbury, church of St Thomas 26 468

Canterbury, cine film 38 4:5

Canterbury, cinemas 21 79

Canterbury, cinemas 6 558-63 P, 754-9 P

Canterbury, city gates 1 575 R

Canterbury, City Mission 25 201-6 P, 467-73 P

Canterbury, city waits 12 85

Canterbury, city wall and gates 23 665-8 P

Canterbury, coaching in 11 72-6 P

Canterbury, Congregational church 25 31 P

Canterbury, conscription 37 2:22-25

Canterbury, coronation (1953) 44 3:50-51 P

Canterbury, cricket 24 214-22 P

Canterbury, cricket ground 31 4:18P/20-21

Canterbury, cricket ground 9 269, 270 P, 272 P, 274-6

Canterbury, cricket week 0 34-8 P

Canterbury, cricket week 20 319-20 P

Canterbury, cricket week 23 378-9

Canterbury, cricket week 38 3:21-22

Canterbury, Dane John 14 13-18 P

Canterbury, Dane John 15 680 P

Canterbury, Dane John 16 283

Canterbury, Dane John bandstand 22 2 P

Canterbury, devil carvings 12 453

Canterbury, devil effigies 31 1:25

Canterbury, Dr Frederick Farrar 8 242-7 P

Canterbury, drink problems 16 513-9

Canterbury, ducking stool 24 624 P

Canterbury, earthquakes 35 1:24-29

Canterbury, Eleanor Roosevelt visits 35 2:44

Canterbury, election riot (1837) 21 345–9

Canterbury, elections 19th century 8 424, 430 P, 622-5 P, 696 L

Canterbury, emigrants 14 735

Canterbury, entertainments (1444-1890) 24 413-20 P

Canterbury, Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery 34 3:6 P

Canterbury, film history 37 1:5

Canterbury, film making 34 3:6

Canterbury, Finn’s stores 15 264, 266

Canterbury, fire brigade 1 409-12 P

Canterbury, fishmarket 15 739-40

Canterbury, flooding 10 135

Canterbury, Fred H. Orchard 38 4:45

Canterbury, Frederick Cornwallis 34 2:5

Canterbury, freedom of the city 24 175-82

Canterbury, French gymnasts visit 1907 15 675-81 P

Canterbury, Friars Ferry 34 3:29

Canterbury, Fyndon Gate 7 53 P

Canterbury, gaol 15 291-300

Canterbury, gaol 3 352 P

Canterbury, garden of remembrance 22 286

Canterbury, gas and coke company 44 3:38-40 P

Canterbury, General Gordon tree 6 628-9

Canterbury, goal-runners (1858) 7 280-3

Canterbury, great fire (1865) 8 546-51 P

Canterbury, Greyfriars 13 467

Canterbury, Greyfriars 22 622 P

Canterbury, Greyfriars 25 24 P

Canterbury, Greyfriars Chapel 45 6:20

Canterbury, Greyfriars Monastery 44 3:44-47

Canterbury, hackney cabs 15 315-8 P

Canterbury, heritage trail 28 264-267

Canterbury, historic river tours 34 3:28-33 P

Canterbury, history 19 500 R

Canterbury, history 29 2:40-46 P

Canterbury, history studies 35 2:4

Canterbury, Holmans, millwrights 13 568 R

Canterbury, Holy Cross church 15 740-1

Canterbury, Holy Cross church 20 316 P

Canterbury, Holy Cross church 22 588-9 P

Canterbury, Holy Cross church 24 177 P

Canterbury, horses 15 653-5

Canterbury, hospital (1838) 37 4:13

Canterbury, hospitals 1 25-8

Canterbury, hospitals 22 325, 329

Canterbury, hospitals 40 5:18-19 P

Canterbury, hospitals 5 215-6

Canterbury, hospitals 7 280, 283

Canterbury, hospitals 8 502-3 P

Canterbury, Huguenots 6 151-4, 625-8, 691-4 P

Canterbury, in 1000AD 22 No 5 IBC R

Canterbury, Innovation Centre 30 1:6

Canterbury, Jewish community 1 309-12

Canterbury, Jewish community 11 71-6

Canterbury, Jewish community 4 174-6 P

Canterbury, Kent and Canterbury Hospital 43 4:8-9 P

Canterbury, Kentish Gazette 28 115-119 P

Canterbury, Kentish Gazette 6 6-7 P

Canterbury, Kentish Post 28 115-119 P

Canterbury, King’s school 10 528 P, 529, 530

Canterbury, King’s school 12 661, 663-4

Canterbury, King’s school 24 623-4

Canterbury, King’s school 37 1:28-31 P

Canterbury, Lefevres department store 25 29-35 P

Canterbury, Lefevres department store 29 2:43

Canterbury, Lefevres department store 9 403-9 P

Canterbury, leisure (1880) 4 307-12 P

Canterbury, library 23 228-9 P

Canterbury, library services 42 3:16-20

Canterbury, Lloyds Bank 36 5:10-11 P

Canterbury, lost gates of 9 265-8 P

Canterbury, Malthouse 34 2:8

Canterbury, malthouses 23 371-5 P

Canterbury, maps (1843) 25 204 P

Canterbury, maps 1 190 R

Canterbury, Marlowe memorial 29 6:24-25 P

Canterbury, Marlowe memorial 5 737-9 P

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre 24 622 P

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre 31 2:7

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre 32 5:24-27 P

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre 32 5:7

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre 43 5:24

Canterbury, Marlowe Theatre redevelopment 29 3:8

Canterbury, martyrs 29 1:18-22

Canterbury, martyrs and memorial 18 134 P

Canterbury, martyrs and memorial 27 45 P

Canterbury, martyrs and memorial 5 551-6 P

Canterbury, martyrs and memorial 6 297-8

Canterbury, martyrs and memorial 8 573-7 P

Canterbury, Mary Carleton 5 421-4 P

Canterbury, Mary Tourtel 42 6:14-21 P

Canterbury, Mary Tourtel 43 3:22

Canterbury, Matilda and Amelia Hacker 39 2:10-19 P

Canterbury, Mayflower Inn 12 452-3 P

Canterbury, mayors and regalia 6 29-34 P

Canterbury, medieval crypt, boots 4 90 P

Canterbury, Mercery Lane 25 203 P

Canterbury, military riot 11 717-21 P

Canterbury, Minstrels’ Guild 12 85

Canterbury, mint 16 587, 759 L

Canterbury, monasteries 2 19-28 P

Canterbury, monasteries 7 23-4, 465-9 P, 521-6 P

Canterbury, mounds 7 348-53 P

Canterbury, Mozart, visit to area by 36 5:14-19 P

Canterbury, municipal and clerical costume 8 335-41 P

Canterbury, murder of Thomas Becket 32 6:5

Canterbury, Nash, James 37 4:14

Canterbury, Neville Chamberlain 41 3:42-43

Canterbury, New Theatre 32 5:20-22 P

Canterbury, Norman influence 44 1:23-29 P

Canterbury, Northgate Street 12 740 P, 742

Canterbury, Nunnery Fields Workhouse 27 166-168 P

Canterbury, Old Stagers 24 416-7 P

Canterbury, Old Weavers House 34 3:31-32 P

Canterbury, pageants 29 3:30-33 P

Canterbury, parishes of St Martin and St Paul 1 642 R

Canterbury, pavements 44 2:45

Canterbury, Peasants’ Revolt 9 561, 563

Canterbury, Pepper Pot (Round House) Chapel 23 671-3 P

Canterbury, pilgrim badges 11 555-9 P

Canterbury, pilgrims 12 415-6

Canterbury, Plum Pudding riots 32 6:48-50

Canterbury, Plum Pudding Riots 45 5:12-17

Canterbury, Poor Priests’ Hospital 43 6:36-39 P

Canterbury, Poor Priests’ House 16 403-5 P

Canterbury, Poor Priests’ House 19 84 P

Canterbury, Poor Priests’ House 45 6:19-23

Canterbury, presentation tank 41 1:5-11 P

Canterbury, presentation tank 9 626 P

Canterbury, prison 23 555-9 P

Canterbury, property market 1880 1 757-64 P

Canterbury, pubs 16 513, 517-9 P

Canterbury, Queen Elizabeth’s guest chamber 23 720 P, 721

Canterbury, races 19 648 P, 657

Canterbury, races 20 489-96 P

Canterbury, railways 16 696 R

Canterbury, River Stour 29 2:44 P

Canterbury, road names 38 5:36-43 P

Canterbury, Roman period 17 369-73 P

Canterbury, Roman Theatre, Castle Street 32 3:7, 32 5:19 P

Canterbury, Roper Gate 34 4:35 P

Canterbury, Rural fete (1896) 39 4:49

Canterbury, Second World War 29 2:42

Canterbury, Second World War 40 6:11

Canterbury, Second World War attacks 42 3:32-35 P

Canterbury, Second World War, declaration 12 397

Canterbury, Second World War, evacuation and education 7 525-9

Canterbury, sheriffs 5 575-80 P

Canterbury, shield of 29 2:45 P

Canterbury, Sidney Cooper Gallery 43 3:20-23 P

Canterbury, silk weavers 1 559-60 P, 10 107

Canterbury, Simon Langton Girls’ school 12 189, 16749, 753

Canterbury, Sir John Boys House 29 2:44

Canterbury, special constabulary, 1917 24 524-8 P

Canterbury, St Alphege’s church 12 188

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 1 23-5, 91-2, 691

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 12 71, 73 P, 648 P, 661-2 P

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 13 467, 468

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 14 349

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 16 537-9

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 19 526 P, 529 P

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 21 331

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 23 718 P, 720

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 29 1:34, 36

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 6 328-34 P

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 7 54-55 P, 83-86 P

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey 9 70-73 P

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey, abbots 21 207, 210

Canterbury, St Augustine’s Abbey, Conduit House 2314-15 P

Canterbury, St Dunstan’s gaol 22 446 P

Canterbury, St Edmund’s school 40 2:30-31

Canterbury, St George the Martyr 37 5:12-17 P

Canterbury, St George’s church 11 451-2

Canterbury, St George’s church 24 621-2 P

Canterbury, St George’s church 35 4:20

Canterbury, St George’s Place 44 5:18-19 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 1 91-2 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 12 651 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 18 502 R

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 19 528

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 21 45

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 21 45

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 40 2:48-50 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 6 328 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 7 50-52 P

Canterbury, St Martin’s church 9 30 P, 31, 32

Canterbury, St Mary Bredin 35 4:20

Canterbury, St Mary Magdalene church 40 5:22-23 P

Canterbury, St Pancras’ church 11 650 P

Canterbury, St Paul’s school 5 215-6

Canterbury, St Thomas’ Well 18 15, 19

Canterbury, St Thomas’s Hospital 15 221, 223

Canterbury, Stadden House burglary (1923) 16 227-9 P

Canterbury, Stage by Stage 32 5:18-27 R

Canterbury, Sun Hotel 3 681 P

Canterbury, Sunday schools 2 569-71

Canterbury, synagogue 12 72

Canterbury, taxes 15 653

Canterbury, taxicabs 15 315-8 P

Canterbury, the Mount 29 1:5

Canterbury, the Rosier 15 737-9

Canterbury, theatre 36 1:38

Canterbury, Theatre Royal 32 5:22-24

Canterbury, theatres 23 378-80 P, 24 413-420 P

Canterbury, Thomas Sidney Cooper 43 3:14-23 P

Canterbury, Tomb of Henry IV 34 2:5

Canterbury, Tower House 15 741-2 P

Canterbury, trade tokens 6 20-21 P

Canterbury, trams 5 104-6

Canterbury, Tyler Hill poisoning 1909 29 2:46

Canterbury, vermin 6 521

Canterbury, Victoria Beaney Institute 28 52

Canterbury, Victorian pilgrims 6 384-5

Canterbury, Volunteer Fire Brigade 40 6:6-11 P

Canterbury, war memorial 27 340-343 P

Canterbury, water supplies 23 12-16 P, 667

Canterbury, water supply 35 2:38-39

Canterbury, Weavers River Tours 34 3:31

Canterbury, Weavers’ House 5 70 P

Canterbury, Westgate 20 315-9

Canterbury, Westgate 24 61, 64 P

Canterbury, Westgate 3 292-5 P

Canterbury, Westgate 5 676-82 P

Canterbury, Westgate Gardens 15 736-42 P

Canterbury, Westgate Hall 36 6:10-11 P

Canterbury, Westgate Tower 34 6:37 P

Canterbury, Westgate, Grove 29 2:43 P

Canterbury, Whitefriars 16 749-55 P

Canterbury, William Cobbett 32 2:50

Canterbury, Wincheap Sreet 34 4:35

Canterbury, windmill 14 17

Canterbury, Wise Words Festival (2013) 34 5:5

Canterbury, women’s suffrage 16 676-80 P

Canterbury, Woods butchers 29 2:45

Canterbury, Wootton Court 4 326 P, 327

Canterbury, workhouse 16 403-5 P

Canterbury, workhouse 18 663-666 P

Canterbury, workhouse 19 140 P

Canterbury, workhouse 43 6:36-39 P

Canterbury, workhouse 5 164-6 P

Canterbury, Zoar Chapel 23 664-73 P

Canterbury, Zoar Chapel 35 2:38-39 P

Canterbury: A History since 1500 45 5:13

Cantiaci 30 3:32-37

Canute 21 205, 208–209 P

Canute, King 10 385

Canvassing for votes 41 5:10-11 P

Capel (near Tonbridge) 44 2:20-25 P

Capel 26 559-65

Capel 29 4:12 R

Capel 44 2:20-25 P

Capel History Society 35 2:15 R

Capel Manor House, Horsmonden 34 6:6 P

Capel Then and Now 44 2:20-25 P

Capel, Little Hoppers Hospital 4 698-703 P

Capel-le-Ferne 14 30-31 P

Capel-le-Ferne, airship station 28 237-242 P

Capel-le-Ferne, airship station 36 4:54-55 P

Capel-le-Ferne, airship station 5 442-52 P

Capel-le-Ferne, Battle of Britain memorial 26 625 P

Capel-le-Ferne, Battle of Britain memorial 27 No 4, PFC

Capital punishment 40 2:32-42

Capon, Frederick 22 255-8

Capper, Lieutenant-Commander Henry 8 197-204 P

Caprice 17 No 1 IBC R

Capron, Clare 38 6:32

Captain Swing 23 237-41

Captain Swing 34 2:23

Capuchin Friars 16 237-9 P

Capuchin Friars 17 599-601 P

Car ferry, Dover, 1931 24 401

Car industry 43 5:4-15 P

Car registration numbers 19 123-7 P, No 5 IBC L

Car tax 42 2:26-29

Caracalla, Emperor 10 147

Carausius 19 261

Caravan mission to village children 5 298-305 P

Caravan, invention of 18 237

Carcass (tug) 18 310 P

Carden, Edward 37 1:10-12

Carefree (motor boat) 18 23, 27 P

Carew, Emma 37 4:28-34

Carey, Bernard and Cecil 15 165

Carey, Horace 44 6:30-38 P

Carey, John 42 5:32-34

Carey, William 23 591-7

Cargoes carried by barge 18 355-359 P

Carleton, Mary 5 421-4 P

Carlile, Doctor 11 115-9 P

Carlingford 45 4:42

Carmelites, Aylesford 1 486-9 P, 751-2 P

Carmelites, Aylesford 11 140-5 P, 194-201 P

Carmelites, Aylesford 12 744-6

Carmo’s Circus 25 444 P, 447 P

Carnegie Trust 23 67, 69, 71, 227-8

Carnegie UK Trust 42 3:17-19

Carnegie, Andrew 22 737

Carnivals 29 3:30-33 P

Carnivals, Upchurch 25 403-6 P

Caro, Sir Anthony 34 3:25

Caroe, WO 22 515-8, 591, 599

Carpathia 37 2:17-18

Carpathia, RMS 39 3:40-43

Carpenter, Tom (Ash) 42 4:18-19

Carpmael, Cecilia (artist) 42 4:27-33

Carr, H. and W. 17 669-71

Carr, H. and W. 18 208-9 P

Carr, Sir Emsley (editor) 44 6:36

Carreras Beanfeast 23 64-5 P

Carriages 30 5:14-21 P

Carrick, John 25 210

Carrington-Cootes, Pamella 41 5:43

Carroll, Lewis 45 4:51

Carrtar, Charles Joseph 19 471-2, 539-43 P

Carry On films 43 3:38-46 P

Carson, Lady 45 2:29

Carson, Rachel (author) 44 4:32-41 P

Carswell, Thomas 24 230-3 P

Carswell, Thomas, murder 20 667

Carter, Elizabeth 10 451-6 P, 521-6 P

Carter, Elizabeth 26 366

Carter, George Goldsmith 30 1:34-39 P

Carter, Thomas 26 105

Carter, W. 26 579

Cartridge-making 23 419-22 P, 466-9 P

Carts, horse-drawn 31 6:50P

Cartwright, Jacky 28 227-231 P

Cartwright, Josiah 15 319-21

Carver, Judy Golding 42 5:27-37 P

Carvyng, The Booke of 43 4:42-43 P

Casablanca (film) 40 4:16-25 P

Cash, Maureen and Paddy 15 114

Casse, Phillip 12 511

Cassingham, William of 25 501-2, 534

Casswell, Simon 44 4:36

Castalia (hospital ship) 17 52 P, 257

Castalia (hospital ship) 20 275, 278 P

Castle Bank, Staplehurst 30 2:32

Castle Coote 23 40, 625

Castle Rough, Sittingbourne 30 2:28

Castle, Albert and Rosetta 42 6:27

Castle, Henry, and Sons 43 2:27

Castle, Rev J. 16 547

Castlereagh, Viscount 10 279

Castlereagh, Viscount 18 361-366 P

Castles 1 323 R, 353-6, 445 R, 769 R, 764 R

Castles 30 2:26-33 P

Castles 34 2:44-49 P

Castles, Allington 32 6:26-32 P

Castles, Cooling 31 4:40 P

Castles, Dover 34 2:44-46 P

Castles, Hever 34 6:28 P

Castles, Kingsgate 31 4:41 P

Castles, Queenborough 32 2:36-37 P

Castles, Queenborough 34 2:47-48 P

Castles, Rochester 34 6:41 P

Castles, Romney 31 4:46 P

Castles, Sissinghurst 32 6:40-41 P

Castles, Upnor 34 2:48-49 P

Castles, Walmer 34 2:45-46 See also under placenames for Allington, Canterbury, Chilham, Cooling, Deal, Dover, Hadlow, Kingsgate, Leeds, Leybourne, Lullingstone, Lympne, Mereworth, Queenborough, Rochester, Saltwood, Sandgate, Sandown, Sissinghurst, Stutfall, Sutton Valence, Tankerton, Tonbridge, Upnor, Walmer and Westenhanger

Castleton, Ebenezer 41 1:16-19 P

Castor, SS 35 3:9

Castrol oil 45 6:35-41

Cat and Mouse Act 16 680

Catamarans 26 329-37 P

Cate, Cyril 16 314-22 P, 461-9 P

Caterpillar ride 12 55 L

Catford Hill, policing 21 202 P, 289–91 P

Catford Hill, traffic museum 21 293–5 P

Catford, bridge 22 190 P, 193

Catford, cinema 22 148 P

Catford, early buses 22 135

Catherine of Aragon 35 5:7

Catholics, hostility towards 17 600

Catletts, coal merchants 18 207-20

Catlin, Will 13 101-2

Caulfield, John and Mrs 21 514 P

Cavalier, HMS 27 219 P

Cavalier, HMS 31 2:30 P

Cavalier, HMS 31 4:9

Cavalier, HMS 31 6:9 P

Cave, Emma 35 1:16-23

Cave, J. A. 21 604–5 P

Cave-Browne-Cave, Henry 37 2:6

Cavell Van, restoration of 32 1:7 P

Cavell, E. B., (undertakers) 21 596, 599

Cavell, Percy 14 608

Cavendish, Georgiana 45 4:52

Caverns, Broadstairs 3 469-72 P

Caves 10 695 R, 13 753-4

Cawthrow, Arnold 24 396

Cearne The, Crockham Hill 32 3:40-41

Cearne The, Crockham Hill 32 6:13

Cecil Gilders 18 302 P

Cecil, James 37 1:37-41 P

Celtic culture 22 239-41 P, 549

Celtic placenames 1 374, 479, 622

Cement 24 405, 483-4 P

Cement 44 4:8-12 P

Cement industry 11 110, 293-8 P, 363, 365

Cement industry 13 25

Cement industry 21 717–21 P

Cement industry 38 1:18-25 P

Cement industry, APCM lighthouse barges 6 621-5 P

Cement industry, Borstal 1 113

Cement industry, Cliffe 6 621-5 P

Cement industry, Elmley 10 667, 670, 671

Cement industry, Faversham 19 481

Cement industry, Gillingham 15 161-5 P

Cement industry, Northfleet and Swanscombe 1 463-7 P

Cement industry, Rainham 15 366-90 P

Cement manufacture 22 277

Cement manufacture 25 77-81 P, 399

Cement railways 21 682–5 P

Cement stones 13 402

Cement works engines 26 123-7 P

Cement, transport 18 240, 245, 246 P

Cement, transport 3 104-8 P

Cement-making 36 3:23-27

Cemeteries 10 2-9 P, 68 P, 289

Cemeteries 16 722-6 P

Cemeteries, Clauses Act (1847) 16 723

Cemeteries, Dover 12 419-26 P

Cemeteries, Dover 23 346-52 P

Cemeteries, Faversham 17 35-40 P

Cemeteries, Folkestone 21 421–9 P

Cemeteries, for dogs 11 309, 312 P

Cemeteries, Gillingham 22 168-72 P

Cemeteries, Lenham 17 541-4 P

Cemeteries, Leysdown, military 12 297-8 P

Cemeteries, Thanet 13 476-80 P

Cemetery chapel, Faversham 26 168 P

Census, 1851 32 2:8

Census, Broadstairs 9 459-66 P

Census, returns 25 120 R

Centaur 18 356 P

Central Kent Railway 19 712

Cenwulf of Mercia 37 5:41-42

Ceonulf, King of Kent 9 699

Cervia, tug 19 362

Chagall, Marc (artist) 35 2:15 P R

Chalk figures 1 475-6 P

Chalk figures 19 704-8 P

Chalk mining, Dartford 25 273-8 P

Chalk pits and mines 1 161-5 P

Chalk pits and mines 22 571-2

Chalk pits and mines 9 166, 167, 168, 310-12

Chalk, area in world wars 37 4:11 R

Chalk, Charles Dickens’s honeymoon cottage 45 5:26-33

Chalk, church 7 264 P

Chalk, church carvings 22 242 P

Chalk, Craddock’s Cottage 37 2:4-5 P

Chalk, Gravesend 45 4:26-35

Chalk, parish history group 34 5:7

Chalk, Smithy 13 431-4 P

Chalkin, Lilian 32 2:16

Challenge (steam tug) 18 No 4 IBC L

Challenge (steam tug) 19 361-4 P, No 8 IBC L

Challock, Chequers pub 21 8 P

Challock, church murals 37 3:36-41 P

Challock, exotic grotto 29 4:17-18 P

Challock, King’s Wood murders 38 4:18-25 P

Challock, school 10 660 P

Challock, village sign 32 6:42

Challock, wartime defences 44 6:16-22 P

Chalmers, Rev Thomas 25 467

Chalybeate spring, Tunbridge Wells 27 191

Chalybeate spring, Tunbridge Wells 30 5:34 P

Chalybeate springs 18 18-21

Chalybeate springs 23 529-33 P

Chamberlain, Neville 41 3:42-43

Chambers (Corello), John 22 433-7

Chambers, Ebenezer 14 72

Chambers, John 31 1:23-24

Chambers, Thomas 37 3:55

Champion Hill prep school 31 5:49

Champneys family 3 341

Chandler family, Folkestone 32 3:38

Chandler, Raymond 45 2:40

Chandler, William 28 132-133

Chaney, Major Henry E. 24 135-42 P

Changing Face of Weald, The 39 3:9 R

Channel collisions 19 551-61 P

Channel defences, First World War 16 374 R

Channel Gliding Club 7 442-50 P

Channel Stop, operation 13 199-205 P

Channel Tunnel 13 45, 459

Channel Tunnel 19 467

Channel Tunnel 23 271

Channel Tunnel 8 209-13, 748-52 P

Channel Tunnel, 15th birthday 30 4:8

Channel, fastest crossing by amphibious car 29 5:7 P

Chant-type prefabricated vessels 12 350

Chapel of Our Lady of Court-at-Street 45 6:42, 47

Chaplin family, coachmasters 25 481-3

Chaplin, Charlie 25 666-7

Chaplin, Charlie, guest at Lympne 38 4:6

Chaplin, Charlie, meeting Charles Igglesden 38 3:25

Chaplin, John, Clarinda and Emma 25 481, 511-2

Chapman, Doug 43 3:48-51 P

Chapman, Ellen (lion tamer) 41 5:18

Chapman, Harry 15 333-7

Chapman, Henry 11 503

Chapman, James 14 226

Chapman, John 20 580

Chapman, Richard 29 2:41 P

Char, tug 18 309

Charabancs 13 470-5 P, 488

Charabancs 16 356 P, 385, 387

Charabancs 23262 P, 461-3 P

Charabancs, excursion, 1920 24 448-54 P

Charcoal burning 1 141 P

Charcoal burning 13 78-81 P

Charcoal burning 17660

Charcoal burning 2 204-10 P

Chard VC, John 45 1:43

Chard, William 11 644-50 P, 705-13 P

Charing Heath, V1 bomb 39 6:14-19 P

Charing, Archbishops’ Palace 13 345-6

Charing, Charing Palace 31 4:44 P

Charing, church bell 21 238

Charing, church carvings 22 549-50 P

Charing, church epitaphs 1 311-2

Charing, crematorium 10 7

Charing, Frederick George Coppins VC 39 5:4-5 P

Charing, Kent Gliding Club 1 203

Charities, educational 17 589-92

Charities, parochial 17 527-31 P

Charity Commissioners 17 527, 589-93

Charity legislation 17 183 R

Charity schools 11 161,

Charity schools 13 537

Charlemagne, Emperor 37 5:40-41

Charles 8 381

Charles Dibdin 12 673-8 P

Charles Dibdin 14 607-9

Charles Dibdin 17 124, 416-7 P

Charles Dibdin 18 229-230 P

Charles I 37 4:10

Charles I, at Cobham 31 2:37

Charles II 37 4:10

Charles II 38 5:50

Charles II, King 10 35, 75, 293, 423, 510, 54

Charles II, King 31 3:40-45 P

Charles II, King bust 19 322-7

Charles II, King restoration celebrations 13 21-4 P

Charles, A. O. (philanthropist) 18 3

Charles, Ernest, KC 39 5:30

Charles, Prince 37 3:40

Charlesworth, Frederick 37 2:28-31 P

Charlesworth, Sampson 37 2:28-30 P

Charlies, parish constables 22 103

Charlotte of Mecklenberg-Strelitz 20 281

Charlotte Temple (novel) 42 4:39

Charlotte, Queen and Consort to George III 26 539-46

Charlton Albion FC 15 76

Charlton Athletic FC 14 693

Charlton Athletic FC 43 4:11-12 P

Charlton church, Dover 5 754 P

Charlton House 26 302-03 P

Charlton, cable manufacture 7 388-9, 507-11 P, 694-5 L, P

Charlton, cemetery 10 5 P

Charlton, Charlton House 4 385-9 P

Charlton, church 11 157

Charlton, Cuckold’s Point 21 45, 47

Charlton, Elgar’s House 7 272-3 P

Charlton, fair 11 155, 158, 160 P

Charlton, ferry 17 149

Charlton, industry 43 2:24-28

Charlton, lock-up 19 101-2 P

Charlton, parish registers 3 319 L

Charlton, Shore Training Establishment 18 575, 689-692

Charlton, St Luke’s church 4 387 P, 388-9

Charlton, water supplies 42 1:12-15 P

Charlton, Watermen’s Stairs 17 149

Charlton, William (postman) 42 4:8-9 P

Charnel-house, Hythe 12 336-40 P

Charnock, Thomas, alchemist 12 418

Charrington’s, brewers 24 No 11 FCP, 638-9

Charter Day, Bexley, 1937 32 5:14-16 P

Chartham bus service 37 6:7

Chartham Hatch, school 29 1:6-8 P R

Chartham Hatch, Seven Stories 30 5:7

Chartham, ‘Nana’ Wooldridge 20 12-18 P

Chartham, Artichoke pub 19 84 P

Chartham, asylum 10 176

Chartham, cemetery 10 4 P

Chartham, church, monuments 24 82-3 P

Chartham, church, tracery 1 111-2 P

Chartham, emigration 14 738-9

Chartham, lunatics 19 85-7

Chartham, Mystole House 27 112-113 P

Chartham, Mystole House 3 353 P

Chartham, rectors 19 322-6 P

Chartham, Restoration House 19 322-6 P

Chartham, school 16 713

Chartham, Sir John Fagg, epitaph 32 3:29

Chartham, Sports Club 20 15

Chartham, St Augustine’s Hospital 11 698-704 P

Chartham, village bus 28 260-263 P

Chartham, workhouse 19 86-8

Chartwell 25 181-4 P

Chartwell 27 No 5, P FC

Chartwell 39 1:6-7

Chartwell cat 35 3:5

Chartwell, Sir Winston Churchill 30 2:9

Chase, Gordon (photographer) 20 265-6

Chase, James Hadley (author) 43 6:42-47 P

Chase, Pauline (actress) 43 2:32

Chase, Thomas 31 2:7

Chater, Daniel (shoemaker) 44 4:42-47 P

Chater, Francis 37 3:20

Chatfield, Nicholas, dissenter 18 151-155 P

Chatham 2 470-4 P

Chatham and District Light Railway 1 273-5

Chatham and District Traction Company 1 100, 197 L

Chatham Boys’ Technical school, hockey 18 157-161 P, 196-200 P

Chatham Chest 1 532

Chatham Chest 22 677

Chatham Chest 3 538-40 P

Chatham Chest 31 6:29-30

Chatham Chest 42 2:24-25 P

Chatham Chest 9 457

Chatham Dockyard 1 96-7, 100, 265-7, 625-7, 728

Chatham Dockyard 10 128, 406, 457, 615, 649, 650-1, No 10 IBC R

Chatham Dockyard 11 50-6 P, 146 P, 198, 213, 296-7 P, 351, 514-8 P, 571, 590,

Chatham Dockyard 13 461, 463 P, 611, 614 P, 627, 647, 743

Chatham Dockyard 15 760 R

Chatham Dockyard 16 224, 319-21

Chatham Dockyard 17 223-9 P

Chatham Dockyard 18 378-382 P, 654-661 P

Chatham Dockyard 19 431-6 P

Chatham Dockyard 2 234-8 P, 471-4 P, 582

Chatham Dockyard 20 367 P, 438 R, 498

Chatham Dockyard 21 87–8

Chatham Dockyard 24 40 P, 44 P

Chatham Dockyard 25 758 R

Chatham Dockyard 31 2:31

Chatham Dockyard 34 3:26-27 P

Chatham Dockyard 35 4:14 R

Chatham Dockyard 37 3:32-35 P

Chatham Dockyard 4 54-5 R, 68-72 P, 184-5 R, 407-13 P, 506-10 P, 647-50 P

Chatham Dockyard 43 1:42-44

Chatham Dockyard 5 174-180 P, 438-9 P

Chatham Dockyard 7 195, 198

Chatham Dockyard 8 178, 180 P

Chatham Dockyard 9 94-101 P

Chatham Dockyard, apprentices 22 259

Chatham Dockyard, Arethusa 32 1:36-39 P

Chatham Dockyard, Arethusa 32 2:14-15 P

Chatham Dockyard, Art in the Dockyard exhibition 32 2:9

Chatham Dockyard, carvers 26 542-43

Chatham Dockyard, closure 15 260

Chatham Dockyard, construction 21 573–6 P

Chatham Dockyard, corruption 31 6:29-30

Chatham Dockyard, Elizabeth I 34 3:26-27

Chatham Dockyard, figureheads 20 108-10 P, No 6 IBC L, P

Chatham Dockyard, fire 16 601-3 P

Chatham Dockyard, From Shore to Sea 34 6:8

Chatham Dockyard, HMS Cavalier 26 626-27 P

Chatham Dockyard, HMS Cavalier 27 219 P

Chatham Dockyard, HMS Umpire, 27 232

Chatham Dockyard, HMS Victory 32 3:5

Chatham Dockyard, Labourers’ Protection League 1490-91

Chatham Dockyard, No 1 Smithery 31 5:6 P

Chatham Dockyard, No 2 Smithery 27 266 P

Chatham Dockyard, Officers’ Terrace 12 729, 731 P

Chatham Dockyard, Officers’ Terrace 26 474 P, 477

Chatham Dockyard, police 13 211-16 P

Chatham Dockyard, policing 24 41, 45-7 P

Chatham Dockyard, ropery 16 45-53 P

Chatham Dockyard, ropery 17 654 P, 656

Chatham Dockyard, ropery 24 122-8 P

Chatham Dockyard, saw mills 22 603-12 P

Chatham Dockyard, Second World War 16 462, 467-9

Chatham Dockyard, strike 1675 16 49-53 P

Chatham Dockyard, Titanic Honour and Glory Exhibition 32 4:8

Chatham Experimental Line (telegraphy) 17 447-54 P

Chatham High Street 20 499 P

Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust National Museum 27 319

Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust, 25th anniversary 30 2:6

Chatham House Grammar school, Ramsgate 45 4 5-7

Chatham House, Rochester 18 64-65 P

Chatham Intra, engineering works 25 75-81 P

Chatham Intra, Vulcan Ironworks 25 75

Chatham Land Front 2 337-42, 6 490-6 P

Chatham Library 45 3:50-51

Chatham, Admiralty telegraph 5 323-6, 631 R

Chatham, Anglo-American Bookshop 43 6:40-47 P

Chatham, Armed Forces Day 30 3:7

Chatham, Asquith  Xavier (railman) 42 4:24-26 P

Chatham, Baptist church 24 549

Chatham, Barnard’s Palace of Varieties 10 79, 80 P

Chatham, Barnard’s Palace of Varieties 23 191-4

Chatham, Barnard’s Palace of Varieties 37 5:6-7 P

Chatham, Barnard’s Palace of Varieties 5 480 P, 483

Chatham, barracks 11 608-15 P

Chatham, barracks 15 657-9

Chatham, barracks 2 354 P

Chatham, Beatles, the 43 5:19-27

Chatham, Boer War 5 479-84 P

Chatham, Boer War memorial statues 41 6:14-19 P

Chatham, brewery 1 593

Chatham, brewery 23 705-10 P

Chatham, Brook 11 570-4 P

Chatham, bus station 25 152-3

Chatham, buses 40 4:34-41 P

Chatham, Capstone Farm 23 585 P, 587

Chatham, Central Hall 37 4:20-23 P

Chatham, Charles Dickens at 29 5:26-27

Chatham, Charles Dickens on 42 3:36-37

Chatham, Chatham from Old Photographs 35 6:14 R

Chatham, Child welfare, and 42 3:22-28

Chatham, cholera 41 6:23-28

Chatham, cholera epidemic (1832) 20 365-70 P

Chatham, church rate 18 149

Chatham, cinemas 5 233-41 P

Chatham, Command House 1 738 P

Chatham, constitutional crisis 9 341-6 P

Chatham, Co-op 7 719

Chatham, defences 11 47

Chatham, defences 14 495-6

Chatham, defences 2 337-42, 675-83 P, 716-24

Chatham, Diamond Jubilee celebrations 12 557

Chatham, Dickens World 27 221 P

Chatham, Dickens World 28 103

Chatham, Dickens World 37 6:4-5 P

Chatham, drapers 4 3-4 P, 6

Chatham, drunkenness in 10 417-21 P

Chatham, during Second World War 27 231-235 P

Chatham, Dutch raid (1667) 38 4:36-38 P

Chatham, Edward Greathead Nairne 43 6:11-15 P

Chatham, elections 8 108 P, 110-13

Chatham, elections 9 341-6 P

Chatham, Empire Theatre 10 79, 81

Chatham, Empire Theatre 43 3:41 P

Chatham, film and television locations 43 4:27

Chatham, fires 13 283-8 P, No 6 IBC L

Chatham, fires 20 497-501 P

Chatham, First World War 43 1:12-17 P

Chatham, First World War air raids 1 427-30

Chatham, First World War air raids 29 3:40

Chatham, football 15 75-9 P

Chatham, Fort Amherst 7 636

Chatham, Fort Amherst ghosts 34 6:45-46 P

Chatham, Fort Pitt 1 211-214 P

Chatham, Fort Pitt 35 5:34-35 P

Chatham, Fort Pitt 42 3:36-39 P

Chatham, Gaiety Theatre 23 191-4

Chatham, Gaiety Theatre 5 483

Chatham, gaol fever epidemics 13 611-5 P

Chatham, garrison 18 489-492, 609-612

Chatham, Garrison church 17 513

Chatham, ghosts 34 1:12 R

Chatham, Gibraltar House 2 295

Chatham, Grammar school for Girls 27 121 L

Chatham, Grammar school for Girls 3 509-10 R, P

Chatham, Great Lines 15 659-70

Chatham, Great Lines 18 489-92 P

Chatham, Great Lines 7 634-9 P

Chatham, greengrocer’s memoirs 22 15-20 P

Chatham, Gun Wharf 1 625, 738-42 P

Chatham, Historic Dockyard 38 6:4-5 P

Chatham, HMS Pembroke 15 395-6

Chatham, HMS Pembroke 43 1:12-17 P

Chatham, hospitals 42 3:36-39

Chatham, housing 38 6:44-46 P

Chatham, Invicta Ballroom 43 5:19-27 P

Chatham, James II 34 1:26

Chatham, Jenkins Place 21 721–2 P

Chatham, Jewish community 12 171

Chatham, Jimi Hendrix 37 4:16-23

Chatham, Junior Technical school 19 353-60 P

Chatham, Junior Technical school, football 14 473-6 P, 545-8 P,

Chatham, Junior Technical school, football 17 64-7 P

Chatham, Junior Technical school, hockey 18 157-61 P, 197-200 P, 661

Chatham, Kitchener memorial homes 41 6:17

Chatham, Lecture Hall 2 88-9

Chatham, libraries 23 226-7

Chatham, Lord 10 117 R, 279

Chatham, Luton FC 15 75-9 P

Chatham, May Day celebrations 13 224-32 P

Chatham, mayoral chain 5 337-8 P

Chatham, Medway Festival of Steam 34 2:7

Chatham, Medway Union Workhouse 34 5:36

Chatham, Melville Naval Hospital 12 495-500 P

Chatham, Melville Naval Hospital 13 615

Chatham, Melville Naval Hospital 20 369 P

Chatham, Memorial Synagogue 38 2:24-25 P

Chatham, Memorial Synagogue 39 1:22-27 P

Chatham, military 42 3:36-39

Chatham, Military Road (1914) 37 6:12-13 P

Chatham, Mitre Inn 15 666 P

Chatham, Museum of Tales 29 2:9

Chatham, National Electric Theatre 10 79, 81

Chatham, Naval Memorial 35 1:8-10 P

Chatham, Naval Memorial 43 1:27

Chatham, Navy Days 18 378-382 P

Chatham, Navy Days 9 580-3 P

Chatham, Navy Pay Office 3 265-8 P

Chatham, New Road Avenue 45 5:23-25

Chatham, New Road Girls’ school 9 541-6 P

Chatham, obscenity prosecutions 43 6:40-47

Chatham, Opera House 23 191-4

Chatham, Ordnance Place 23 170 P

Chatham, Ordnance Terrace 3 266 P

Chatham, Ordnance Terrace 35 3:44-49 P

Chatham, Paine’s outfitters 7 No 7 FC P

Chatham, presentation tank 41 1:5-8

Chatham, prison 15 478 P

Chatham, prison 19 49-52

Chatham, prison 2 352-6 P

Chatham, prison hulks 9 257

Chatham, pumping station 5 363-6 P, 504 L

Chatham, racing at 18 490

Chatham, racing at 19 659

Chatham, restoration of Charles II 13 21, 24 P

Chatham, riots 18 489-492, 609-612

Chatham, riots 19 49-52

Chatham, Ritz cinema 36 4:32-35 P

Chatham, Rochester and Gillingham News 10 53

Chatham, Rochester and Gillingham Observer 10 53

Chatham, Royal Adelaide figurehead 8 570-2 P

Chatham, Royal Engineer Barracks 41 6:14-19 P

Chatham, Royal Marines 14 616-21 P

Chatham, Samuel Pepys 34 1:24

Chatham, secret gardens 11 50-6 P

Chatham, sewage disposal 4 14-16 P

Chatham, shipbuilding 12 438 R

Chatham, Sir John Hawkins’ Hospital 9 457

Chatham, Southcottians 36 2:46

Chatham, Southcottians 36 5:32-39 P

Chatham, spies 9 173-5

Chatham, St Bartholomew’s hospital 2 103

Chatham, St Clement’s, Sandwich 42 4:22-23 P

Chatham, St John’s church 20 292

Chatham, St Leonard’s, Hythe 42 6:4-11 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church 1 180-2 P, 3 268 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church 10 755-9 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church 12 558 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church 20 287-92 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church 35 1:6-7 P

Chatham, St Mary’s church, ministers 1643-1772 26 103-6

Chatham, St Mary’s Island 19 50

Chatham, St Mary’s Parish, 1640s 25 255-8, 659-62

Chatham, St Paul’s church 10 50 P, 53

Chatham, supermarkets 21 723–4 P

Chatham, Theatre Royal 10 77, 79

Chatham, Theatre Royal 23 191-4

Chatham, theatres and music halls 1900 23 191-4

Chatham, Thomas Waghorn statue 35 2:12-13 L P

Chatham, Town Hall 12 557

Chatham, trams 1 273-5

Chatham, Victoria Gardens 12 396 P, 561 P

Chatham, Victoria Gardens 14 90 P

Chatham, war memorial to the missing 26 548 P

Chatham, William Joyce 38 3:44

Chatham, workhouses 19 119 L

Chatham, workhouses 20366 P

Chatham, workhouses 8 442-5 P, 695 L

Chatham, working-class housing 1 678-82 P

Chatham, working-class housing 20 501

Chatham, Zion Baptist chapel 10 37

Chatham, Zion chapel 45 3:50-51

Chattenden, Admiralty Depot 25 683-93 P

Chattenden, Lodge Hill 17 211-6 P

Chattenden, Lodge Hill 25 683-93 P

Chattenden, school 25 685

Chaucer, Geoffrey, pilgrims 11 555-9 P, 13 160

Chaucer, Geoffrey, pilgrims 12 88, 415-6

Chaucer, Geoffrey, pilgrims 15663-4 P

Chaucer, Geoffrey, pilgrims 34 3:10 R

Chaucer, Geoffrey, pilgrims 45 4:51

Cheeseman family 25 448-53 P, No 8 IBC P

Cheeseman family, Ada 24 443-7 P

Cheeseman, Helena 23 443-9 P

Cheeseman, William Frederick 23 634 P

Cheesman, Edward 34 5:50

Chelsfield, policing 20 638-41

Chemical industry 22 511

Chemists 25 733

Cheney, Sir Thomas 36 4:10 R

Cheney, Sir Thomas See Cheyney, Sir Thomas

Chequers pub, Higham 32 3:13 P

Cheriton 29 6:14-17 P

Cheriton, Baptist Chapel 24 486 P

Cheriton, C. J. Nickolls Ltd 34 5:44-45 P

Cheriton, church 6 654-6 P

Cheriton, disasters 18 757 R

Cheriton, East Kent Road Car Company 34 5:44

Cheriton, Empire Laundry 29 6:FC P

Cheriton, Enbrook Manor 21 222–228 P

Cheriton, Folkestone Sanitary Steam Laundry 34 3:17 P

Cheriton, High Street 34 2:16 P

Cheriton, Laundry 34 3:14-19 P

Cheriton, Martin Walter 34 5:40-45 P

Cheriton, Monarch Laundry 34 3:18-19

Cheriton, photographs 34 2:16 P

Cheriton, poltergeist 21 223–228

Cheriton, Reeves Haulage 4 16-17 P

Cheriton, St Martin’s 38 1:15-17 P

Cheriton, St Martin’s church 29 6:16-17 P

Cherries 1 170-1

Cherries 10 257

Cherries 18 No 7 IBC R, 637 P

Cherries 19 238, 241 P

Cherries 21 672 P, 677–8 P, 742 P

Cherries 8 229-34 P, 343-8 P

Cherry brandy 10 257-64 P

Cherry Garden, Folkestone 34 4:46-50 P

Cherry growing, Folkestone 34 4:46-50 P

Chesapeake, HMS, figurehead 20 108-9 P

Chesterfield, Lord 15 149-52 P

Chesterton, A. K. 38 4:29

Chestfield History Society 37 5:6

Chestfield rail halt 37 5:6-7 P

Chestfield, air pageant 12 290

Chestfield, Bodkin farm fire 25 526 P

Chestfield, Dower House Cottages 19 130 P

Chestnut Street 25 194-7 P

Chestnuts Hospital, near Borden 2 103

Chestnuts Hospital, near Borden 3 312

Chevening 21 246 R

Chevening 6 407-14 P

Chevening 7 536 P

Chevening House 13 193-8 P

Cheyne / Cheyney family 11 163, 430-3, 663-4, 666-7

Cheyne / Cheyney family 21 396–8

Cheyne / Cheyney family, mortuary chapel 12 478

Cheyne, Henry 32 2:38

Cheyne, Margaret 15 716-9 P

Cheyne, Robert 34 4:26-27

Cheyne, Sir John 32 2:36-37

Cheyne, Sir Robert 32 2:36

Cheyne, Sir Thomas 32 2:36-38

Cheyne, Sir Thomas 40 6:19

Cheyne, Thomas, Fuller 23 150

Cheyne, William 15 718

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 10 578

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 11 522

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 12 640

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 13 192

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 16 270, 274 P

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 21 396–7

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 22 460-1

Cheyney, Sir Thomas 26 153

Chez Laurie (nightspot) 45 2:30

Chez Laurie, Reculver 27 249 P

Chia, Chia (panda) 45 4:13

Chichagov, Pavel 21 372 R

Chichele / Chichelle, Archbishop 15 737-9

Chichele, Henry 36 5:27

Chichester, HMS 15 80-3 P

Chichester, HMS 18 No 1 IBC R, 312 P

Chichibu, Prince of Japan 18 5

Chicken-keeping 16 83, 17 635

Chiddingstone 5 75 P, 6 155-8 P, 7 452 P

Chiddingstone Castle 22 473

Chiddingstone Castle 38 6:42-43 P

Chiddingstone, country fair 34 5:5

Chiddingstone, North Bore Place 38 2:12-15

Chiddingstone, parish vestry records 22 41-45 P

Chiddingstone, poor relief 7 268-9, 597-600

Chiddingstone, smallpox outbreak 1813 6 335-6

Chiddingstone, St Mary’s church 23 410 P

Chiddingstone, Streatfield Mausoleum 21 284–6 P

Chidley, Ivy 37 3:21

Chidwick family 5 759 L

Chiesman’s (Maidstone) 44 6:11

Chilcott, Alec 42 3:34-35

Child, Harry 22 58-61 P

Child, William Coles 20 175, 212-3 P, 217-8, 689-91, 731-3, 735 P

Child’s of Faversham 23 376 R

Childish, Billy 34 3:25

Children, John George 18 651-653 P

Children, John George 43 4:44-47 P

Children’s games 20 457-9

Children’s games 25 89-96 P, 115 R, 449-53 P

Children’s games 39 5:10-15 P

Chilham 12 638 P, 712 P

Chilham Castle 11 522

Chilham Castle 12 634-40 P, 712-6 P

Chilham Castle 13 490

Chilham Castle 21 396, 585

Chilham Castle 3 126, 353-4 P

Chilham Castle 9 436, 468, 657, 727

Chilham, airship landing 5 66 P, 68 P

Chilham, characters 15 50-54 P, 111-5

Chilham, church monuments 21 345

Chilham, church school 17 589

Chilham, Cumberland House 3 124-8 P, 172-8 P, 231-4 P

Chilham, film-makers at 9 725-30 P

Chilham, inns 15 111-3 P

Chilham, Juliberie’s grave 19 81, 83 P

Chilham, lake 27 No 7 PFC

Chilham, Margaret Diggs, epitaph 32 3:33

Chilham, Pink Floyd pig balloon 34 2:11

Chilham, policing 15 511

Chilham, Roman camp 7 467

Chilham, Thomas Mantell 6 159-61

Chilham, watermill 15 112 P

Chilham, White Horse pub 9 725, 726 P, 727

Chilham, Woolpack hotel 3 231-4 P

Chillenden 28 77

Chillenden 8 579-83 P

Chillenden, church 8 696 L

Chillenden, Griffin’s Head pub 8 582

Chillenden, Knowlton Pillar war memorial 26 548 P

Chillenden, Mill 27 339

Chillenden, windmill 23 270 P

Chillenden, windmill 3 305 P

Chillenden, windmill 8 583 P

Chilton 18 35

Chimney sweeps 13 150, 225

Chimney sweeps 16 551-4 P

Chimney sweeps 20 387-9 P

Chimney sweeps 43 6:4-10 P

Chimney sweeps, Maidstone 5 144-6 P

Chimneys 25 69

Chin, John 36 4:13

Chinese Communist Party 45 4 13

Chinese graves, Hythe 9 294-5 P, 375

Ching, Ching (panda) 45 4:13

Chipstead, Rock House 27 332 P

Chisholm, Wally and Ken 25 535-8

Chislehurst 10 No 1 Covers, 695 R

Chislehurst 19 No 11 IBC R

Chislehurst 23 692 R

Chislehurst 5 27-8, 116

Chislehurst Society, the 37 5:6

Chislehurst, Benson’s Charity 17 528

Chislehurst, Bonaparte family 9 628-32 P

Chislehurst, Brakes and buses 22 351-4 P

Chislehurst, Camden Park estate 15 199

Chislehurst, Camden Place 29 3:42-45 P

Chislehurst, Camden Place 43 1:29-37 P

Chislehurst, caves 15 70 P, 73

Chislehurst, caves 20 446-7 P

Chislehurst, caves 27 309-312 P

Chislehurst, caves 7 398-404 P

Chislehurst, caves hospital 25 539-43 P, No 10 IBC L

Chislehurst, caves, Second World War 28 83-88 P

Chislehurst, church of Annunciation 26 377

Chislehurst, cinemas 21 490–2 P

Chislehurst, common 4 157-61

Chislehurst, Crompton, Richmal 41 2:49-51 P

Chislehurst, denehole 7 617

Chislehurst, G.H. Baskcomb 6 561-4, 584-8 P

Chislehurst, Home Guard 27 307-312 P

Chislehurst, lock-up 15 65

Chislehurst, lock-up 19 104

Chislehurst, Manor House 17 497, No 8 BC P

Chislehurst, Manor House 8 561-4 P, 585

Chislehurst, Napoleon III 43 1:28-37 P

Chislehurst, omnibuses 15 67, 73

Chislehurst, peace celebrations 1814 17 78

Chislehurst, policing 15 65-75 P

Chislehurst, Scadbury Manor 4 609-14 P

Chislehurst, Second World War 27 307-312 P

Chislehurst, St Mary’s Catholic church 9 628, 631

Chislehurst, St Mary’s churchyard 41 4:38

Chislehurst, St Nicholas church 30 4:26-29 P

Chislehurst, St Patrick’s church 26 464-65 P

Chislehurst, stations 15 69

Chislehurst, street names 20 442-8 P

Chislehurst, Strode, Nathaniel 43 1:29-30

Chislehurst, Summer Hill House 8 584 P, 586-7

Chislehurst, wills 30 4:26-29

Chislehurst, windmill 8 586, 587 P

Chislet 0 57-8 R

Chislet Colliery 36 5:7

Chislet, church 13 259-60

Chislet, colliery 23 129-31

Chislet, colliery 25 114 R

Chislet, colliery 28 67,108-109 P

Chislet, colliery 32 4:43-44 P

Chislet, Endeavour Inn 14 219-20 P, 224

Chislet, Westbere House 12 724 P

Chiswick, St Nicholas church 41 5:13

Chittenden, Edward 29 4:37

Chittenden, John Franks 25 741, 747

Chittenden, William 35 4:15 R

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 15 592-5

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 29 5:29

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 30 6:20-27 P

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 35 6:13

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 37 3:43

Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang 41 5:42-43 P

Chivers, Joe 20 525

Choir singing 31 5:48-51

Cholera 13 303

Cholera 17 221

Cholera 18 398

Cholera 21 526

Cholera 41 6:20-31 P

Cholera 42 1:12-14 P

Cholera, Chatham 20 365-70

Cholera, East Farleigh 1 533-4

Cholera, Herne Bay 10 85-6, 89

Chorley, Henry 41 3:8-9

Chrianie, steam tug 20 154 P

Chrism 25 335

Christ church, Kilndown 34 6:21 P

Christian, Ewan 22 521-3

Christian, Fletcher 36 5:20-25

Christian, Princess, of Schleswig-Holstein 42 4:6-9 P

Christie & Vesey Ltd 43 2:26

Christie, Agatha 44 5:31

Christie, James 16 35

Christmas on the Home Front 34 6:5

Christmas puddings, history of 32 6:48-50 P

Christmas, 1918 25 709-13

Christmas, 1930s 21 705-7

Christmas, 1930s 26 729-35

Christmas, carols 12 751-7 P

Christmas, celebrations 11 581, 704, 714-17 P

Christmas, celebrations 14 669, 717-22 P

Christmas, celebrations 16 711-15

Christmas, celebrations 19 339-41

Christmas, celebrations 24 699-706 P

Christmas, celebrations 4 743-5

Christmas, celebrations 9 739-41

Christmas, First World War 26 727-34 P

Christmas, holiday 16 714

Chrysler 43 5:15

Chrysler Outboard Motors, Whitstable 32 1:13

Chulkhurst, Eliza (conjoined twin) 45 4:25

Chulkhurst, Eliza and Mary 19 291-5 P

Chulkhurst, Mary (conjoined twin) 45 4:25

Church architects, 19th century 22 519-24, 587-92

Church carvings 22 239-42 P

Church Commissioners 20 385-6

Church galleries 22 524

Church of St Augustine, Ramsgate 3 50-51 P

Church of St Mary and St Eanswythe, Folkestone 30 4:30-34 P

Church of the Latter-Day Saints 45 4:22-24

Church rate 18 387

Church rate 9 665-7

Church rate, riot, Sevenoaks 18 149-156

Church rates 35 4:36-41

Church restoration, 19th century 22 519-24 P, 586-92 P

Church, John (Strood) 40 1:35

Church, Richard 3 505-8 P

Churches (upper spaces) 35 5:16-17

Churches Conservation Trust 37 4:10

Churches See also under town or village name

Churches, All Saints’, Birling 34 6:21

Churches, All Saints’, Tudely 34 4:37 P

Churches, as sanctuary 26 77

Churches, barrel organs 17 23-8 P

Churches, Brenzett 32 2:46-47 P

Churches, choirs 12 545-50, 682, 696 L, 755-7

Churches, choirs 17 23-5, 556

Churches, choirs 20 208

Churches, choirs 21 617–21, 643-9 P

Churches, choirs 23 319

Churches, choirs 24 281-6 P, 365-69

Churches, Christ church, Kilndown 34 6:21 P

Churches, country churches 6 54-5 R

Churches, Dode 43 3:46-51 P

Churches, early Christian 1 91-4 P

Churches, East Kent Missions 7 100-104 P

Churches, epitaphs 1 311-3

Churches, faith and worship at Sevenoaks 26 117 R

Churches, flint work 3 404-7 P

Churches, fonts 4 273-6 P, 352-5 P, 466-75 P

Churches, graffiti 5 758 L

Churches, high church practices 12 545-60

Churches, Labour party 9 757-60 P

Churches, Laudian practices 25 256-8

Churches, Lords’ Commissioners 8 186-91 P

Churches, lore 21 235–238 P

Churches, lychgates 34 6:18-21 P

Churches, militant clergy, 1914 10 50-5 P

Churches, monuments 21 338–45 P

Churches, monuments 24 80-86 P

Churches, music 11 240-5 P

Churches, music 12 754-7

Churches, music 14 613

Churches, music 15 29, 211-4 P

Churches, music 17 23-8 P, 19 405

Churches, music 20 165, 167, 208

Churches, music 24 281-6 P, 550, 750

Churches, Old Romney 32 3:34-35 P

Churches, organs 21 617–9 P

Churches, organs 23 314 P, 317

Churches, organs 24 365-69 P, 542 P, 550-1

Churches, Oxford Movement 24 744, 748

Churches, Reformation 26 78, 159-71

Churches, religious differences, 16th century 25 331-5, 339

Churches, Roman Catholic 26 465-71 P, 511-16 P

Churches, scratch dials 0 39-44 P

Churches, sealing 16 715

Churches, services, Anglican 17 594

Churches, Snargate 32 2:46-47 P

Churches, SS Peter and Paul, Farningham 34 6:20

Churches, St Alfege’s, Greenwich 42 2:22

Churches, St Bride’s, Fleet Street 43 3:12

Churches, St Dunstan, Fleet Street 43 3:12-13 P

Churches, St Giles, Shipbourne 34 6:19 P

Churches, St Laurence, Bidborough 34 6:21

Churches, St Leonard’s, Hythe 34 4:36 P

Churches, St Martin’s, Eynsford 34 6:20

Churches, St Mary the Virgin, Kemsing 34 6:19

Churches, St Mary’s, Goudhurst 32 6:39

Churches, St Mary’s, Lamberhurst 32 6:39

Churches, St Mary’s, Lenham 32 6:42

Churches, St Michael’s, Cornhill 43 6:14

Churches, St Nicholas, Pluckley 34 6:45 P

Churches, St Nicholas, Strood 43 2:43-45 P

Churches, St Paulinus, Crayford 34 6:20-21 P

Churches, St Peter’s, Boughton Monchelsea 34 6:18

Churches, St Peter’s, Ridley 43 1:18-21 P

Churches, St Peter’s, Sandwich 43 6:15-17 P

Churches, St Peter’s, Swingfield 34 6:21

Churches, St Stephen’s, Lympne 34 6:21

Churches, St Vincent’s, Littlebourne 34 6:20

Churches, stained glass 13 157-61 P, 168-9 P

Churches, sundials 1 664-8 P

Churches, Tenterden 32 2:46-47 P

Churches, Victorian 5 567 R

Churches, window tracery 1 110-2 P

Churchill, Charles 45 4:45-46

Churchill, Clementine 35 2:44

Churchill, Clementine, Life of 39 1:6-7 P

Churchill, Clementine, sympathy for squatters 39 1:37

Churchill, Sir Winston (art) 42 3:4-15 P

Churchill, Sir Winston 19 268 P, 270

Churchill, Sir Winston 25 181-4 P

Churchill, Sir Winston 26 323, 713-16 P

Churchill, Sir Winston 35 3:5

Churchill, Sir Winston 37 3:4

Churchill, Sir Winston 39 1:6-7 P

Churchill, Sir Winston, Challock visit 44 6:18

Churchill, Sir Winston, Chartwell 30 2:9

Churchill, Sir Winston, Chartwell 36 2:7

Churchill, Sir Winston, Death of a Hero exhibition 36 1:10

Churchill, Sir Winston, Dover tunnels 36 5:8-9 P

Churchill, Sir Winston, Folkestone talk 44 5:14

Churchill, Sir Winston, interest in inventions 44 3:10-14 P

Churchill, Sir Winston, monument, Dover 26 496 P

Churchill, Sir Winston, MS Pujji meeting 36 1:8

Churchill, Sir Winston, support for daylight saving 36 5:50-51

Churchill, Winston 38 4:6-7

Churchill, Winston 40 6:34-39 P

Churchill, Winston 45 4:10

Churchill, Winston, first lord 45 5:5 45

Churchwardens 14 647-9

Churchwardens, St Laurence-in-Thanet 19 171-6

Cider 0 19-21, 18 53

Cider sippers 17 556 P, 558-9

Cinemas 11 245

Cinemas 30 3:11

Cinemas 30 4:15

Cinemas 30 6:32-38 P

Cinemas 32 5:11

Cinemas 36 4:32-35 P

Cinemas, Ashford 5 728-32 P

Cinemas, Bromley 21 486–92 P, 552–9 P

Cinemas, Bromley 22 143-51 P

Cinemas, Canterbury 6 558-63 P, 754-9 P

Cinemas, Cliftonville 5 375 L

Cinemas, Deal 2 479-83 P

Cinemas, educational visits 24 501

Cinemas, Faversham 13 419-20

Cinemas, Faversham 25 641

Cinemas, Gillingham 25 663-6 P

Cinemas, Herne Bay 11 716

Cinemas, Invicta / Wardona, Strood 31 2:10

Cinemas, Margate 11 391

Cinemas, Margate, Dreamland 24 458 P, 460-2

Cinemas, Medway 5 233-41 P, 375 L

Cinemas, mobile 29 6:46-51

Cinemas, Odeon and Casino, Herne Bay 32 1:33

Cinemas, Palace, Gillingham 31 4:48

Cinemas, pianists 22 143-6

Cinemas, Rainham 11 187

Cinemas, Regal, Bexleyheath 31 3:51 P

Cinemas, Strood 25 664 P

Cinemas, Swale 24 757 R

Cinematograph Films Act 43 4:29

Cinque Ports 10 616-22 P, 689-95 P, 707

Cinque Ports 11 323, 473, 593

Cinque Ports 13 531

Cinque Ports 14 128-30

Cinque Ports 18 693 R

Cinque Ports 21 208–210

Cinque Ports 24 657, 756

Cinque Ports 25 694 R

Cinque Ports 31 2:30

Cinque Ports 7 725-9 P

Cinque Ports 9 699, 701, 702

Cinque Ports Flying Club 45 6:39

Cinque Ports, barons 17 609

Cinque Ports, Bekesbourne 2 39

Cinque Ports, Bekesbourne 29 1:36-38 P

Cinque Ports, Deal and Walmer 1 115-21

Cinque Ports, Faversham 4 442-8 P

Cinque Ports, Fleet 1217 25 531-4

Cinque Ports, Flying Club 1 40-4 P, 85-90 P

Cinque Ports, Flying Club 10 570-6 P

Cinque Ports, Flying Club 15 154-5 P

Cinque Ports, Fordwich 29 1:33-38 P

Cinque Ports, limb of Grange 25 11

Cinque Ports, Lord Warden 36 4:4-5

Cinque Ports, Lords Warden 12 717-21 P

Cinque Ports, Lords Warden 17 60

Cinque Ports, Lords Warden 21 336

Cinque Ports, Lords Warden 4 94-104 P

Cinque Ports, Loyal Volunteers 3 587-92 P

Cinque Ports, New Romney 25 37, 41

Cinque Ports, obligations 21 265–8

Cinque Ports, pilots 3 578-86 P

Cinque Ports, Stonar 22 159

Cinque Ports, Yacht Club 26 70

Circe 24 191

Circus raids 13 162-7 P

Circuses 21 418, 419, 420 P

Circuses 5 605-11 P, 680

City of London Lunatic Asylum, Dartford 15 369-75 P, 589-90 P

City of London Lunatic Asylum, Dartford 32 2:26-27 P

City of Rochester 12 53 R

City of Rochester 16 572, 25 17

City of Rochester Society 35 1:5

City of Rochester Society 39 2:8-9 P R

City of York 14 328 P

Civil Air Guard 10 480, 481, 482 P, 573, 576

Civil aviation, early 16 504 L

Civil defence 18 507-510

Civil War 11 197

Civil War 12 735

Civil War 13 73-7 P

Civil War 18 447-450, 541-542

Civil War 22 341-3

Civil War 23 695 R

Civil War 25 27-8, 662

Civil War 26 300-09

Civil War, Canterbury 16 451

Civil War, ironworks 25 98

Civil War, Maidstone 23 31

Civil War, Sevenoaks 8 181-4

Civil War, Sheppey 11 667

Civil War, Tonbridge 24 287-91 P

Civil War, Vane and Twysden families 6 593-6 P

Clackett, Frederick 36 4:6-7

Clairmont, Claire/Clara 45 4:52

Clampard, Thomas, blacksmith 1 313

Clare, Gilbert de 37 3:22-27 P

Clare, Richard De 17 753-5

Clarendon Smith, Joseph 35 5:38-39 P

Claringbould, Alfred James 16 12 P, 15

Clark family 24 699-706 P

Clark family, Faversham 6 398-404 P

Clark, Ann 19 137

Clark, Daphne 12 515

Clark, George Foster 10 250-6 P

Clark, H. E. (Bert) 25 707-10 P

Clark, Harriett 25 173-80 P

Clark, Harry 18 45

Clark, James and Stephen 27 174-175

Clark, James, sweep, and family 20 387-90

Clark, John 5 561-66 P

Clark, Kenneth (art historian) 43 1:22-23

Clark, Lily 25 643

Clark, Newman Francis (printer) 7 455

Clark, Rev John 26 417

Clark, Rev John 4 495-9

Clark, Sydney 26 313 L

Clark, Sydney 40 2:17-18

Clark, Thomas (composer) 12 696 L

Clark, Thomas (composer) 13 525

Clark, Thomas (composer) 4 439 R, 623-6

Clark, Thomas ‘Hurricane’ 23 458

Clark, Thomas ‘Hurricane’ 25 59-67 P

Clark, Thomas ‘Hurricane’ 26 184 L, 188, 727

Clark, Walter 26 187-8

Clark, Walter C. 16 21-2, 79-84 P

Clark, Walter C. 20 77, 83-5 P

Clark, Walter C. 25 560 P, 564 P, 628-31

Clark, Walter C. 4 623-6 P

Clarke(e), Richard 27 17

Clarke, Graham 38 2:6-7 P

Clarke, Jack (engineer) 12 238-40 P

Clarke, John (murderer) 19 111-5

Clarke, John 22 449-50

Clarke, Mary 29 3:42-45

Clarke, William 15 474-9

Clark-Kennedy, William Hew 34 1:10 R

Clarkson, Kevin 38 2:4-5 P

Clary, Julian 40 6:37

Classis Britannica 11 253

Classis Britannica 14 78

Classis Britannica 19 261, 365

Clausthal PoW camp 43 2:15-23 P

Clavell, Annie 18 30 P

Clavell, John 38 5:50-51

Claxton, Kathleen Mary 44 1:18-19 P

Clay, Captain Herbert Henry Spender 17 430-1

Clayson, Edward 15 512-7

Clayson, Elizabeth 37 5:46-50

Clayson, Henry Morris 37 5:46-50

Clayton, Captain Harold 19 740 P, 743

Clayton, Jack 38 3:30-31

Cleeve, Bourchier 34 2:40-43

Clement, Gregory 24 498-9

Clements, Judge Arthur 42 6:39

Clements, Lillian 41 4:35

Clergy, contentious 15 363-8

Clerical life, 1940s and 1950s 16 137-41 P

Clerk, John 26 242

Cleve Court, Minster 30 3:14-20 P

Cleve Court, Minster 30 4:14

Cleve, Bourchier 35 6:32-33 P

Cleve, Joos van 36 3:6-7 P

Cleves, Anne of 34 1:28-29

Cleves, Anne of 34 6:28-33 P

Cliff Top Café, Folkestone 32 3:38

Cliffe 0 45, 55 R

Cliffe 12 BC P

Cliffe 23 611-13

Cliffe 3 544-50 P, 704

Cliffe Fort 44 3:4-13 P

Cliffe, brewery 9 208 P

Cliffe, Charles Dickens 8 308-9, 376 L

Cliffe, cholera 41 6:25-27

Cliffe, church 3 405-7 P, 544-50 P

Cliffe, decoy airfield 15 28

Cliffe, explosion (1904) 35 4:52-55 P

Cliffe, explosion (1911) 15 23-8 P

Cliffe, Fort 14 380-1 P, 384-5 P

Cliffe, Globe Cinema 30 6:35

Cliffe, Madison’s holiday camp 3 686 P

Cliffe, Nine Elms cement works 6 621-2 P

Cliffe, railway guns 3 682-6 P

Cliffe, St Helen’s church 23 610-11 P

Cliffe, St Helen’s church 31 2:22 P

Cliffe, St Margaret’s school 9 102-6 P

Clifford family 3 175-6

Clifford, Edgar (Gravesend) 39 5:43

Clifford, Hubert 38 5:50

Clifford, James 14 100 P

Clifford, Martin (Frank Richards) 22 619-25 P

Clifton Baths, Cliftonville 40 6:46-51 P

Clifton James, M. E. 44 2:10

Cliftonville 10 14 P

Cliftonville 42 6:50-51 P

Cliftonville Lido 40 6:46-51 P

Cliftonville, air crash (1938) 41 5:28-35 P

Cliftonville, air raid (1915) 24 523

Cliftonville, beach photography 21 271–5 P

Cliftonville, cinemas 5 375 L

Cliftonville, Clifton Baths estate 24 688-9 P

Cliftonville, Grand hotel 22 687-90 P

Cliftonville, Hotel Florence 21 378–81 P

Cliftonville, Hydro hotel 22 683-90 P, 712-20 P

Cliftonville, Lido pleasure centre 24 689-96 P

Cliftonville, Lido pleasure centre 28 196 P

Cliftonville, medical baths 22 714-9 P

Cliftonville, Norfolk hotel 22 713

Cliftonville, St George’s hotel 21 381–3 P

Cliftonville, St Paul’s church 19 667-71 P

Cliftonville, Tom Thumb Theatre 12 56 L

Cliftonville, Tom Thumb Theatre 31 1:7 P

Cliftonville, windmills 2 347

Clinch, E. W. (teacher) 18 5

Clinton, Lord 3 345

Clitherow, Maud and Richard 6 217-8

Clock tower, Ashford 31 4:44 P

Clocks 13 634-42 P, 682

Clocks 39 3:6-7 P

Clocks, St George’s Ramsgate 93-7 P

Cloth industry 10 105, 107

Cloth industry, Smarden 1 718

Clothing, club 18 59-66 P

Clothing, seamen’s jerseys 29 6:32-36 P

Clothmaking, Lamberhurst 31 5:26-29 P

Clouet, François (painter) 40 2:42-43

Clouston, Arthur (test pilot) 15 419-21

Club days 19 150-4 P

Cluett, Albert 43 1:14-16 P

Clunch 18 754

Clutterbuck, Leonard 35 4:45-46

Coaches and coaching 11 72-6 P

Coaches and coaching 12 601

Coaches and coaching 21 299

Coaches and coaching 25 481-3 P

Coaches and coaching, carrying post 10 269 P

Coaches and coaching, coachmen 15 725-9 P

Coaches and coaching, inns 10 10-13 P

Coaches and coaching, into Kent 8 753-6 P

Coaches and coaching, to Tonbridge 18 231-238 P

Coadestone 24 85-6

Coal 11 327, No 10 IBC, 643

Coal 15 447

Coal 25 739

Coal and collieries 23 122-31 P, 195-206 P, 274-83 P, 323-32 P

Coal and collieries, miners’ work and conditions 23199-201, 323-7

Coal and collieries, Second World War 23 323-32 P

Coal and collieries, strikes 23 197, 206, 271

Coal and collieries, transport 23 274-83 P

Coal, as barge cargo 12 53 R, 347-52 P

Coal, as barge cargo 13 153, 155

Coal, as barge cargo 17 573-5 P, No 12 IBC L

Coal, as barge cargo 18 355-357, 504 R

Coal, Chaldrons 16 71

Coal, cost 1872 21 515

Coal, future of Kent Coalfield, 1945 25 557-9 P

Coal, merchants and delivery 13 144-40 P

Coal, merchants and delivery 17 669-71

Coal, merchants and delivery 18 205-210 P

Coal, mines 21 527, 635–6 P

Coal, mines, Cobham 26 71 P

Coal, mining 12 29-37, 501-3

Coal, mining 13 307

Coal, mining 28 65-71 P, 108-114 P

Coal, posts 16 71-5 P

Coal, posts 19 570 P, 571

Coal, prices 18 477-480

Coal, rush at Margate 10 55-6 P

Coal, Snowdown 4 188-9 P

Coal, taxes 16 71-2, 17 365

Coal, Tilmanstone 11 208-11 P

Coal, transport 16 123, 262 P

Coal, transport 21 531

Coal, transport 25 492 P, 494, 515-9 P

Coal, transport 8 6

Coal, whippers 15 747

Coal, workers, Deal 21 253, 635–7 P

Coalhouse Fort 14 378 P, 383

Coalmining 36 5:6-7 P

Coalmining 41 3:42-51 P

Coalmining 44 3:16-25 P

Coast Amateur Rowing Association (Cara) races 18 25-27 P

Coast blockade 11 588 P, 594, 597

Coast blockade 14 551, 554-5

Coast blockade 15 406-12 P

Coast blockade 16 455

Coast blockade 21 567–8 R

Coastal defences 14 379-85 P, 683-7 P

Coastal erosion 16 65-70 P, 323

Coastal erosion 17 88-9 P, 91, 161-6 P

Coastal erosion 21 391–3 P

Coastal reclamation 21 409–12

Coastal signal stations 11 111-4 P, 237, 586-91 P, 595

Coastguard 10 607

Coastguard 14 5

Coastguard 15 407, 412-13

Coastguard 9 364-8 P

Coastguard, Dover 19 489, 497-9 P

Coastguard, duties 23 39-41

Coastguard, Faversham 19 753

Coastguard, Faversham Creek 23 37-40

Coastguard, Folkestone 14 549-55 P

Coastguard, Harty Ferry 23 36 P, 38 P

Coastguard, Herne Bay 12 325-30

Coastguard, Herne Bay 21 544–51 P, 608–16 P

Coastguards (Epple Bay) 44 4:22-31 P

Coastlines 42 3:44-51

Cobb family (Margate) 37 4:50-55 P

Cobb family, Margate 20 455

Cobb, Benjamin 37 5:15

Cobb, Charles 37 5:15

Cobb, Francis (Margate) 36 1:36-41 P

Cobb, Francis, brewer 8 396-401 P

Cobb, Rev Charles 21 646–8 P

Cobb, Rev Charles 3 167-71 P

Cobb’s Hall, Aldington 45 6:45

Cobbett, William 13 29, 32, 35, 77

Cobbett, William 3 60-1

Cobbett, William 32 2:44-50 P

Cobbett, William 34 2:5

Cobdown Park, Aylesford 45 2:50

Cobham 5 76-9 P

Cobham College 2 103-4

Cobham College 5 76 P

Cobham College almshouses 35 6:26-27 P

Cobham Court, Bekesbourne 29 1:381

Cobham family 2 39, 7 699-701

Cobham Hall 23 728-9 P

Cobham Hall 31 2:36-41 P

Cobham Hall 35 6:25

Cobham Hall 38 1:18-25 P

Cobham Hall 42 6:12

Cobham Hall 6 474, 545-8 P

Cobham Hall 7 758 P

Cobham Hall dairy 38 3:8-9 P

Cobham Hall estate 43 3:30-38 P

Cobham Hall follies 22 130-1 P

Cobham, Charles Dickens 37 2:5

Cobham, Charles Dickens 8 167

Cobham, church 11 657

Cobham, cricket ground 9 470

Cobham, Darnley Mausoleum 28 103

Cobham, Elinor 12 535-9 P

Cobham, John de 31 2:36

Cobham, Leather Bottle 10 30 P

Cobham, Leather Bottle 24 451 P

Cobham, Leather Bottle 34 4:8 P

Cobham, Leather Bottle 8 166-7 P

Cobham, Lion pub 13 515-20 P

Cobham, Lord (Sir John Oldcastle) 6 217-19

Cobham, mining company 26 106-11 P

Cobham, Owletts 32 1:44-50 P

Cobham, Owletts 45 2:42-47

Cobham, park 31 6:22-24

Cobham, post-war housing 39 1:38-47 P

Cobham, Richard Dadd 28 232-235 P

Cobham, sarsen stones 8 166-9 P

Cobham, Sir Alan 12 287, 290-2

Cobham, Sir Alan 16 317

Cobham, Sir Alan 35 3:16-22 P

Cobham, Sir Alan 35 6:53

Cobham, Sir Alan 5 85-7 P

Cobham, Sir Alan 6 186 P, 187, 189 P, 290-1

Cobham, Sir Alan 7 175-7 P

Cobham, Sir Alan 9 640-5 P

Cobham, Sir Herbert Baker 32 1:44-50 P

Cobnuts 12 414

Cobnuts 21 56 R

Cocaine 41 4:44-51

Cochrane, Admiral Arthur 43 4:23

Cockcroft, Dr Robert 36 6:11

Cockcroft, Sir John 35 1:44-45

Cockerell, Michael 45 4:14

Cockerell, Samuel Pepys 15 173-4 P

Cocking, Robert (aeronaut) 7 93-96 P

Codrington, Sir William 20 215

Cody, Samuel 35 6:51-52

Coggar, William 26 243-4

Cogger, Robert 31 5:26-29

Coggers Hall, Lamberhurst 32 4:24-28 P, 32 6:39

Cogs 25 531

Cohen, Solomon 43 6:36-39

Coins and coinage 12 593

Coins and coinage 16 583-9 P, 759 L

Coins and coinage 6 8-9 P

Cokayne, Francis 32 4:20-23

Coke 22 343

Coke Riots, Ramsgate 2 638-9 P

Coke suits 29 3:1129 4:9

Coke, J. D. 38 1:28

Cold War 39 1:8-9 P R

Cold War heritage centre 18 507-510 P

Coldbridge, castle 30 2:27

Coldhams Wood, Little Chart 32 3:44

Coldred, Castle 30 2:28

Coldrum 1 17-18 P

Coldrum 19 80 P

Coldrum Long Barrow 44 1:33-39 P

Cole, Barney 30 2:13

Cole, George 22 407

Cole, Nat King 40 4:51

Colebrook, Richard and George 23 285

Colefax, Lady Sibyl 42 4:33-34 P

Coleman Longbarrow, Trottiscliffe 34 5:9

Coleman, Charles (Sandwich) 42 4:17-21 P

Coleman, F. J. 36 1:53

Colepeper family 32 6:39, 42

Colepeper family, Aylesford 4 83-4

Colepeper monument, Goudhurst 32 6:39 P

Colepeper, Alicia 32 6:42

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 45 2:10

Coles Finch, William 2 348

Colfe, Abraham 12 209

Colfe, Abraham, Almshouses, Lewisham 18 233-234 P

Colfe, Abraham, school 12 209-13 P

Colfe, Abraham, school 16 653, 656 P

Colgrain, Lord 3 9

Colkyns family 25 339

Collar, William Thomas 34 4:14

Collard family 26 149

Collard, Sir George 35 5:33

College Lane hostel, Faversham 45 4:18

Collier brigs 25 514 P, 520 P

Collier Brothers 8 447

Collier Street church 22 650 P

Collier, George (railway guard) 19 309-10

Collier, Sarah (Faversham) 40 3:22-25

Colliers 12 53-4, 347-52 P

Colliers 13 153, 155

Collington, John 13 584-91 P

Collington, John 22 450-4 P

Collins Electrical (EPR) Ltd 22 334 P, 338

Collins, Charles 41 3:7-10 P

Collins, Charles 45 1:5-6

Collins, Charles W. 2 479-83

Collins, Damian, MP 43 4:39

Collins, James Thomas 38 4:20-25

Collins, John (Titanic) 40 5:26-33

Collins, Katey (née Dickens) 41 3:6-10 P

Collins, Malcolm 40 5:33

Collins, Private James 15 508-9

Collins, Samuel 22 265-8

Collins, Wilkie 41 3:7-10

Collins, Wilkie 45 1:5

Collins, Wilkie 8 588-93 P

Collinson, Francis 16 379-83 P

Collinson, Francis 20 33-5

Colls, Marguerite 36 3:32-37 P

Collyer, Frederick Adolphus 21 592–5 P

Collyer’s, builders and undertakers 21 591–9 P

Collyn, Alexander and family 25 54-5

Colonia (sailing barge) 40 5:13-15 P

Colt buildings 37 6:16-23 P

Colt, Mick 37 6:18-21

Colt, W. H., Ltd 43 3:33

Colt, William and Rita 37 6:16-23

Columbarium 43 3:48-51 P

Colver, William (artist) 1 223-8 P

Colver, William (artist) 2 450-6 P

Colville, Sir John 35 3:5

Comb, Alan 38 5:10-12

Combe Bank, Sundridge 14 41-5 P, 184 L

Combe Bank, Sundridge, airfield 184 L

Combe Farm, Greenwich 26 423-30, 443-48 P

Combine harvesters 24 197-8 P

Combwell Abbey 2 104

Comford 1 515-7

Commissioner churches 19 670

Common informers 21 447–52 P

Common Road Steam Conveyance Company 18 512

Comper, Sir Ninian 22 590-92

Comport family 35 2:32-33

Composant 25 431

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 44 1:35

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, billiards 3 22

Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, Seal Chart murder 5 35

Concrete ships 21 650-3 P

Coneys, the Rev Steve 40 2:11

Confectioners, Harringtons, Tunbridge Wells 32 2:40-43 P

Confectioners, Harringtons, Tunbridge Wells 32 3:16

Confectionery 18 684-686

Connell, Ted 37 5:16

Conqueror 18 576-577 P

Conquest, Detective Inspector John 39 2:22-23

Conrad, Joseph 11 80, 543-50 P

Conrad, Joseph 2 572-3 R

Conrad, Joseph 21 664–6 P

Conrad, Joseph 32 2:12

Conrad, Joseph 37 3:45

Conrad, Joseph 40 1:30

Conrad, Joseph, at Warehorne 5:18-19

Conscription in First World War 37 2:22-26 P

Conservation 14 160

Consistory court registers 16 245 R

Consistory court registers 4 563-7

Constable of Kent 10 No 1 Index 8

Constable, John 34 3:22-23

Constant, John 21 349

Constantine III, emperor 19 367

Constantine, Leary 31 4:21

Constantius Chlorus 19 367

Consumption 18 7

Contagious Diseases Acts of 1864, 1866, 1869, Dover 29 5:22-25

Container ships 15 352 P

Contraband control 22 219, 270-1 P, 275-6

Contraband control, Base No 1 25 325

Conundrum, HMS 15 497-9 P

Convict prison ships 10 747

Convict prison ships 20 626 P

Convict prison ships 22721-30 P

Convict prison ships 4 250-5 P

Convicts 19 631

Convicts 20 367

Convicts 21 220 P, 570–6 P

Convoy 26 71 P

Convoy CW8 15 14-22 P

Conway, Carl 29 6:46-51

Conway-Gordon, Vera 45 2:21-22

Conyer 25 693 R

Conyer 31 1:40

Conyer, barge-building 1 587, 590-2 P, 3 617 P

Conyer, barge-building 8 529

Conyer, schoolchildren c. 1900 24 325-30

Conyer, William Joyce 38 3:44-45 P

Conyngham, Elizabeth 37 5:17

Conyngham, Elizabeth 4 674-5

Conyngham, family 26 147,151

Conyngham, Lady 26 655-57 P

Conyngham, Lord Albert 20 493, 495 P

Conyngham, oast house, Patrixbourne 29 3:19-22 P

Cook, Charlie 25 298-9 P

Cook, Dorothy 22 645-6

Cook, E. 32 6:23

Cook, Ernest 37 5:32

Cook, Fred 37 1:13

Cook, Geoffrey 25 753 P

Cook, James 43 6:13

Cook, John (smuggler) 20 711-8

Cook, Nell 37 1:30

Cook, Robert 3 719

Cook, Thomas 21 463-464, 466

Cook, William (poultry farmer) 8 97-102 P

Cook, William (Roydon Hall) 42 5:18

Cooke, Annie 42 3:19-21 P

Cooke, Edward William (artist) 9 674-9

Cooke, Eliza 25 510-11 P

Cooke, Harriet 24 620

Cooke, Rev Daniel 38 3:39 P

Cooling 0 45-7

Cooling 24 436 R

Cooling 25 684-687-8 P

Cooling 3 130-2 P

Cooling 5 123-7 P

Cooling Castle 1 444 P

Cooling Castle 18 723, 726 P

Cooling Castle 2 674-5 P, 3 130 P

Cooling Castle 23 614-5 P

Cooling Castle 31 4:41 P

Cooling Castle 31 5:7 P

Cooling Castle 7 698-703 P

Cooling, Charles Dickens 8 308-11 P

Cooling, church 11 498 P

Cooling, church, vestry 18 606 P

Cooling, churchyard 23 612 P

Cooling, Sir John Oldcastle 6 217-9

Cooling, St James’s church 31 2:24-25 P

Cooling, St James’s church 35 2:32-33 P

Cooling, tunnel 21 117

Coombdale 22 85, 88

Coombe Lawns, Herne Bay 31 6:34-41 P

Coombes, Bartholomew 15 440

Cooper, Charles 42 2:18-21

Cooper, Gary 39 5:4

Cooper, Gary 42 2:16-21 P

Cooper, George 16 206-7

Cooper, George 24 509

Cooper, Nevill 43 3:17-22

Cooper, Sarah (née Sabine) 43 3:14-23

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 11 417-20

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 12 560

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 24 415

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 3 357-66 P

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 32 5:22 P

Cooper, Thomas Sidney 43 3:14-23 P

Cooper, W. G., Bethel superintendent 12 200-2

Cooper, William George 43 3:14-15

Co-operative movement 14 315

Co-operative movement 15 537, 573-5

Co-operative movement, Dover 14 315-9 P

Co-operative Transport Society 14 No 9 IBC L

Cooper-Key, Aston 37 2:43-49

Coopers Arms, Rochester 34 6:42

Coopers, Weald forest 2 142-9 P

Coosens, Margaret 25 473

Copeland, George (pianist) 43 2:34

Copley, John Singleton 42 4:39-41 P

Copp Street 20 401

Coppanstane 22 576

Copperas 11 165-6

Copperas 13 233-8 P, 399-402 P

Copperas 21 504 R

Copperas 22 339, 343-5 P, 411-6 P, 462-3, 498-9 P, 509-12

Copperas, Thanet 22 342 P

Coppin, Joshua 22 629-31

Coppins VC, Frederick 39 5:4-5 P

Coppins VC, Frederick 42 2:20

Copt Point 19 459-63 P

Copton windmill 3 670-5 P

Corbett, Archibald Cameron 5 111-3

Corbett, Edward 19 324

Corbett, George Henry 36 5:52-55 P

Corbiere, Henri 35 3:5

Cordle, Dr Celia 29 1:4 P

Corello (Chambers), John 22 433-7

Corey, Morris Clayson 37 5:46-48

Corhaven (collier) 15 14 P, 18

Cork, John Frederick 35 3:15 L

Corn Exchange, Rochester 35 3:26 P

Corn Laws 13 29

Corn trade 35 5:38-39

Cornell, Alfred 39 4:50-51

Cornell, Stan (Gerry) 19 184 L, 640-4 P, 729-35 P

Cornfoot, Charlie 25 106-7

Cornfoot, Charlie 26 333

Cornwall (reformatory ship) 10 96

Cornwall (reformatory ship) 20 No 6 IBC P

Cornwall (reformatory ship) 23 598-603 P

Cornwall Aviation Company 16 247 L

Cornwallis Academy, Maidstone 32 2:8 P

Cornwallis, Colonel F. S. W. 14 751 P

Cornwallis, Frederick 34 2:5

Cornwallis, Lord 32 5:15-16 P

Cornwallis, Lord 4 719-22, 5 457-60

Cornwell Aviation Company 12 287

Coromandel, hoy 16 240-1

Corona Cinema, Swanley 30 6:35

Coronation celebrations 44 3:50-51

Coronation of Elizabeth II, childhood memories of 26 476-77

Coronation robes 35 6:54

Coronations at Canterbury 23 715-6

Corpus Christi Play 25 339

Cory (lighterage) 43 2:27-28

Cory, William and Son 12 43 R

Cory, William and Son 13 12-13 P

Cory, William and Son 18 504 R

Cory, William and Son 26 109, 111

Cosham, Ernest Ebenezer 41 2:14-21 P

Cosham, Frederick 39 6:42-51 P

Cosmas and Damien, saints 37 3:39

Cosmoramas 21 513

Cossack pub, Rochester 45 1:21

Cossington pumping station 4 644-5 P

Cossuma Albertus 16 No 1 IBC L

Costume, Clerical and Municipal, Canterbury 8 335-41 P

Cosway, Sir William Richard 22 477

Cosway, Sir William, memorial 34 4:34 P

Cotteril, Tom 32 6:25

Cotterill, William 39 4:18-19

Cottington, George 20 701-11 P

Cotton industry 11 70

Cotton Powder Company 19 207

Cotton, Rev Arthur 38 5:31

Cottrill, Walter 35 2:31

Couchman, PC Samuel 20 387-9

Couchman, PC Samuel, murder 27 174-175 P

Cough cure 22 12

Coulson, Ian 37 5:9

Coulter, George, epitaph, Crundale 32 4:14

Coulter, John (sub-editor) 45 5:50-51

Countless Stones, Aylesford 31 1:25

Country dancing 21 584

Country Fair 2013, Chiddingstone 34 5:5

Country Magazine 16 378-81 P

County asylum See under Barming

County coroners 16 707-10 P

County coroners 19 469-74 P, 539-44

County directories 16 635-48 P

County library 14 753

County magistrates 19 469-74 P, 539-44

Court family, Waltham 8 37-41

Court Lodge Farm Oast House, Brook 29 3:20

Court Lodge, Lamberhurst 27 105

Court Lodge, Lamberhurst 35 4:10 P

Court Tree, Sheppey 18 405

Court, Daphne (Cheveralls) 41 2:4-13 P

Court, George (Crayford) 42 6:48

Court, Hector Felix ‘Mac’ 41 2:4-13 P

Court, John, Brewer 3 677

Court, Robert 8 40-1 P

Court-at-Street Chapel 2 165, 168 P

Court-at-Street Chapel 45 6:42-51

Courtenay Rebellion 25 457-9

Courtenay, Archbishop William 14 53

Courtenay, Archbishop William 45 5:12

Courtenay, Sir Percy Honeywood 20 225

Courtenay, William 20 493

Courtenay, William 22 243-5

Courtenay, William 24 65-6

Courtenay, William 3 755-60 P

Courtenay, William 7 585-9 P

Courtenay, William, burial 22 244-5

Courthope, Henry 15 363-8

Courtiers 43 4:42-43

Courtney, Kathleen 45 2:21-25

Courts Act 1971 19 107

Cousens, Henry Seymour (photographer) 20 265

Cove, Sarah 38 5:4-5 P

Coverack (coaster) 20 186-96

Coward, Noël, and George, Duke of Kent 41 3:20-23

Coward, Noël, and Peter Wilson 41 6:7-8 P

Coward, Sir Noël 16 559-61

Coward, Sir Noël 20 350

Coward, Sir Noël 26 128 P

Coward, Sir Noël 27 132-137 P

Coward, Sir Noël 35 3:42-43

Coward, Sir Noël 37 1:33

Coward, Sir Noël 4 6

Coward, Sir Noël 40 6:32-37 P

Cowden, church 23 360-2 P

Cowden, Hole Cottage 14 497-9 P

Cowdrey, Colin 43 4:45-47

Cowdrey, Colin 45 4:12

Cowdrey, Colin, at Dreamland 41 5:23

Cowlan, Robert 14 589

Cowper-Terry, Louis 45 3:24-27

Coxheath, cricket club 9 467, 468

Coxon, Lieutenant-Commander Stanley W. 30 1:18 P

Coxwell, Commander Joseph, 2 293-8 P

Cozens, Walter 39 2:15-19

Crab and Winkle Line 16 58-62 P

Crabb, Thomas 39 5:16

Crabble, corn mill 12 58-65 P, 247 L

Crabble, corn mill 18 37

Crabble, cricket ground, River 24 725-30 P

Crabble, paper mill 12 59, 376 L

Crabble, paper mill 21 733–4 P

Cracker Barrel cheese 41 5:42-43 P

Craddock, John 45 4:28-32

Craddock, Mary 37 4:51

Craddock, Patience 45 4:28

Craig, Edith 35 4:4 P

Craig, Edith 43 2:32-33

Craig, Flight Sergeant John Teasdale 41 4:38

Craik, Mrs (writer) 10 8

Cramp family 3 476

Crampton family 12 162-70 P

Crampton, Paul 37 5:17

Crampton, Thomas 22 394

Crampton, Thomas 38 1:38-43 P

Crampton, Thomas 40 5:4

Crampton, Thomas Russell 12 163-70 P

Crampton, William 16 381

Cranbrook 18 176 P

Cranbrook 27 119 R

Cranbrook 31 2:14-15 P

Cranbrook 40 3:42 PR

Cranbrook Colony artists 35 6:28-31 P

Cranbrook Museum 35 6:31

Cranbrook, 19th-century tradesmen 12 540-4

Cranbrook, anti-Wolsey plot 23 451-3 P

Cranbrook, church 1559-65 7 329-32 P

Cranbrook, church 23 450 P

Cranbrook, church 42 4:7

Cranbrook, curfew 23 411

Cranbrook, Dadson’s bakery 31 2:15 P

Cranbrook, dental surgery 1920s 20 749-63 P

Cranbrook, George Inn 7 332 P

Cranbrook, grammar school 13 217-24 P

Cranbrook, grammar school 5 273-8 P

Cranbrook, grammar school 6 506-11 P

Cranbrook, grammar school 8 716-21 P

Cranbrook, ground 9 273

Cranbrook, high street 43 5:46-47 P

Cranbrook, Hudson’s chemists 31 2:14 P

Cranbrook, independent chapel 15 626

Cranbrook, King’s Head pump 18 430 P

Cranbrook, lighthouse 20 533-5 P

Cranbrook, Old Dane House 31 2:14 P

Cranbrook, phantom hound 31 6:45

Cranbrook, Regal Cinema 30 6:37 P

Cranbrook, Royal Observer Corps 4 512-5

Cranbrook, Tyro-Carmine (Pedro Pilgarlick) 12 544

Cranbrook, Union Mill 32 6:40 P

Cranbrook, Union Mill 34 1:11 P, R

Cranbrook, village sign 32 6:40 P

Cranbrook, William Freestone, epitaph 32 3:34

Cranbrook, Winch’s brewery 31 2:14 P

Crane engines 26 259-61 P

Cranmer, Thomas 13 468

Cranmer, Thomas 2 303-6 P

Cranmer, Thomas 24 19-20

Cranmer, Thomas 34 3:3

Cranmer, Thomas 34 5:18-19 P

Cranmer, Thomas 7 102-4

Crawford, Michael 41 1:34

Crawshay, Francis 1 442

Crawshay, Francis 8 464-7

Cray valley 21 515–21 P

Cray valley 25 117 R

Cray, river 34 3:11 R

Cray, river valley 20 52

Cray, river valley 6 607-10

Cray, river valley, policing 18 517-524 P

Cray, river valley, villages 18 360-366 P

Crayford 21 517–8, 520

Crayford 6 607-9

Crayford, Austen family 7 370, 374

Crayford, bridge 32 3:8 P

Crayford, cinemas 21 186 P, 190

Crayford, deneholes 7 615

Crayford, Friendly Funeral Society 2 349-51 P

Crayford, gasworks 12 642 P

Crayford, lock-up 18 522 P

Crayford, Lyles Mineral Works 1 260-4 P

Crayford, Northend county school 22 707-1

Crayford, Northend county school 23 559-63

Crayford, paupers 15 608

Crayford, schools 23 562

Crayford, schools 25 669-75

Crayford, silk mills 5 543-6 P, No 11 IBC L

Crayford, St Paulinus church 15 422-6 P

Crayford, St Paulinus church 34 6:20-21 P

Crayford, St Paulinus church, Draper monument 21344

Crayford, Tom Thumb House 25 669-75 P

Crayford, town archive 32 3:8

Crayford, Vickers factory 2 277

Crayford, Vickers factory 42 6:46-48

Crayford, Vickers factory 6 461-8 P

Creasey, George Mackie 39 5:16-19

Creasey, Son and Wickenden 39 5:16-19 P

Creaseys 39 5:16-19 P

Credgan Ford 20 593-4

Crematoria 10 7

Cremer, Charles 38 2:44-51 P

Cremer, Frederick 38 2:48-51 P

Cremer, Whiting and Co (brickmakers) 1 655-6 P

Cremer, William 28 192

Cremer, William 38 2:45

Crerar, Patrick Duncan 36 4:23

Crescent Line 39 3:48

Crescent Shipping 18 536

Crescent Shipping 19 391-6

Cress 18 52-53 P

Cresswell, C. H. (aviator) 1 648-9 P, 651

Cressy, HMS 45 5:34-45

Crested Eagle 18 122-133 P

Creteway Down translator, Folkestone 31 2:45-46 P

Crichton, Sir Alexander 28 139-140

Cricket 1 236-9 P

Cricket 12 282 P, 714

Cricket 13 183

Cricket 23 378-82 P

Cricket 29 2:12-16

Cricket 36 4:18-23

Cricket 36 5:19

Cricket 5 593-5 P

Cricket, Alexander Pitcairn 35 6:12

Cricket, Band of Brothers 35 4:40 P

Cricket, Barnes Close cricket club 24 639

Cricket, Belmont cricket club 24 219

Cricket, Beverley cricket club 23 379

Cricket, Bromley 39 2:46-51 P

Cricket, Canterbury 0 34-8 P, 238

Cricket, Canterbury 19 649-50

Cricket, Canterbury 20 319-20 P

Cricket, Canterbury 23 379-80

Cricket, Canterbury 24 215-22 P

Cricket, Cobham Hall 31 2:40 P

Cricket, Colin Cowdrey 43 4:45-47

Cricket, county championship (1913) 35 1:15 R

Cricket, County Ground Canterbury 31 4:18 P

Cricket, development of game 39 2:46-51 P

Cricket, Dover 24 725-30 P

Cricket, Erith 11 343

Cricket, Faversham 14 247 R

Cricket, Faversham 25 643

Cricket, Fred Davies 19 332-6 P

Cricket, Goodwin Sands 1 454-5

Cricket, Goodwin Sands 18 226-227 P

Cricket, Goodwin Sands 32 1:23-24 P

Cricket, Goodwin Sands 43 5:35

Cricket, Hearne family 5 395-8 P, 503 L

Cricket, Ivo Bligh 38 1:20

Cricket, John Willes 1 497-500 P

Cricket, Joseph Wells 38 4:10-15 P

Cricket, Kent team, 1914 31 3:24 P

Cricket, Knockholt 11 153

Cricket, Leslie Ames 19 341

Cricket, Major A. J. Evans 43 2:17-21 P

Cricket, Meopham 38 6:22-23 P

Cricket, Mills family 21 493–9 P

Cricket, Old Ashfordians 20 285-6 P

Cricket, Rainham 1889-1910 25 487-92 P

Cricket, Sevenoaks 7 647-50 P

Cricket, single wicket 19 488

Cricket, Tenterden 7 704-6 P

Cricket, Test coverage, 1930s 21 383 P

Cricket, the Grand Match of Cricket (1776) 29 2:12-14 P

Cricket, Tich Freeman 31 3:20-25 P, 31 4:16-22 P

Cricket, Tonbridge 16 103-8 P

Cricket, Tonbridge 24 215

Cricket, versus Philadelphia 12 331-3

Cricket, village green 19 483-8 P, 630

Cricket, W. G. Grace 38 3:21-22

Cricket, weeks 16 104

Cricket, Wenman family 21 493–9 P

Cricket, Westerham 19 333-6 P

Cricket, Wittersham (1834) 3 376-82 P

Cricket, Yalding 11 219, 223

Cricketers in First World War 36 6:14-15

Crime and punishment 27 209

Crime and punishment 29 1:9 R, 29 2:24-29

Crime and punishment 30 1:44-46

Crime and punishment, 18th century 12 181-3

Crime and punishment, Bredgar 34 3:47

Crime and punishment, brides in the bath murders 27 209-210

Crime and punishment, Medway 29 6:12 R

Crime and punishment, murder of Thomas Bonar 29 3:42-45

Crime and punishment, Otterden, Hannah Giles 34 2:50

Crime and punishment, Ramsgate, Stephen Forwood 31 4:34-38,

Crime and punishment, Ramsgate, Stephen Forwood 31 5:42-47

Crime and punishment, transportation 30 3:38-41

Crime and punishment, transportation 30 5:12

Crime and punishment, Tyler Hill poisoning (1909) 29 2:46

Crime, Gad’s Hill 38 5:44-51

Crimea Gate, Brompton Barracks 26 460 P, 462

Crimean War 23 88-9 P

Crimean War, Foreign Legion at Shorncliffe 2 44-9 P

Crimean War, Fort Pitt Hospital, Chatham 1 211-14 P

Crimes and Disasters (book by Bill Bishop) 15 183 R

Crimes involving women, Georgian era 16 279-84

Crimson Field, The 35 5:22-27

Criol family 3 343

Crippen, Dr Hawley Harvey 7 223-4

Cripps, Jack and Mabel 39 4:20-21 P

Cripps, Thomas (nurseryman) 15 91

Cripps, W. (solicitor) 39 4:45-46

Crispe family 22 339-41, 344, 411-6

Crispe, Nicholas 22 339-345

Crockenhill 4 423-31 P

Crockenhill, burying ground 2 574 R

Crockenhill, Chequers Inn 9 215-7

Crockenhill, Hiseman family 9 215-7

Crockenhill, peppermint production 5 250-5 P

Crockenhill, Thomas Wood 38 4:9 R

Crockenhill, Thomas Wood 6 145-50 P, 194-204 P, 250-7 P

Crockham Hill, the Cearne 32 3:40-41, 32 6:13

Crockham Hill, Women’s Institute 11 25

Crockshard school 23 752-5 P

Croford Coachbuilders, Ashford 1 632 P, 640-1 P

Croft-Cooke, Lawrence 45 3:22

Croft-Cooke, Rupert (bookseller) 45 3:22-27

Croft-Cooke, Rupert 41 2:50

Croll, Angus Alexander 20 465 P, 467

Crompton, Richmal 41 2:44-51 P

Cromwell, Thomas 32 6:31

Cromwell, Thomas 34 1:28-29

Crook, Ronald 29 5:11 R

Crooked Billet, Bickley, V2 attack 32 3:6 P

Crookenden, John 37 3:35

Crooks, Will 27 169

Crosby, brass 27 17

Crosier, Nathaniel 12 145-8

Cross, Frederick (Margate) 41 5:34

Cross, Richard Assheton 39 2:18

Cross-Channel swimming 44 6:30-38 P

Cross-Channel, air crash 12 203

Cross-Channel, balloon attempt 8 48-52 P

Cross-Channel, barge service 20 312 R

Cross-Channel, boats 10 167

Cross-Channel, community history network 29 3:7

Cross-Channel, day-trip, 1843 19 337-8

Cross-Channel, excursions 15 701-2 P

Cross-Channel, excursions 16 523-5 P

Cross-Channel, excursions 19 736-47 P

Cross-Channel, excursions 22 289

Cross-Channel, ferries 11 315, 651-6 P

Cross-Channel, Ports 7 540-3

Cross-Channel, postal services 16 615-9

Cross-Channel, swimming 2 559-64 P

Crosse, Rev Thomas 5 582 P

Crossness pumping station 35 5:9 P

Crossness works 18 452 P, 538 P

Crossness works 19 573

Crossway, Staplehurst 30 3:8 P

Crouch, Thomas 23 461-3

Crouch, Tracey (MP) 44 5:39

Crow, Edward 31 1:26-30 P, 31 4:10

Crow, George 24 371-6, 387-9 P, 392-3

Crowden, Charles 13 217-24 P

Crowdy, Dame Rachel 31 5:35-36

Crowe, Catherine (writer) 7 491-5

Crowhurst Farm, East Peckham 30 4:18-24 P

Crowley, Ambrose 20 689

Crowley, Ambrose 22 509

Crowley, Ambrose I and III 24 664-7

Crowley, John and Theodosia 24 668-71

Crowley, Millington and Co 24 671

Crowmer, William 23 149-52

Crown Jewels of Ireland 24 222

Crowther, Bishop Samuel 16 409-11 P

Crowther, Samuel 38 2:31-32

Crowther, Thomas 31 2:11

Crowthorne family 4 19-20

Croydon Canal 13 561, 563, 566 P

Croydon Canal 18 394

Crozier 24 750 P

Cruikshank, Robert (cartoonist) 41 6:30-31

Crump, John (stonemason) 43 1:38-40

Crundal, George Coulter, epitaph 32 4:14

Crundale Tower, Orpington 32 3:46 P

Crundale, church 22 586 P, 588

Crundale, Man of Kent pub tragedy 14 529-32 P

Crundall, Mary 18 9

Crundall, Sir William 26 67-72 P

Crystal Palace 1 548-51 P

Crystal Palace 13 565, 567

Crystal Palace 19 212 P

Crystal Palace 21 200

Crystal Palace, cinemas 21 559

Crystal Palace, fire 8 314-8 P, No 12 IBC L

Crystal Palace, low level 18 207

Cubitt, Benjamin 19 338

Cubitt, Joseph 38 4:42-43 P

Cubitt, the Rev Benjamin 45 2:13

Cubitt, William 19 709

Cubitt, William 20 71

Cubitt, William 23 533

Cubitt, William 25 741-2, 747

Cubitt, William 26 101-3

Cuckow, Thomas 15 481

Cudham 39 3:10-15 P

Cudham, fair 19 727

Cudham, policing 20 638-41

Cuffay, William 35 6:14 R

Culcher, G. C. 6 337-42 P

Cullen, Thomas 37 3:33-34

Cullen, Will 12 325-30

Culmer charity 13 106-12 P

Culmer family (shipbuilders) 21 265

Culmer family, Deal 13 108-9

Culmer family, Deal 6 343

Culmer, Richard 13 161

Culmer, Richard 9 599-600

Culpeper family 20 654-61 P

Culpeper, Anne 24 244-5

Culpeper, Sir Alexander 23 451

Culpepper family, Bedgebury 6 9-10

Culverden Brewery 14 94

Culverstone Green 25 376 L

Culverstone Green, brewery 18 483

Culverstone Green, school 24 731-41 P

Culverstone school 14 448 P

Cumberland (prison hulk) 20 367

Cumberland family, Chilham 3 124-8, 172-8, 231-4

Cumberland, Richard (playwright) 12 679-83 P

Cumbria Clock Company 35 4:13

Cummings, Constance 43 3:33-35 P

Cummings, Ivy 29 4:25

Cummins, Charles William 36 3:15

Cunningham, John 39 3:32-34

Cunobelinus 16 584 P, 587

Curacoa, HMS 16 462-3

Curacoa, HMS 9 583

Curfew bells 23 359-62 P, 409-11 P

Currency bars 16 583

Currey, Rev John, epitaph, Dartford 32 3:29

Currie, Sapper John 10 586-92 P

Currie, Sir Donald 37 3:14

Curse scroll, Farleigh 34 4:8

Curteis family 39 6:25

Curteis, Jeremiah (Rye) 39 4:18

Curteis, Rev T. Arthur 22 223-31 P

Curteis, William 12 433-5

Curtis and Harvey, Cliffe (explosives manufacturers) 15 23-8 P

Curtis and Harvey, Cliffe (explosives manufacturers) 35 4:52-55 P

Curtis, Albert 37 2:24

Curtis, William 27 17

Curtisden Green 3 505-6 P, 508

Curzon cinemas 36 6:10

Curzon, Lord 38 3:16

Cushing, Peter and Helen, Whitstable 40 2:6-13 P

Cushing, Peter, Whitstable 34 3:7 P

Cushing, Peter, Whitstable 42 1:30-31 P

Cushman, Leon 29 4:25-26

Cushman, Robert 12 451-3

Cushman, Robert 14 735

Cushman, Robert 34 6:34-39

Cushman, Robert 44 2:43

Customs 13 224-32 P, 356, 621-3 P

Customs House, Ramsgate 29 1:13 P

Customs House, ship registers 19 91

Customs officers 16 443

Customs officers 28 10-16

Cuthbert, Archbishop 1 24

Cutters 13 531-2 P, 592-9 P

Cutters 9 710-14

Cutty Sark 21 455 P

Cutty Sark 23 83

Cuxton, church, Coosens monument 25 473

Cuxton, station 21 680 P, 683, 685

Cuxton, Whorn’s Place 20 728-9

Cyanotypes 43 4:44-51 P

Cycling 12 81, 239-40 P

Cycling 15 323-6 P

Cycling 25 357-9 P

Cycling 26 685-89 P

Cycling 7 552-5 P

Cycling, Granby Cycles 27 142-148 P

Cycling, H. G. Wells 26 737-44 P

Cycling, in the Second World War 29 5:46-51 P

Cymbeline 16 584 P, 587